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Everything posted by apachii

  1. The Nexus site is not working for me today on chrome, can't read comments in my mod or view latest files or do anything but everything works in Internet explorer that I normally never use. But there where problems logging in it says wrong password first but I got logged in after a while using old password. -edit- suddenly just now after I wrote the comment chrome works :smile:
  2. I don't see https and a padlock anymore, I did for a couple of days. Now I see only www. I use Chrome and when I inspect the security it says the page is not secure. http://i.imgur.com/7HgjWPs.jpg
  3. In response to post #15494100. I uploaded my mod again yesterday so you are safe if you downloaded my mod today, and it is only if an exe file is in a mod that you should be suspicious.
  4. You can't uninstall my mod if you use the NPC Overhaul mod because that mod uses my esm as a source for textures for the hair so you will have CTD if you use that mod without my esm file. If you want the NPC mod to work perfect you have to install hundreds of MB of meshes and put in facegendata folder for each NPC that is changed in game to avoid face color issues and each of those NPCs uses a hair that needs the textures from my mod. About your neck seam problem I have no idea what it can be.
  5. No new files uploaded the past 2 days, that is strange, is there something wrong with the file upload?
  6. Thank you for bringing the notifications back, very nice! In the notification information box If it is not to much trouble would it be possible to make the mods in the "New file uploads" have a click-able link to the mod?
  7. Great work on the new skins, it looks much better now. Thank you for making wider comment boxes in the mod pages. I am beginning to like the new design, it does feel fresh and clean. Everything looks and works fine in Firefox 6.0. and Chrome 13.0.782.215 (except that the png icon images are broken in the forum pages with chrome). The only thing I miss from the old site is my mods comment tracking that was such a good time-saver. Maybe it is still here but I have failed to see it? What happened to the new "more mods from this author" that was displayed in the mod page ? Would it be possible to choose what 3 pictures will be shown when someone enters my mod page?
  8. I have been loving and using the Tesnexus site since 2006 and I am grateful for all the hard work that is always done for improving the site. I welcome changes but I must say I did like the old design better because it had more "soul". With time I am sure everything will work out just fine with the new design and I will adapt. What I like about the new design. It is easier to browse the pictures -What I don't like about the new design: -The big orange lines. -White text on orange makes it hard for me to read. -Rounded orange boxes in the upper picture with white text on orange, would look better with square or even better to move it as I have done in my example picture. -Everything cramped together in a small column in the middle with lots of spaces besides. -To narrow column when writing/reading comments. http://tangentgirls.com/gallery/d/27199-2/beforeAfter2.jpg Here is my example of what changes could be made. -Black/dark grey text on orange instead of white. -Smaller orange lines. -Take away the round dropdown boxes, change them to text and move it down. Pictures are taken from latest Opera browser, the orange boxes are not aligned.
  9. Great news, thank you! I can have my mod in one file, that will be so much easier.
  10. Thank you all moderators for working so fast, I reported a suspicious file a couple of minutes ago "Oblivion mod manager 2.0" For what I know there is not a version v.2 and the person joined the TesNexus today and posted the mod file and it was not allowed to comment on the file. The virus file was gone in a second after I reported it.
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