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Status Updates posted by Astramorte

  1. Half-Life 2: Episode 3 will not be released for at least another 48 years according to Isaac Newton; I'll be an old hag by that time :( .
  2. I really wished I made this account after I switched to the alias Luna.
  3. Recently finished a DotA 2 game with Lich; I went 15/5/21. Currently at 6 wins and 0 losses as Lich so far. I need to play some more Anti-Mage however; Anti-Mage was the first hero I played and he needs some more attention (and huggies).
  4. I am feeling a bit tired; I still haven't had a good night's sleep since the beginning of the year.
  5. Not sure how much I will be on the chat when things begin to get more busy; I have a busy March and April planned with the Guild Wars 2 beta and of course I expect some extra hours to be added to my current 460 hours of Skyrim.

    In reply to: "i was just on chat and noticed you taking yesterday so i decided to say hi :D always lookin for more friends XD "

  6. Hai Hai whoever you are...

    In reply to: "hello there little miss :D"

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