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About WantedRobot

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout: New Vages

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  1. Download UModel from the following link: https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel Extract the UModel archive and launch umodel.exe Change path to game files to <install location>\Dungeons\Content\Paks Right click on Game and pick Export folder contents. Change texture format to PNG then click OK Choose Unreal engine 4.22 then press ok to finish.
  2. Download QuickBMS from the following link: https://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm Download the Dungeons.bms from the following link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/698979190942466148/814982769452122127/Dungeons.bms Extract the QuickBMS archive and launch QuickBMS.exe Find and select the dungeons.bms you downloaded and press open Go to <install location>\Dungeons\Content\Paks selects all .PAK files from within this window. Create or select the output directory you wish the extracted files to be placed into. Press ENTER to finish.How to extract Minecraft Dungeons Files with QuickBMS Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORnTAzZSKnM&t
  3. hey OkJustDont we would love to help u make some mods and learn we have a discord (https://dokucraft.co.uk/discord) where all the information and tools are please join and ask in #dungeons for help we haven't documented everything we know so far the best way to find out how is by asking or join us in voice we can show u how to do stuff though live
  4. What version of Minecraft Dungeons do you have? There are two versions of the game on PC, and setting it up for modding is different depending on which version you have. Click the image of the version you have below: Launcher Version Windows Store Version
  5. i would like a mod that adds some Number Stations to the pit boy radio, these stations could have a quest tied to them. the quest could be u have to find out were these Number Stations are coming from and what there are saying and maybe u can find the spy that is using these Stations sorry for my spelling :) some info on Number Stations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_station some video of what Number Stations are https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=number+stations
  6. i would like a mod that lets me have my wife back as a companion with dialogue please could some one do this :D
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