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Everything posted by PhantomNX

  1. I was having this issue too. I reloaded a save before recruiting Waking Cloud and told her no. The issues till persisted. After much trial and error, I have discovered the mod "Humping the Mojave v003" causes this issue even when you don't recruit Waking Cloud. Disable that, don't recruit Waking Cloud, and then talk to Joshua, then re-enable it afterwards. Good luck!
  2. Hello everyone, I need help with my mod, Shock Spell Upgrades. I posted a forum on the mod itself but I doubt that'll get many if any views, so I think this place would be a much better spot to post for help. Here's the link: Shock Spell Upgrades The issue I'm having is with the Thunderbolt spell, and once I find the solution for that, I will be able to apply it globally to all my spells to also fix their explosion art. So, long story short, you can upgrade your shock spells in my mod enough times to get your shock spells infused with fire damage, and as a result, I've ventured to change the look of the shock spells to be red. Now everything is red and looks good except for that explosion, and I've gotten far enough to isolate the problem down to the spell's Impact Data Set, named in my mod MAGShockStorm01ImpactSetRED, based off its default counterpart, MAGShockStorm01ImpactSet. I changed the actual impact itself, MAGShockStorm01ImpactRED to use a different model than the default, impactshock03RED.nif. Inside of this file, I changed all of the BSEffectShaderProperty values to point to my new textures, gradviobrightRED.dds and fxbrightfash01RED.dds. Since FXGlowSpotLinearAlpha.dds has no color values and is pure white/gray, changing it would logically make no difference in my model, as it's just white. Now despite all of this, my model fires a red lightning bolt successfully and it looks red, but the explosion is still blue. I've been trying to fix this for hours and I just can't find a possible way to do any more to the model than I already have. Any help is appreciated. I'm using NifSkope to view the .nif files and photoshop's .dds plugin from nvidia to change the textures.
  3. Hey, I did it. It's only like 2 months later than I said I'd do it. Sorry guys. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74235/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D74235%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  4. I've decided, screw it, I'm going to upload what I've got. Aside from the red lightning looking a bit wonky, it all works very well, and the game data itself is great. So when someone gets a hold of this with real modding experience they can fix it. I'll reply back in the next day or so with the link on the nexus. Edit: Also, I haven't worked on this in over a year and don't intend to again. So ye.
  5. First of all, when I say noob, I mean to scripting, not modding. Secondly, here's what I actually need help on, and it's 2 issues. 1st Issue - I basically am trying to make a mod that upgrades spells. I have all my spells and custom red lightning done I just need someone to write a script for me. I have learned a lot through TES4Edit and Creationkit through my years of personal modding and making armor and dungeons and etc. In addition, I learned that I learn by example quite well, so this will help a lot. My script needs to do only 1 thing. I want it to, upon the reading of a Spell Tome, remove a spell. For instance, when I learn "Enhanced Sparks" I want it to remove "Sparks" from my spell list. That's all. If someone could give me a template for that kind of script that would be fantastic. It doesn't need to prevent me from learning Sparks again. I just want it to remove Sparks once. I tried to download Spell Eraser and open its script up to use as reference, but that leads me to my 2nd issue. 2nd Issue - Anytime I try to open up a script it says "Unable to read in script source code." And then goes back to the previous window. I have notepad++ installed, and it is my default .psc file reader, but even when I try to open any script in my creation kit in a third party editor the option is grayed out. In addition, a lot of scripts like the Oghma Infinium scripts and such are missing from my install folder, yet work just fine in-game. I don't see a Skyrim - Scripts.bsa file for me to unpack so I don't know where to get my scripts. If someone can help me solve these problems that would be awesome and I'd appreciate it more than you know. Thank you to anyone who's made it this far and not fallen asleep. You're awesome.
  6. My Skyrim data folder got corrupted and I had to delete everything... BUT I can remake this mod from scratch if you guys would like... should I?
  7. I might add this to the Nexus one day when I get it working better/really put forth a lot more effort into it. I haven't worked on it in a long time, I've just kind of been enjoying it :P If you really want me to I could put it up sometime in the next few weeks. I don't see much else I can do with the textures as of now, and I think I enjoy it as it is.
  8. I use realistic lighting http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450//? and I have the same processor speed, same ram, same hard drive, and I have an older model graphics card (Nvidia GTX 550 Ti) and I can run Skyrim at 60 fps no problem. I highly recommend that one. But please for the love of god don't get Windows 8 lol either way it's your choice.
  9. No to show you the problem I'm having with the Master Level Destro Spell when it's red. Everything looks fine at first (mostly): Seeing some blue still... Then it shoots and it doesn't look very good lol Notice how blue it is around me... that's what I want to change. So yeah if anyone has any clues about this that'd be nice also :) Thank you very much. Any tips to make this look crisper or cleaner would very much be appreciated. I'm new to changing the colors of spells and things like that with gimp and nifscope (this is my first time every doing this and it's mostly self-taught). I hope it looks decent at least. I'm going to add a quest line and custom NPC to this mod too so it gets bigger and better. For now though, making the spells look good is my top priority. Thanks in advance to any and all who help.
  10. Side by side comparison of sparks and lightning bolt (red version) EPIC Burning Chain Lightning
  11. So I managed to fix the lightning, and it looks really really cool! Now I have another much bigger problem, because now I'm certain I don't know what to do. The master level shock destruction spell, Shock Storm, I have managed to turn red entirely. However, the effect around the person when channeling it is blue and I don't know how to change that. I'll post some screenshots of the new and improved red lightning: Notice the red lightning on the hands :D File size limit reached, gonna post a couple more times.
  12. I may or may not release this (I usually mod for myself) but this is just one of the spells that I'm going to include, I have over 10 lined up and most of them are done but to finish the ones that use red lightning (doing both fire and lightning damage simultaneously) I need to fix this little thing here. I looked all over and I don't know what else there is to change :/
  13. Hello to everyone/anyone reading this! I am currently trying (with success) to create a mod where I add a new spell that uses red colored lightning. I have successfully done this and set up all the data in the creation kit and the .nifs and .dds files and am all set and everything works, except for one thing. The lightning that arcs up my hand when I channel my so called "Red Sparks" is still blue while everything else is red. If someone could help me in isolating the problem and fixing it that would be great, as it looks weird with a multi-colored thing going on. Thanks in advance :smile: I'll include a few screenshots of what I'm talking about, but this first screenshot is me holding the regular sparks spell in my left hand and my own in my right hand (yes I know the circle is a lot more visible on the right hand, but that's how I want it and it's not the point of this topic lol) These next two screenshots will compare Sparks to the Red Sparks I have made to show you all the progress I've done so far, and when you see the Red Sparks you should be able to tell what I'm talking about when I say the lightning that arcs up my arm is blue when the rest is red.
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