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About rf900

  1. I have seen that your function file differs from mine, seem to have seen it also with other files, not sure it is because of the region as I use the Euro version. Or maybe an update of the game, my original Heavy file looks like this: 1D 66 00 00 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 5F 01 00 00 20 3A 00 00 57 01 00 00 0F 01 00 00 07 15 00 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 12 06 4A 01 07 4F 00 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 2C 02 16 07 3A 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 13 06 4C 00 07 4C 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 1A 06 4A 01 07 89 00 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 2C 03 16 07 74 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 15 06 86 00 07 86 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 16 06 4A 01 07 C3 00 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 2C 04 16 07 AE 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 17 06 C0 00 07 C0 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 5B 06 4A 01 07 FD 00 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 2C 05 16 07 E8 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 19 06 FA 00 07 FA 00 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 18 06 4A 01 07 13 01 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 2C 06 16 04 2C 11 06 4A 01 07 4A 01 9A 00 0B 66 00 00 2C 07 16 07 38 01 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 25 16 04 2C 5E 06 4A 01 07 4A 01 9A 00 0A 66 00 00 26 16 04 2C 5D 04 25 04 3A 09 66 00 00 53 00 00 00 02 00 02 00 EF 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 Can you post your original file? Still I was hoping that as the perk values are the same any change would work for the different versions of the file.
  2. Sorry, similar error as the previous one, search for: 04 2C 2B 04 25 I have fixed the tool also.
  3. You should be familiar with UPK decompressing and/or extraction and the use of XShape as they are needed parts of the process. What this does is ease up what needs to be changed in the files to have the new ability trees. There are two ways to do it: A 1. Decompress XComGame.upk file 2. Use the linked web page to generate the old and new values 3. Use an Hex Editor to search and replace with those values 4. Use XShape to allow the modded file to work B. 1. Extract XComGame.upk file 2. Use the full file modification of the linked web page, (the last 4 boxes that correspond to the different trees 3. Replace existing extracted files with the ones modded (open and replace all with the content in each of corresponding web page boxes) 4. Pack the XComGame.upk file again 5. Use XShape to allow the modded file to work
  4. You are right, I had two values mixed up, the correct one to find is 04 2C 36 06 4A I have fixed the online page.
  5. Will try this afternoon to see what is going on, thanks for the tests.
  6. Thanks for the tests Miin, I fixed a minor error with the last abilitiy of the tree, for your string these are the changes: OLD 04 2C 16 06 4A 04 2C 5B 06 4A 04 2C 18 06 4A 04 2C 5D 04 25 NEW 04 2C 5B 06 4A 04 2C 5D 06 4A 04 2C 2B 06 4A 04 2C 36 04 25 I see now another problem with replacing values in the UPK directly, if you go line by line you will overwrite previous changes unwillingly. Yet again I recommend creating tthe function files with the HEX values given by the tool at the end and repacking the UPK.
  7. Ok, think I fixed it now, need to test this afternoon. :thumbsup: Now the replace HEX values are shorter, but still should be safe to find in the UPK. Still I recommend replacing the entire functions and then repack. Miin can you try now? It should find the HEX values, only once per each change.
  8. Need to review the tool, you are right I cannot find the values in the UPK file I also have the EU version. I have used the second method of replacing the function files and repack, but still got funny things. I noticed that in the levels with two abilitties I have them the other way around, thought it didn't matter but maybe it does. Will look into it and probably generate another list for EU versions. One thing about your list, you have the value 6 repeated at the beginning, are you sure you want it that way? Edited: Ok, found it, my fault, Nolanoth list had it ok and I didn't noticed the values were in a different order. So right now in the levels with two abilities, the HEX codes are changed between them. Will fix it tomorrow.
  9. Hum, I loaded a savegame with the modifed perks and some of them are correct but others not... Wonder if I had miss something. Any easy cheat to enable all perks from start to see if the modifications actually work fine?
  10. Actually I am giving the values to replace in the UPK but also below the values to change each function of the unpacked version. So people can generate the new function files and then use the ModMaker to install them. Will think on the GUI, still Java is not my main strength.
  11. That batch file is very useful, probably that should be the way to distribute mods easily. Will wait for the people working on the mod manager, but some sort of GUI that underneath runs a similar bat would work very well, you will just need to provide the modded function files that should not be too risky.
  12. Done, added to the tool the option to generate the full modified function files, in that case you only need to replace each of them and then repack. Probably easier with the tools we have right now. Will probably end up doing a VB app to generate the files directly and do the repack.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, I would try to improve with your suggestions. I am also in favor of a tool that does the changes in the upk file directly, waiting mostly for the people working on the mod manager to see what the come up with. Just in case they provide something in that direction that I can reuse.
  14. Visual Perk Editor --------------------------- LINK This tool can help to make changes in the classes ability trees easily. You will then get the HEX changes needed to be done in the uncompressed xcomgame.upk file. You can also copy the string of values to easy share different setups rather than share the HEX changes directly. How to use it: Change the values in the boxes for each tree, on the right you have the corresponding list of values/abilities. Click the Generate Mod link to get the list of HEX old and new replacement values. Actions: Fast Read Values: Get a string of values to share or store current setup. Fast Set Values: To set the values in a fast way if you have a string with a setup already created. Generate Mod: Get the list of HEX old and new replacement values. Reset Values: Reset values to default game ones. Thanks to graaa and Nolanoth for their investigations on this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/815794-custom-soldier-ability-trees/
  15. Understood, I have added a check so that it changes the value depending on the position.
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