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Nexus Mods Profile

About Fuzer

  1. Thx man, you can continue playing MW3 then.
  2. hi, is there any way to give us a sub forum about characters builds? This game is pure roleplay, and for me and many people I know, would be great to have a section to post and discuss about some builds (1h/2h Paladin, bards, necro, etc, lots of combinations!). General section is great, but it is so active, and some threads are lost in 2-3-4 page so fast. Cheers!
  3. most of you are level ~45, and by getting smith lvl 100 you think you got the best of the best? you think you finished the game? o jezz. Stop complaining and keep playing to discover new things.
  4. If I enchant an armor with "+20 magicka", it will only give me like +2 magicka. It's ok, ecause i have not developed enchanting skill. But, how to get "+20 magicka" (I mean 100% of what the enchanmet say) Just giving 5 points to the initial perk (enchanter perk), or also leveling the enchanting skill? thx in advance! PS: also a grand soul gem?
  5. Use a follower, and power bash the giant while he is attacking your follower. Get a lot of stamina and health potions. I'm lvl 15 and kill them pretty easy in expert (i just get 1 hit rapped in master)
  6. I've read a lot of books, but I dont up spech skill ._.
  7. by selling "one by one" you mean, selling the single item, quit , and then talking to the seller again? Or just one by one :)?
  8. Sorry, but what do you call home? A fixed place, that is created to live (for example, the 5k house in whiterun)? or something you call home? ( I sleep in Companion guildhouse, is that what are you saying?)
  9. thx guys ;) I just discovered a dungeon with many necromancers, and I found lots of soul gems. Any other place to fin out more?
  10. Hi, i want to know what are your ways to improve these 2 skills, without wasting gold / soul gems? thx!
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