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Posts posted by RileyWulf

  1. Know I've posted a lot recently - I haven't really modded before so I'm trying to figure out what I'd be capable of doing and what I couldn't.


    I realized that it was a bit strange that only the soldier that killed an enemy got EXP even if someone else shot at it. I'm not sure how possible it would be to have people gain EXP (maybe based on damage they did?) separately for shooting at an enemy, chances are not very easy but I thought I'd ask. The easiest way I can think of to compare this to is with Pokemon, if one so much as fights, they get EXP, if you switch and attack, that one gets EXP too.


    Also a side question - how hard would it be to make Reaper Rounds feel useful? For example, would it be possible to make it higher chance to destroy cover or something?



  2. Was just wondering how difficult it would be to make a difficulty between these two. I don't think I'm ready for the jump to classic especially because I'm going to be doing one of my first text let's plays with this next play through, but at the same time I find normal too easy. I know there was a mod for EU - two actually that I think were normal point two and normal point five. I think what I'd like is to just "unshackle" the AI like it is in Classic so it's not so much artificial difficulty I'm facing, and bigger pods (though I think there's a mod for this?)


    How hard would it be to make a difficulty like this?

  3. Woah, thanks for the in-depth response! That's a lot to take in. I haven't started running around in anything more complicated than the localization files. I thought about uploading the new name lists/nickname lists but I wasn't sure that was worth uploading.


    Either way, thanks for the explanation! I'll look into it when I'm not so busy. It just seems strange that there are so few names for things - I end up with a lot of them repeating.

  4. Been around here for a while, mostly gathering mods for my games. I noticed though that XCom's list of "flavor" text (Nicknames, names of soldiers, town names) were starting to repeat fairly frequently.


    I've already started work on the names list, and I'm going to alter the nicknames/ranks. But I was wondering if there was any other text based thing in the game that was easily modified or added to, like town names or something like that.



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