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  1. Long story short. I place an object. I save. I go test it out in game and everything is fine. Then I open the creation kit again and poof! Its gone. Automatically deleted upon opening the ESP in the creation kit. Any idea what could cause this? For a slightly longer version of what's going on I am trying to place a custom crafting station in Nightingale hall. I place in in the creation kit save. Open up the game. Go to the hall and the custom station is there. I craft a few items. Leave think that everything is fine. Boot up the creation kit again. Only to find that the custom crafting station is no longer in Nightingale hall. That cell edit is deleted. All my other progress is stilll there. But that particuar cell edit keep getting deleted. Sorry for kind of ranting. But man is this annoying.
  2. Wait never mind it started working now for no reason. I am confused. But I am not complaining. Thank you for trying to help.
  3. I think so. The Global in question is MySkillOpenMenu. I might be missing something though. As I don't really have a good understand of scripting. Does it look correct? As for checking if the Global did or didn't get set. I am not 100% sure what you mean by this. Do you mean checking in game to see if the Global changed after I activated the object? "And how does setting the global variable trigger opening a menu?" I am using "Custom Skills Framework" to make a perk tree. And it uses global variables to open its menus. I am 99% sure this part is working, as I can open my perk tree just fine by setting the Variable to 1 with console commands. My script doesn't seem to be work though.
  4. So the script in question is supposed to close your inventory and open a custom skill tree when you click on a specific item. At the moment it only closes my invintory. You can open the skill tree in question using the following console command set myskillopenmenu to 1 Essentially the console command temporarily sets the global variable "Myskillopenmenu" to 1. which open the the skill tree. I was trying to do something similar with a script but no luck so far. Scriptname Companionscriprta3 extends ObjectReference GlobalVariable Property MySkillOpenMenu Auto Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) if akActor == Game.GetPlayer() if Utility.IsInMenuMode() Game.DisablePlayerControls() utility.wait(0.01) Game.EnablePlayerControls() endif MySkillOpenMenu.SetValueInt(1) endIf endEvent All the script does at the moment is close your invintory. That part is intential. But its also suppose to set the "Myskillopenmenu" variable to 1. Which it doesn't seem to do. As doing so would open the menu. The script compiled fine. Any ideas where I am going wrong? Essentially I am failing at changing a global veriable with a script. At least I am fairly sure that's what the problem is.
  5. So I was watch a tutorial and it covered how to advance a quest stage through dialogue via a script. For example you could use getowningquest().setstage(20) To advance the quest stage to 20. However it only advances the quest that the dialogue is from. How would I advance the stage of a completely different then the one the dialogue comes from?
  6. Is it possible to change which actions can and can't be done during combat? As you may or may not know there is a wide range of actives you can only do outside of combat in Skyrim (e.g sitting down, cutting wood, mining, ect). Would it be possible to change which actions can and can't be done during combat. For example if I wanted to make sitting possible during combat how would I go about doing it?
  7. Even though I have access to this forum I don't really consider myself a "real" mod author yet, as I don't know how to do much and all my mods are tiny. My most popular mod is a mod that changes walking speed.... So I would appreciate some advice on my first "real" (aka not tiny) mod. The idea of the mod is to give every alchemy merchant at least one unique potion that they invented, to create some variation between alchemist. So they wont all just sell the same thing. Making all the potions was easy enough I've tested them, and they all work as intended. However I'm a bit worried about incompatibility issues as it will add items to so many merchants. What's way would you advise to add a item to a npcs merchant inventory which is least likely to cause conflicts with other mods?
  8. The best type of Murder is the blood Eagle.
  9. So you're saying I should probably stop wearing my Agronian pelt armor on Soulstiem?
  10. "This mod is dead right?" I hope not. I enjoyed the pre beta version, despite it having no voice acting, polish, or sidequests. So I was really looking foreword to the final version :/
  11. Are you still planning on fishing this up?
  12. "All that remains is the last quest" ​It's adorable you still believe that. Feature creep saga DLC sized mod coming 2020.
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