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Nexus Mods Profile

About PynkSolo

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  1. Can someone PLEASE create a mod that allows you to ask your companions to carry you and you can carry your companions? There could be multiple options like a nice and cheerful piggyback for when you want to give NAT a fun piggyback ride before throwing her off the elevator in Diamond City! Or you could ask Piper to give you a piggyback ride just for fun. Also this could be useful when your follower has fallen down and you want them out of your way real quick so you can quickly kill the enemies before stimpacking your fallen follower. Or if you could animate the princess carry it would be cool to carry Piper to her doom after her sister. Also it would be funny to carry tough Maccready like a princess. And being carried like a princess would be fun, too. And how firemen carry survivors out of burning buildings? That would be a cool animation, too. Full control of these would be great; Like riding a horse except the horse is a human lol
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