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About Trestor

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    Skyrim, Fallout NV
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  1. it was a copy paste error. now the compilation succeded thanks for your help
  2. [spoiler]Scriptname HighwaymanScriptArmor Property HighwaymanHoodLow AutoEvent OnEquipped(Actor Player)Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, 1, true)Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, true)EndEventEvent OnUnequipped(Actor Player)Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(HighwaymanHoodLow, 1, true)EndEvent[/spoiler]Still get a lot of errors
  3. Hey, today I tried to make my first steps in scripting with papyrus. In Oblivion and Fallout3/NV scripting was very easy for me but now I'm about to surrender :confused: I don't find the error in this little script, maybe I forgot something elemental The Script should be used on a hood. On Unequip another hood should be equiped if the player got "HighwaymanCuirass" equiped. I didn't use this condition because I also don't know how to use it. Maybe someone could show me how the script really should look like Thanks Trestor
  4. Hey Guys, Since some days my game crashes every 10-15 min. I play with a whole lot of mods and it seems that some of them don't work together and let my game crash. I used loot to check the load order, cleaned the mods, created a Merched Patch and a Bashed Patch, but I still crashes. Here's my load order
  5. Hello, My mod idea (or request :blush: ) is a hd retex for the executioner armor... I LOVE this armor I'm so sad that there is no good retex on nexus... Is there anyone who could do this? (Sorry for my bad english :sad: )
  6. Hello guys I need a little help with an item script. This is the plan: If Player or NPC is an argonian (ArgonianRace) and he equips ItemA ItemB will be added to his inventory. If he unequips ItemA, Item B will be unequiped. All this should happen without the equip and add sound. Seems to be easy but it isn't (for me) even with skills in java, python and the old GECK scripts Please help me!!
  7. yeah, after installing High Quality LODs the landscape lod is colored but most of the normal landscape textures are still black.
  8. I reinstalled Skyrim douzend times, cleaned my hard drive, reinstalled every single driver, cleaned my registry, pray to steam and I also opened my laptop and cleaned my hardware, but all this doesn't work. If there would only be a black landscape in the Tamriel Exterior (only there not in the other worldcells) it wouldn't be so bad, but the ingame-clock stand still. Since more than a week it's Sundas 12:pm even if I wait or sleep. Every npc is sleeping inside his house and calls for the guards of I speak to him. If I turn into a werewolf I can't transform back into a human, because the "transformation-timer" doen't run off. The sky looks blue without sun, clouds, stars, moon or something. PLEASE HELP
  9. I tryed to remove some textures and to clean my hard drive but the black textures are still there.
  10. I never had problems with Performance loose or texturs I play on VeryHigh with 40-50 fps even if my system is an old laptop with -512 Ram ATI Mobility HD 4500 -4GB Ram 2 Core But I try to clean my 15GB big texture folder (Skyrim2k, Book of Silence, XCE ...) a bit
  11. I have the problem, that every landscape texture is black and the screen gets black after uninstalling SkyRealism - Time and Travel. How can I stop this
  12. I want to make a mod which makes some vendingmachines sell you nuka cola or SS-bottles. Sorry for my bad english
  13. Here you can write about your ideas for mods. So otheres could use them if you want or you can inform about your projects My idea is: Make the ancient nordarmor a light armor. I would make it by myself but i don't know how
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