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About stonefisher

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  1. Hi, I am just getting into modding starfield. I have some experience modding fallout 4 but have not done anything about supporting vortex in the past. Normally when I make mods I just add the ESM and loose files into a folder labelled Data and then zip the data file and MO2 is happy with it. But I tried out vortex out of curiosity when starfield first came out but it seemed kinda janky to me so I went back to MO2. But I except that vortex will have a large proportion of users so I would like to know what I have to do differently to make a vortex version of my mod.
  2. Ah thanks, that makes sense considering I found the keyword attached to the armor rack which is really an npc.
  3. Hi, does anyone know what this keyword is used for: ShowWornItemsKeyword ? I have googled it but havnt been able to work it out.
  4. Well seems the answer is: Form WornEquipment = PlayerRef.GetWornItem(1).Item
  5. Hi, just wanted to ask can this F4SE function GetWornItem give me the base id of worn equipment? I have looked on the wiki but cant be sure: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetWornItem_-_Actor What i am trying to do is get a list of what is equipped by the player but there dousn't seem to be a way to generate a list of equipped items or only transfer unequipped items to another container function. Any help would be much appreciated.
  6. Hi, I have been busy working on mods recently that do not require an ESP to be used as a master. Recently I have been asked to make a compatability patch. My problem is what I used to do to make the creation kit work with an esp file as a master no longer works. I would use fo4edit to flag the esp as a esm. Then work on the mod in creation kit and then unflag the file in fo4edit again. But it no longer works and strips the saced mod of the esp as a master. Could someone please tell me what the working methods are these days?
  7. Thats odd, i made it add the mod association keyword using the same script as I used above and no new mod slots appeared. I added it to the weapon in creation kit and it appeared. The mods I am adding have no 3d model, they are a bit like the legendary mods in that regard except I have added mod association keywprds and recipes so they can be swapped at a workbench.
  8. It is weird I cant seem to add a mod association keyword to a weapon with a script either and that is shown under keywords on the weapon in the creation kit. :/ Does anyone know if that is possible or if there are any mods that have done this? Currently I am not sure you can add a keyword to a weapon.
  9. Added a half second delay between adding keyword and attaching mod. Same result.
  10. Wild guesses are fine. The part of the script that dousnt work is the add keyword part: ObjectReference property ataah_ContainerStorage autoKeyword property ap_test_ataah autoObjectMod Property mod_Legendary_Weapon_PlasmaBullets_ataah Auto const Event onInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(none)Endevent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) ObjectReference weapontomod = self.DropFirstObject() weapontomod.AddKeyword(ap_test_ataah) weapontomod.AttachMod(mod_Legendary_Weapon_PlasmaBullets_ataah) ataah_ContainerStorage.additem(weapontomod)Endevent The problem seems that even though the creation kit handles it more or less like a keyword, an attach parent slot is not a keyword as far as the game is concerned as far as I can tell.
  11. I wish to be able to add an attach parent slot to any weapon via script, While you can add a mod association keyword using addkeyword, I have been unable to add the slot even though it is technically a keyword by using addkeyword. I know my script works as I have added the attach parent slot in the creation kit to a weapon, spawned it into my inv and then used the script to process all the weapons in my inv. Only the weapon with the attach point already added is getting a weapon mod installed. This shows me the only line of the script that isnt working is the line to try and add an attach parent slot. Any ideas on things I could try?
  12. I found the issue, It dousnt like you popping up a message box at game start so i added a time delay to it.
  13. My and r00stafarian's mod: Courser Ghost-Spectre X-92 Mashup - Standalone https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24993 has the problem that when it is enabled and you select new game it goes into an infinite load screen. If you select your character and save the game and then enable the mod it works fine and loads the save happily as well as loading future saves. Anyone know what could be causing this?
  14. I really want to play this game. It looks awesome.
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