It also looks like your message for not enough ingredients only fires when your missing both the garnets and the gold. I copied the talos shrine and put the following script on it. This seems to work. I linked the gold, garnet, and some random armor bit to the properties.
Scriptname KonrikMerge extends ObjectReference
Armor Property helm auto
MiscObject Property IngotGold auto
MiscObject Property GemGarnet auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) >= 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) >= 24)
Game.GetPlayer().addItem(helm, 1)
Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(IngotGold, 2)
Game.GetPlayer().removeItem(GemGarnet, 24)
Debug.MessageBox("You successfully make a replica of the helm.")
;player has enough gold, but not garnets
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) >= 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) < 24)
Debug.MessageBox("You have enough Gold, but need more Garnets")
;player has enough garnets, but not gold
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) < 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) >=24)
Debug.MessageBox("You have enough Garnets, but need more Gold")
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(IngotGold) < 2 && Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(GemGarnet) < 24)
Debug.MessageBox("You Lack Required Items, need 2 gold bars and 24 Garnet to replicate the helm.")