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  1. I want to create a new voicetype called FemaleEvenTonedJapan that uses voice files from the Japanese version of the game. I then want to assign that voicetype to specific npcs. I've created the voiceType in the creation kit and assigned it to the npcs. I've copied the Japanese voice files, in their correct file structure, into the voices directory and named it FemaleEvenTonedJapan. That doesn't seem to work though. What steps am I missing?
  2. I have an npc that is riding a dragon and I want to be able to fight the dragon while the npc is riding the dragon. Whenever combat starts, the rider dismounts to fight on foot. One fix I found is to make the rider ignore combat, however, it appears the rider's AI takes over the dragon's AI as both the rider and dragon refuse to fight. How can I make the dragon engage in combat while the rider sits idly? If they can cast spells that'd be nice, but I guess that's not possible.
  3. Using a combination of keywords, packages, and ownership, I've gotten it to work, but now I have another problem. If combat starts, the rider immediately dismounts. How can I force the rider to stay on the dragon?
  4. I'm trying to create a boss fight where an npc is riding a dragon. Ideally the npc can cast spells while riding, but if they just sit still and observe while the dragon fights, that's ok too. Could anyone help with this?
  5. Would you happen to have an esp to demo your work?
  6. I used Cathedral Assets Optimizer on my entire mods folder today and now the game crashes when I try to load a save file. I've read that certain mods llike those with audio and animations shouldn't be packaged as BSA. What other mods shouldn't be packed?
  7. Hah, I think we can rule out save bugs as I usually just boot up the game (with a new character) to test out new mods.
  8. Aside from papyrus logs, how can I determine why the game crashes? How do I know if a mod or script is responsible? If there's a problematic mesh, how do I know what it is? Game will suddenly crash to desktop. Usually never at the same spot. Gpu has 10GB and vram usage appears to hover around 8 Gb. Have optimized textures and meshes.
  9. Is it possible to do some trickery by applying one shader that affects everything and then a second shader that affects skin only, that cancels out the first?
  10. In the creation kit there's a way to make effect shaders affect skin only. Is there a way to do the opposite such that the skin is not affected while everything else is?
  11. It takes a long time to make a change to a script, start the game and test. Then close the game, make changes and test again. I'm trying to test a active effect attached to a spell on an actor. Is it possible to reload the script without restarting the game?
  12. I'm trying to modify soul trap so that it's not just a single stream from the target to the player, but multiple stream, coming from each of their limbs, body, and head. How can I change the position of where the streams originate from?
  13. You know those oil trap puddles? I'd like to create a scenario where the oil is dripping from a source and slowly spreads to fill a space. Is it possible, through scripting or otherwise to dynamically change the size of the mesh? (ie. it'd have to update multiple times a second)?
  14. Thanks a lot. I had something similar but my armor script was extending Object Reference instead of armor. Works now! As a follow up question what happens when you try to access a none in papyrus? Would the game crash in this case if ScriptRef was none?
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