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Everything posted by katiemarie090

  1. Yeah I'm hesitant to do an OS install, since I'm a college student and my copy of Windows is at home. But I have uninstalled/deleted/ect. every nVidia thing I can find on my computer. As for the PSU, it's 535W. I took a picture of the label, and also the options I have under 'Gaming' on my CCC. I've attached them to this post.
  2. Err nope, no changes. :c Thanks for trying though.
  3. Yeah that's where they should be, but they are not there.
  4. That link seems helpful, except my ccc has pretty much none of those options and I have no idea what version they are using.
  5. Yeah, trying the other drivers didn't change anything. So now they are back up to date, and still having the same problems. Tried running it on low settings and even that didn't help a bit.
  6. So I pretty much got screwed when I bought this card? Lol. At this exact moment all of my drivers for the card have been updated to the latest version, but I'm going to try using one of the older versions that was recommended. Maybe that will work...
  7. I did indeed. But why would it start bottlenecking with a new card? I've never heard of that before.
  8. Today I installed my newly purchased Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 6850 and everything went pretty well - until I tried to play Skyrim. Before upgrading, I had been using a GeForce GTX 6800, and I always ran it on the lowest display settings. With that card I never had a problem with fps, things always ran smoothly and loaded fairly quickly. However, with this new, 'better' card, I can't even play the game. It takes about five minutes to load everything (going in and out of buildings is a nightmare) and the fps is ALWAYS 5-10. Sometimes it just stutters. I have no idea why using a new card would cause so many problems, since everything else on my system has stayed the same. Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on? Full Specs: Windows 7 32 Bit AMD Anthlon II X3 440 Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 6850 1G DDR3 4G memory 500GB hard drive EDIT: I should add that all the drivers are up to date, and the problems I have with load times/stuttering/fps are consistent no matter whether I try to play on low or high settings.
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