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Nexus Mods Profile

About TheReagan

  1. i managed to temporarly fix by loading a save outside my settlement , it worked fine, went back to my settlement and saved, quit and loaded fine again ... played few minutes and saved. CTD. my CTD happen to be in the loading screen, right after it load the 3d model. today , without all the mods, it loaded fine even with the save it kept crashing. i'm totally lost at this point. would really love a debug tool >.<
  2. I'm having this nasty CTD while loading a savegame , i'm currently trying to exclude mods , and i load more then once in order to be sure i don't have a CTD problem is, i can't find what it's causing it. this is my actual mods list, i have come so far and 2 times out 3 i can load it fine. http://puu.sh/mjhvN.png and that's the problem, since i can load 2 times fine, i don't understand why the 3rd time i crash. there's something to help me debugging this CTD ? i've installed fo4edit , launching it with all the mods in the list doesn't give me any error.
  3. appreciate you answers , so it's more about polygons then the AI processing. gonna try to see if i can clean something somewhere or reduce shadow details. Thanks a lot to everyone :) and yeah Assanges, it was kinda a stupid question XD but i thought settlers , in particular, had an heavy load, even tho i'm tecnically in the number set by bethesda (but yeah, not the settlement objects tho)
  4. Hello everyone i'd like to know why having more settlers mean less fps. i've locked my game at 30 fps, mostly because while i was at 60, dropping down just to 55 it was stuttering, at least at 30 was fluid. now my settlement is getting very full of things, mostly modded building and a tons of OCDecorator at 20 settlers it's all ok , at 23 i'm getting huge fps drops . i mean, from the thing they can do, i thought the ai of settlers was made on 2 and a half lines of codes. joke aside, why the hell i'm getting such drops ? there's eventually some kind of fix ? thanks :)
  5. this might interest you, but this guy ripped all the posters from the game, idk if if it's something hard to do or not : https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3xmuov/ripped_most_of_the_advert_posters_from_the_game/ would love to have some of them too
  6. actually added a sugar bombs poster just after i posted the thread heh. I am putting in a wide variety of posters in the mod :smile: uhhhh can't wait for this mod to come out , remember to make it compatible with all other main mods . it doesn't touch anything to do with the other mods and goes via the wall decorations tree line of decorating and i set everything up using my username in the title of things, so i highly doubt it will. The only way it would is if a modder completely re-did the decorating menu, changed the file ids and keywords.. which they really would have no reason to. Plus, i have a few big settlement mods active currently as i test, so it all runs well :smile: glad to hear that , so i don't have mess with load order and i'll be able to use them as soon as you publish. (i'm kinda refreshing the most recents file every 10 min) :D
  7. actually added a sugar bombs poster just after i posted the thread heh. I am putting in a wide variety of posters in the mod :smile: uhhhh can't wait for this mod to come out , remember to make it compatible with all other main mods .
  8. Hello everyone, i was wondering if there is a shader preset that allow us to set the DOF (or a different dof) only when we aim (aka right click on mouse), kinda like GTA5 if i remember right. this is gonna be usefull for screenshots and video, because i would use TFC while aiming to get a narrow shot with an increased DOF and TFC without aiming/zooming with a larger shot and less DOF .
  9. Thanks a lot for the explanation, gonna keep being careful on what i add but without ovethinking too much now :)
  10. Pretty new to modding, so i was wondering, there's a limit to the mods i can apply to FO4 before it start to be unstable ? or it just depends on the mods ? aka if the mods are working fine with each others, i can install even 100 mods ? cuz right now i'm sitting over 20 mods and the game work fine.
  11. It would be very nice to have a mod dedicated to all kind of lightsources available and all working right. including fire barrels and other kind of fire related things. Is it possible yet or it's just too hard to work on lightsources ? i spawned some lanterns from the console but they just don't emit light at all :|
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