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Nexus Mods Profile

About Weazels

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  1. Would like a mod, that makes your Companion ignore combat/enemies. I like Companions, they add nice flavor and traveling without one gets kind of depressing (imo). But, when playing a sneak build, it is just so annoying whenever they charge in before you're actually spotted/engaged. And while Companion engaging in all-out combat, doesn't necessarily put you in "Danger", it just ruins my immersion and bugs the hell out of me. Ultimately/eventually (If even possible). A mod that makes your Companion passive during "Caution" status and only engage enemies when "Danger" is in effect. That would be pretty awesome. But for now, if possible, I would greatly appreciate. A mod that lets you keep a follower with you without ruining stealthy gameplay.
  2. Have you tried the "tcl" console command? No collision command, aka NoClipping. You can walk/fly freely. Don't know if it will do what you want, but you can give it a try.
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