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About ReyMysterio

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  1. Heyy i have another question :rolleyes: someone here who knows a mod where i can change two handed weapons in one hand weapons and one hand weapons in two hand weapons ? and someone knows a mod where i can reverse onehand weapons ? hope you guys can help me :thumbsup: thanks for your help...beforehead :wink:
  2. Heyy Guys :thumbsup: is here someone who knows reverse weapons and some dual weapons i hope someone have some cool weapons :laugh: thanks for your help...beforehead :sweat:
  3. yeah i know....hope she comes back soon :sleep: the funny thing at this mod is tha i have found all weapons that i can get except this dual blades :sweat:
  4. i did already....but she dont answer...thats the problem :wallbash: do you know the weapon in the second video ?
  5. yeah :thumbsup: i have sent them already an message....but they still dint answer :wallbash: but may someone answers the question here :biggrin: thanks for all your help guys :biggrin:
  6. hello guys :laugh: where can i find this weapon in romuskas fantasy store ? and where can i find the armor in this video ? and may you also know the textures of the charakter, and the hairs...... :rolleyes: and where can i find the weapon from this video ( the weapon at 8:08) hope you gus can help me :thumbsup:
  7. thanks....but i have the mod already...but i dont know where i can find the blades :sweat:
  8. Hello guys ;D it´s me again...with another weapon and armor question :wallbash: who knows the name of this weapon and this armor.....and where can i fin them: i think that i cant get the weapons with the mod "Romuskas Fantasy Store" but i dont know where i can get them :dry: if someone knows the texture and the hairs etc. you can also tell me pls :sweat: Thanks for your help guys :thumbsup:
  9. Heyy :thumbsup: i dont know i this is what you looking abou...but i think this armor is relly cool....and nordic style :biggrin: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26543
  10. Hello Everyone :thumbsup: who knows the name of the sword in the video ? which mod is it ? and where can i find the sword ? pls help :ohdear: you can se the sword at 8:08 in the video
  11. Puuhhh.......finally it works :facepalm: they should write in the readme that they sell the armor in an hiden room...(bookcase) :sleep: but its ok...now that i have it :laugh: just the weapon is missing :devil: thanks for all your help guys :cool:
  12. DAMN ! :mad: i triend now to install the addons 7 times....but they dont work....i dont get them in the list of the launcher....and becauce of that i also dont get them in the shop :(
  13. Wohooo thank you guys :thumbsup: we have the armor ( thnaks to razorpony :biggrin: ) now only th weapon is left :rolleyes:
  14. ok thanks :biggrin: but theres another problem: i know this list and i think that i have looked 4 times trough :sweat:
  15. thanks for your help....but this isnt the armor that i want......im looking for the armor at 8:08 in the video.... :sweat:
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