I'm trying to add a Fire effect to a door but it appears flat almost like it is being projected onto the surface of the object.I'm trying to use EffectShader on the object - is there some way of getting it to ignore the surface of the object? Here's how it looks... Here's the code I'm using...
Scriptname DetectNearbyDoors extends activemagiceffect
EffectShader Property PFireFXS01 Auto Const Mandatory
FormList Property PrkcDoorList Auto Const Mandatory
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
; Debug.MessageBox("Script start on [" + akCaster + "]")
; Debug.MessageBox("PrkdDoorList size = [" + PrkcDoorList.GetSize() + "]")
ObjectReference[] doorsArray = akCaster.FindAllReferencesOfType(PrkcDoorList , 5000.0)
; Debug.MessageBox("DetectNearbyDoors found [" + doorsArray.Length + "] doors.")
Debug.MessageBox("Playing AnimEffects")
Int iIndex3 = doorsArray.Length
While iIndex3
iIndex3 -= 1
ObjectReference object = doorsArray[iIndex3]
float fx = object.GetPositionX()
float fy = object.GetPositionY()
float fz = object.GetPositionZ() + 20.0
;object.SetPosition(fx, fy, fz) ; Debug - so we know we found the right objects
PFireFXS01.Play(object, 300.0)