Today I installed my newly purchased Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 6850 and everything went pretty well - until I tried to play Skyrim. Before upgrading, I had been using a GeForce GTX 6800, and I always ran it on the lowest display settings. With that card I never had a problem with fps, things always ran smoothly and loaded fairly quickly. However, with this new, 'better' card, I can't even play the game. It takes about five minutes to load everything (going in and out of buildings is a nightmare) and the fps is ALWAYS 5-10. Sometimes it just stutters. I have no idea why using a new card would cause so many problems, since everything else on my system has stayed the same. Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on? Full Specs: Windows 7 32 Bit AMD Anthlon II X3 440 Sapphire AMD Radeon HD 6850 1G DDR3 4G memory 500GB hard drive EDIT: I should add that all the drivers are up to date, and the problems I have with load times/stuttering/fps are consistent no matter whether I try to play on low or high settings.