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About dmjay

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    Ultima 7 Serpent Isle

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  1. Do you have your properties linked up with the correct objects? I was trying to do a script to give and object and it didn't do anything until i figured that trick out.
  2. I think you do. If you go to the file menu and create archive it will put all the scripts and stuff you need into a file names "modname.bsa". Then I think you just need to give them both out. I haven't pushed out many mods, but I think that's how it goes.
  3. If you are using an external editor for the scripts then you need to remember to compile the script manually. I just edit the script from the object it's attached to in order to get around that. And make sure you don't have 2 copies of your mod activated! I've done that too. Only the last one in the load order takes precedence.
  4. I think you should look at the code for the soul trap spell. You could create a magic effect that your sword puts on the enemy that you are hitting. In the OnEffectFinish event you would just check it the enemy is dead and then give the weapon the xp.
  5. Do you have different versions of this code in multiple addons? The last one loaded will be the one that is used. Scriptname CrownStatueScript extends ObjectReference Armor Property aaaBarenziahscrown auto MiscObject Property IngotGold auto MiscObject Property GemGarnet auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.GetPlayer().addItem(aaaBarenziahscrown, 1) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(IngotGold, 2) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(GemGarnet, 24) Debug.MessageBox("You successfully make a replica of the crown.") EndEvent Or maybe the item your linking to to give to the player isn't really an item? I had problems with a fork once. It didn't have a description so probably wasn't a real object. Your code looks good to me though! I think it may need to be like this eventually. Scriptname CrownStatueScript extends ObjectReference Armor Property aaaBarenziahscrown auto MiscObject Property IngotGold auto MiscObject Property GemGarnet auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if ((Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) >= 2) && (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) >= 24)) Game.GetPlayer().addItem(aaaBarenziahscrown, 1) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(IngotGold, 2) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(GemGarnet, 24) Debug.MessageBox("You successfully make a replica of the crown.") else ;do not show not enough messages if we just made an item. if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) >= 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) < 24) Debug.MessageBox("You have enough Gold, but need more Garnets") endif if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) < 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) >=24) Debug.MessageBox("You have enough Garnets, but need more Gold") endif if ((Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) < 2) && (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) < 24)) Debug.MessageBox("You Lack Required Items, need 2 gold bars and 24 Garnet to replicate the crown.") endif endif EndEvent
  6. It also looks like your message for not enough ingredients only fires when your missing both the garnets and the gold. I copied the talos shrine and put the following script on it. This seems to work. I linked the gold, garnet, and some random armor bit to the properties. Scriptname KonrikMerge extends ObjectReference Armor Property helm auto MiscObject Property IngotGold auto MiscObject Property GemGarnet auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) >= 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) >= 24) Game.GetPlayer().addItem(helm, 1) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(IngotGold, 2) Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(GemGarnet, 24) Debug.MessageBox("You successfully make a replica of the helm.") endif ;player has enough gold, but not garnets if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) >= 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) < 24) Debug.MessageBox("You have enough Gold, but need more Garnets") endif ;player has enough garnets, but not gold if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) < 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) >=24) Debug.MessageBox("You have enough Garnets, but need more Gold") endif if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) < 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) < 24) Debug.MessageBox("You Lack Required Items, need 2 gold bars and 24 Garnet to replicate the helm.") endif EndEvent
  7. It looks like you need exactly 2 ingots and 24 gems for your script to work. Maybe an >= instead of == ?
  8. It looks like it might be a value that you can change with papyrus. Try using the Actor Value "mass" http://www.creationkit.com/Actor_Value_List
  9. I think you just need to add a bit to the Event OnEffectStart function in the MidasSCPTShapeShift. Make it look like this, it just switches you back to your own race if you are currently the same race as the spell changes you too. Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) if (Target == None) ; Debug.Trace("Trying to transform something that's not an actor; bailing out.", 2) return endif OrigRace = Target.GetActorBase().GetRace() if (OrigRace != PolymorphRace) Target.placeAtMe(appearExplosion) Target.SetRace(PolymorphRace) else ;change back to original Target.placeAtMe(appearExplosion) Target.SetRace(OrigRace) endif EndEvent
  10. You may find some good stuff in the "WarehouseAmbushes" cell. It looks like the basics involve setting up and AI package for an ambush and the using the correct triggers. All of the Bethesda tutorials that I've seen have them copying and pasting from these "Warehouse" Cells. Here is a link to tutorial 7 of theirs, on traps and ambushes. Should be what you want!
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