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  1. Alrighty, after about 3 hours (getting fresh FO4 install etc.) everything fit together just as advertised. I would have never known where to look for all these amazing textures packs without your help. The game looks absolutely gorgeous and doesn't feel bloated by clunky pre-GECK mechanics mods. I tested the Cinematic Excellence shader and didn't particularly find it to my liking so I went with Subtle ENB, though your tips on toggling modes was still helpful. Unfortunately I found a couple links that were dead, Vintage Vampire Pool Table and All Deathclaws Glow. I opted to disable Cheshire Cats and Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul, personally I thought it was too distracting. After I got your set working I went back and added Weaponsmith and Armorsmith Extended with a slew of stand-alone weapons as well as the Full Dialogue mod and Pleasant UI, two must-haves in my opinion. Currently running 140 plugins, 221 active mods, everything but shadow distance on ultra, 8x AA with Geforce GTX 970 and an Intel i5-4570k 3.4ghz holding 45-60 fps (1080p) with no instability at all. I took a few screenshots just to show off some of the textures, there's no real rhyme or reason to them. Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Anyway, thank you so much for the compilation, it's revitalized my game and I'm rearing to go start my new playthrough!
  2. My selection of mods was a mess and I was nearing a new playthrough so decided to give your compilation a try. It's a pretty daunting selection but even as I download them I can see the world you were going for and it looks pretty badass. I will assuredly return with results.
  3. Another individual gave me the same advice. I clear the initial errors (Which seems to be common, just "yes to all" them) and don't touch the program any further, letting it "initialize windows". Giving it about 10 minutes...nothing has changed . It still goes non-responsive whenever I click on the CK window. On the bright side I've read of a similar bug that also makes the CK crash AND Skyrim unplayable, so it could be worse.
  4. Same problem here. This thread is the first place I've been able to find note of this bug. Hopefully a cause is unearthed soon. Windows 7, 64-bit 2.2GHz quad-core 1GB Radeon 6600 HD 4GB RAM
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