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About Randomanic

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    United States

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  1. I had a dream like that last Friday. I woke up and made my way downstairs to play it, only to realize it was barely even October. I felt magnificently disappointed (rather depressed too), and proceeded to go back to sleep.
  2. Ildri/Halle Ironshield - Female Nord (Main Playthrough) Alrik/Frey Flame-Fist - Male Nord Inera Relvani - Female Dunmer Arvas Othram - Male Dunmer The only character I've put any serious thought into is Lundy Thirst-Quencher, whose beard is always damp with various alcoholic substances and whose tankards are never empty. He lives not-so-quietly in a hodunk southern border town and is a culprit of more than many of the non-lethal tavern brawls which occur at his neighborhood pub, The Drunken Farmer.
  3. Welcom to the Forum!
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