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Everything posted by Juankis

  1. I had the same problem with the new Ling's mod, so I rewrote the old face textures files on top of the new Ling's ones and that fixed it.
  2. Thanks, that worked like a charm, but now the re-positioning won't stick, I got it to work once but wen't to far high up, now I can't remember how I did it in the first place
  3. If you summon him from outside the Gomorrah with the console (prid (guy's ref id), moveto player) does he stays there or does he goes back to CF? You could also just disable him in CF, the re-enable and move to you, once you are outside Gomorrah.
  4. I'm trying to resize an existing mesh using nifskope's scaling features, but the changes I make to the edited nif file do not show in the game. It's always the original mesh. What am I doing wrong? I'm doing this by right click->transform->edit->scale.
  5. Thanks for the hep, I was using an existing one and changing the editor's ID and effects, guess I had to remind it that it was meant for apparel.
  6. When I make a custom object effect it doesn't appear in the drop downs for me to apply it on any of the gear.
  7. Where do I find the go.nif file from where the various equipment items get their world model. I look in the directed path but nothing appears.
  8. Noobness is what happened, I got it working, more or less as intended, now to learn scripting.
  9. As we can't see the image you uploaded, you might be having the same problem as me. Which involves both the Type 3 and Breeze's body replacers. In case the images don't show clearly, the female's lower body/hips appear with another darker texture, as well as some odd looking effects on the breasts area. On the males, the odd texture is only limited to their left foot. Any help on correcting this would be appreciated it. I copied the body texture files from my FO3 folder on top of the ones from NV, this fixed the textures on raider types, no idea why it only worked on them and no the other characters.
  10. Ok, my scripting skills are extremely lacking, I wanted to make it that unless the character is wearing some sort of Sleepwear, you can't get the well rested effect. Someone else cares to give it a try?
  11. How about this for a quest mod. If the player picks up the Pint-sized Slasher's mask at the motel in Point Lookout, a message appears announcing that he hears a gurgling laughter in the distance , (maybe with sound effect too). Oh horrors of horrors, the Pint-sized Slasher is back from beyond his unmarked grave in the depths of the swamp. The Slasher, preferably using the body of a ghoul child, with his trademark mask and knife begins hunting the character, if the character manages to defeat the deranged killer, a message announces that this might not be enough to stop it. Once the Lone Wanderer returns to the Capital Wasteland, the hunt begins a new. The Slasher would now be essential but if rendered unconscious, it will take hours for him to get backup, plus you wouldn't be able to loot his mask and knife. The slasher will not go into inhabited areas, awaiting for the player to be out in the wastes before attacking. To escape the curse the player will have to research into the history of the Pint-Sized slasher. The game already mentions in a terminal in The Capitol Post building, that the Germantown Police is investigating the case, adding a terminal in the basement of the Germatown Police Station with some insights as to the motivation of the killer. Maybe add more clues to follow here but I'm not really sure. The final confrontation would take place at a newly created crypt underneath the Hallowed Moors Cemetery, if defeated (maybe with a specialized weapon or something), the killer will finally stay dead and his gear will be lootable. A foreboding message claiming the Slasher will return yet again appears in classic slasher movie style. If at any point the player sells the mask to a vendor, the NPC will appear dead sometime later, the mask will be gone from his inventory, and the quest will be failed. well that's a very long explanation, as the G.E.C.K is still way over my head I would love for someone to try and do this quest, and hopefully up the scary factor a bit more.
  12. My render window is not responding, when dragging an object into it, it does show a "+" sign, but other than that it does nothing,
  13. I'm new at this whole modding thing, so I was wondering if there is a way to apply one version of the manicured small hands to the PC, another version of those to a handful of NPCs, and regular small hands to the rest of the NPCs.. Sorry to be a bother and thanks for any help you can give me.
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