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About Crazylatino25

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  1. I'd Like two new expansions. Maybe a werewolf vs. vampire war with all new features and new areas. Another one which i think might fit in a lot better and a lot cooler would be the return of the dwemer. Possibly discovering a lost city where they still are and have them return to the world and letting you possibly play as one. I dont know too much about the dwemer but an awesome main quest for that about maybe why they are hiding or if they just secluded themselves.
  2. I dont know if there is a thread on this or not sorry if there is but, i just came across it and it had some cool new footage along with the interviews hope you enjoy http://www.fudzilla.com/games/item/24696-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-gets-a-new-trailer
  3. I'm confused. Does anyone know if the collectors edition comes with the burlap preorder map or does it only have the paper one that comes with all copies of the game. Or can you preorder the CE and get the map? thanks
  4. i'd be that happy too if not happier if i had skyrim in my hands.
  5. When they say animal companions do they mean just dogs or can u get wolves, maybe crabs or other such animals? Because like in fallout you would meet the random NPC's who have befriended other animals like the mole rat i think from New Vegas or i think rad roaches. Anyone know or think it might be in Skyrim??
  6. Im glad they do have enchanted bows. that bear is so screwed he dont even know it. Im so excited now and it makes me mad we still have a little less than 2 months
  7. Gears of War 3 is coming out soon and I need to upgrade my xbox and was going to the limited edition GOW3 one but, if there were a Skyrim one i'd want it way more. Does anyone know or have thoughts on whether Bethesda is going to have a special edition xbox or are the 2 at pax prime the only skyrim xbox's?
  8. and if im close to dying this will play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBR2G-iI3-I and if i do die then i will have this playing I am the theme song dovakhiin
  9. Mine would have to be this And when im serious ill have this play in my dramatic entrance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnslrTTXQSA
  10. The thing about fictional creatures is they're often redefined to meet the needs of the narrative or even just the author's aesthetic whims. For example, Bram Stoker's original Dracula could survive perfectly well in daylight. I think most vampire fiction believes that Dracula is like the first vampire who can survive in daylight and defies other stuff that normal vampires will be weak to.
  11. I think i'd have one and take it around wherever i go as for it being a dog i hope there are different types or possibly different animals since it says animal companion and not dog companion.
  12. As for becoming High King they will probably ask if you want to be. Personally I wouldnt want to be but I think the other option would probably be making Esberen(not sure name but the last blades guy) will be made king
  13. I think Skill minigames would be fun with smithing probably having a minigame to only increasing skill i'd like to see fun things involving NPC's to increase your skill in lets say Archery. I think an Archery competition involving other NPC's would be cool and you would have to get the best score on a target and winning would increase the skill. Edit: Other skills with minigames like this could be fun too!
  14. Really dig that armor. Anyone know what it is? iron armor maybe :confused: Supposed by the shoulder pads, I think it's Orcish armor. I think its high quality iron armor, its common armor so its supposed to have more of a nordic look. thats my guess
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