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Everything posted by Manjarowolf

  1. I've had success swapping models and editing NPC files, but I've found that when changing things in Ciri_player.2went and testing them out in game, Ciri remains unchanged. I tried replacing her model with the succubus model and it doesn't work. the game launches and everything runs, but she remain the same. I tried it with and without the alt outfit turned on, I even thought that perhaps I could mod the alt outfit as a sort of pseudo-override, but the alternate outfit doesn't seem to be changeable as far as I know (The 2went file does not contain an appearance list but more so each of the appearances are separate files). I'm not expert however so does anyone know if model-swapping Ciri or Geralt is possible? Clearly there are mods that have such edits but maybe I need to go much deeper than replacing files. P.S. Yes I have read the model swap guide by the brothel swap mod creator. it doesn't note anything about player files, just NPCs (Which work. I can model swap Ciri as an npc but not her player file).
  2. Hey guys, I've been messing around with texture dumping for awhile now, and I've decided to stop practicing and actually try to change up some textures. I wanted to start with Alvina and Sif, since i'm currently in the Forest covenant with my new toon. Finding their textures wasn't so hard actually. it's very easy to identity her face and Sif's. However it is not their base textures i'm having problems with getting, it's their-what I ike to call- blur-fur texture that are giving me lip. After going through almost all the possible TGA's I could think of that could be this overlay of what seems to be poorly low-res digi-fur, I given up for now and focused on Sif- though his bur-fur suffers the same issue of invisibility-. There are actually textures under all that eyesore, and I can't even texture mod them properly because the fur is literally covering about 94% of both their bodies. I've come to the conclusion that Alvina's is different from Sif's though, because he has slight touches of brown in his fur, where Alvina does not. However, there are grey fog gates, grey sif texts, hair from armor, Gwyn, etc. So I ask simply can anyone help me check which textures this thing could be? so I can get either modding them to be a better resolution or just make them transparent to see how the base textures flow without it. if she was a bit specific on color anywhere it would be easy to identify it. TL;DR I need help finding Alvina's fur textures. Not her actual base texts, UV maps, or Normal Maps. Just that stuff that looks like layers of floating hair.
  3. If this post is still alive I'd request some voice actors. My mod here: A Moolit Night
  4. Sure thing. I'll send it to you now. I was actually gonna go ahead and post it on the nexus as an alpha and w.i.p. so if you want you could download it and test some things there. I still need to get some decent voice actors.
  5. Ironically, the Deck16 tutorial was the first one I used. it yielded nearly usable results. maybe it was me, but I just couldn't get it working. The link to those videos above actually seemed to help a bit. Though it's a bit odd that my follower is a female and I used my voice as a test, it actually worked perfectly. I have the follower dialogue and random misc. dialogue working. Didn't watch all of them but the first few, so maybe this'll work. though I still think I require some help to complete this mod.
  6. Thanks, I'll give it a go. Hopefully I'll get it right. If not then i'll really need the help.
  7. "I need help..." ~Everyone at one point in time. I'm at my ends, everyone. I've been trying to get this custom follower mod I've had going for a long while now, and I just can't work the voice system; it's the only thing holding me back... This small yet crucial part of the mod has beaten me time and time again, and I feel that at this point I should just ask for someone who most skilled with the CK to -hopefully- join me on the project and handle the follower dialogue and voice files. I'm trying to make a fully custom-voiced follower, and so far I only have a few test files from a voice actor to mess around with. One time I got one of the lines to work, but I went through an ordeal of trouble just to get it to play, and it was misc. at that; It only played randomly via passing by as a "hello". I have an above basic understanding of the CK, so i'm not too unfamiliar with it. Hopefully, someone who's good -and more patience- with the CK who knows how to work the voice system and dialogue input better than I do(could possibly be anyone) can assist me on this project so I can finally be at ease on this mod, and eventually finish it. If you can help me with this, respond below or shoot me a PM. We can talk, and I'll exchange the voice files and follower so you can help test. If we succeed, All I could say is I'm deeply grateful to you.
  8. Yo guys. I have this weird issue where Harkon does his whole banishing me bit -because I'm a werewolf and all that jazz- and just before the loading screen comes up to send me back to the ferry boat, my followers (Meeko who I told to wait at Dawngard fort and a custom follower, Alvhilde, who's outside the castle waiting across the lake) get teleported beside me inside the castle a split-second before the banish takes effect and then after the loading screen is up and I'm back at the ferry boat, their gone. I'm outside the castle and my follower I left there isn't there. I do have mods like Ultimate Follower Overhaul that affect my followers. Could it be a glitch with UFO or Dawnguard -which has been known to have plenty of issues-? Thanks for anything that'll help me out here.
  9. Thanks for the information. I hadn't really thought too far into the extensive parts of it, just how I would actually get it written in the script so it would work. I just want the spell to activate at the targeted corpse(if possible), and have an invisible timer start up as if the summoning takes time; sort of like a stalled or delayed spell. Once the the timer hits 15 seconds, the spells effect activates and then summons the Dremora and replace(or better yet it would likely delete or remove) the dead body. Now that I think about it, that fade would be nice, but I'm not particularly inclined to have it implemented. I know that the remove functions are limited and a body needs to be disabled first so I'd have to get that in somehow. But if I'd need a placeholder friendly invisible unit and the other stuff, how would I go about that in the script? Or what would you suggest I type that would bring me the closes to that?
  10. You'll all have to forgive me for not posting updates regularly. I've got other mods as well as college studies that pre-occupy my time so I won't post a lot. But I'm seeing this mod through that's a promise. It'll take some time (a lot actually) but it's not dead. Leave you info in my inbox via PM and voice files that yo have. If you're interested in being on the modding team and the technical side of things, PM me with "urgent" on your message. Thanks, Wolfie.
  11. I know this might sound a bit much, but could anyone help me out with the scripted effect for a spell I'm making? The spell requires a target that is a dead body and the range is targeted. I want to make it so that when the spell is cast on the target, a message at the top says "replacing soul...", waits about 20 seconds, and then summons a Dremora in its place. I'm not sure if I can make the corpse actually swap rather than just summon the Dremora but I just wondering how i'll make this work. Would anyone know how I write that out in the a new script? I'm not very advanced with scripting and I'm still learning, So would someone be able to post how it's suppose to look in the Edit Scripts window? What parameters would I need to set and would the summon be limited in duration or could it be made permanent until death? Please help me out here guys. Thanks
  12. Why is it that when I take one step away from the forums, people start show up like phantoms XD. I gotta make this page my home page from now on. Let's see what I missed: Don't worry, the mod doesn't require anything battle-hardened(At least not yet), as I have stated earlier that I'm working on this piece-by-piece(alone for now), So the story is slowly being developed in a way that I can make it happen within the game. It's a long process, and it'll take some time. Asking if there are still spots open for mods on the Nexus forums is like asking if free health-care still exist in Canada. Yes, I'm always open for new people to help me out on this. the more the merrier. The first part of the full script is on the first page of this thread. Just download it if you can, read through it, see a part you like and send a voice file sample of the lines your auditioning and I'l see where I can fit you. Or if you feel otherwise, send me a self made voice sample of your own making. If you don't find any role you'd be interested in on the current script version, new roles are always opening up, so just stay tuned and more will come. For everyone else, same thing as above. If you want a part PM me on the forums or my e-mail([email protected]) to show you're interested in the mod, or just send me a voice sample or if you're not doing voices but want to help me with the technical parts, be sure to PM me at the forums for signing on. And I'll remember to keep everyone updated on the mod and its progress. THanks again guys for your support. :thumbsup:
  13. not yet i'm afraid. i'm still working on this mod's technical sides. so i'm changing the story as I progress. I'll release another update soon.
  14. Second Script edit is up on the 1st page of the thread guys. Make sure to download it from there. and not the one above! :turned: Thanks again! Wolfie
  15. Think you could give this a read? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/831194-voice-actors-needed/page__st__10#entry6836371 It's a new follower mod i'm doing and it's still in development. i'd like to know if you're interested. I could use some good voice actors. +)
  16. I know I've posted on this thread before but I actually got my mod kicking this time. http://forums.nexusm...10#entry6836371 It's only part one of the script with a few of the characters but there will be frequent updates on the story, characters, and more. If anyone is interested in voice acting, giving suggestions or joining up in a team to make the technical work a bit easier for me and the mod, please give me your input and your condolences. I'd be happy to hear what the forum have to say and i really want this mod to come to life. Not many Khajiit follower in Skyrim(seriously there are exactly 2 Khajiit follower and even less, 1, for Argonians. All of them are MALES too! No beast fem love Bethesda? I'll try to do something about that in the future) nor are there enough followers with an engaging enough background or story. so I want to make a follower who is both compelling and distinct who's somewhat of an anti-hero. Enjoy and tell me what you think. =)
  17. I'm making a mod here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/831194-voice-actors-needed/page__st__10#entry6836371 (not quite sure if this request should be in the mod troubleshooting sub-forums, but if not, someone let me know.) and I need some people to help with the technical parts of the mod. i'm looking for people who are good with the creation kit and making quest. If i can get a team assembled(I sound like superman XD) I would be able to make this mod a bit faster and have something to show for it on the Nexus. If anyone is interested please pm me or respond on the forum and i'll send you a copy of the mod files and how i want this thing to go down. If you have any question or suggestions, let me know. Thanks, Wolfie
  18. here is the first script release. It mostly contains only a back-story, and a major of Jhaz's first part of dialogue. send in auditions of the dialogue if you wish to be a certain character. i will keep posting to keep you all up to date on the mod. If you have anyone who can join up for dialogue or working the actual mod, please send them my way. Oh and for the dialogue. the player parts are not meant to be spoken. Thank you all for your help, Wolfie!
  19. I can work you in. I'll have some nords mercenaries and hired hands so I'm sure a strong country accent will go nicely. =) Like I said in the comments above, I send the first script out b the end of this week.
  20. Excelent, i'll forward the script later on. should have it to you by this week. I'm doing this mod and other ones and class project for my college courses so i'll need some time to get everything together guys. =D On a side note, anyone think that they can do a Dunmer voice?
  21. This is why i need to quit taking breaks from the forums. I get responses and I come back a bit late. But thanks man, I really appreciate it. i'll message you the script and I'll try to add a video to show the kind of personality i need. I could type it but it might be taken a bit off if i do. And if you find more who are willing to help, send them my way. =D
  22. Come on guys, throw me a bone here. =)
  23. UPDATED!!! The second Mod script edit is up with new character backgrounds, more dialogue, the second quest in the mod. And now, with Name pronunciations!!!(*if you PM me for them*) Hello Nexus forums! I've been working months on a new Khajiit follower mod and I need you help. I'm currently looking for voice actors to do the dialogue for a Female Khajiit, a handful of vampires(Predominantly female but a few males too), a few Dark elf males and 1 female, and a handful of vigils of Stendarr and hired mercenaries. The mod is about a Mysterious Female Khajiit named Jhazii'Ka(Jazz-e-cah) Who appears in Riverwood behind the Inn after the player reaches level 10. She is not part of any of the Caravans in Skyrim but she is familiar of them. She stands there greeting the player as they come across her. After plausible dialogue, she offers the player a job as a bodyguard of sorts. if the player accepts, she shows some light joy to it, and ask that the player leads the way for she is a stranger to Skyrim. She also ask to travel only at night if possible. If the player visits Whiterun, and enters The Bannered Mare, the player will be attacked by hired thugs(or vampires. still deciding). after dispatching the threats the player will confront her about the attackers. Jhazz will ask the player to rent a room as she explains and the story progresses. - I wanted this mod to work somewhat like the Willow Follower mod from Fallout NV, so Jhazz will open up bit-by-bit and become less sardonic and cynical as her story progresses. - Jhazz will also have multiple lines of dialogue. so she will reach differently to how the player reacts to things. Such as taking pleasure in seeing you kill enemies stealthily rather than bluntly. - Jhazz will also have something to say about most of the games main story and quite possibly other certain side quest. I wanted Jhazz to be dynamic and unique but at the same time, I just REALLY wanted a new kind of follower (Only 2 Khajiits? Both male? Really Skyrim?? ;>.>) - Jhazz is a vampire Khajiit(Just in case I didn't make it clear). I wanted a reason to LIKE vamps(I've got a werewolf OC But that doesn't mean I can't get along with them. their just useless...) So I wanted her to be brooding and self-loathing of her affliction, but she is not condemning of Vampirism, showing that she actually prefers it and does not wish to change herself. - She will NOT join you if you are part of the Volikar or intend to be( had to remove Dawnguard from the requirements because of..... well Bethesda. So for now don't worry about this.) Jhazz was turned after being slaved into Skyrim to vampires. So normally she would approve of you Joining the Vampires. She will actually join you if you are Dawnguard because she wants revenge for her life being stolen from her. As more and more of the story develops Jhazz becomes fully trusting of the Dragonborn and believes him/her to be her only true ally and friend in the world. I'll be revealing more and more of the story further on. but for now I'm looking for anyone who is interested in voice acting any of the stated character list above. If so, then review the 3 lines I have listed here and send them to me either through the forum or an email with the sound files at [email protected]. Fortunately, I've finally got around the problems I had in that post(It apparently was Dawnguard.esm) and am now back on the road. If you guys have any suggestion or wish to work in a team on this project rather than voice acting, be sure send me your thoughts and recommendations. I can't wait to get this mod off the ground. Thanks everyone who is willing to participate and wish me luck. =D
  24. That's what i'm saying. I've tried .wav because most guides say to do so. heck even the actual vanilla sound file are nothing but .wav and .lip files. doesn't work for me. Another guide say to convert the .wav to a .xma and merge it with the .lip file to create a .fuz file. It'll preview on the CK then, but it still doesn't work in game. the NPC is mute. I've tried the reloading method. no results. I can't seem to get anything out of this thing. The entire CK doesn't give me trouble at all really. It's the voice/sound making process that burns a hole in my skull. Again i ask: Could it be that I use Dawnguard as a prereq for this Follower mod?(When it first came out, I heard people wouldn't touch it because it was buggy.) It''s also a Khajiit, so is there a problem for the CK there?
  25. No it's alright. any feedback helps in some way. When I record and replace the blank Temp.wav with the .wav dialogue i record, it won't preview in the CK. Other guides have told me to convert to .xma and some say to merge the .xma and the .lip file to create a .fuz file. I have all three format of the sound file. I've tried each separately and -at one point- all of them in the folder together. Ironically, with all three files in the mod's voice folder, it previews in the CK(even though most existing sounds in the CK only have the .wav and .lip). but even still when I test it out in game, the follower says nothing. the .wav files are mono as suggested by the guides, and other things but it just doesn't want to work. the custom voice making process is the only part in the CK that gives me any trouble. If you or anyone has any expert experience or have at least found a fool-proof way to make the voice making process smoother, I would appreciate it greatly. I just want to make my mod. Another month burning my eyes to the words "Unable to open Audio file" or a mute Khajiit is something I don't need. Could it be that I have Dawnguard included as one of the required .esm? If it'll help i'll give you the full specs of the npc...
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