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Everything posted by slayerrobe7

  1. is their a mod that lets you craft wooden weapons an armor
  2. Could someone make a mod that gets rid of the vanilla map option and instead you must find or buy maps. he map system would consist of maps of all the holds and one of Skyrim. All hold maps are in greater detail involving smaller roads and some locations while the Skyrim map will only have major roads and locations (much like the one you get in the box). All maps will be books accessible by inventory, favorite, or hotkey.
  3. could someone tell me how to make NPC's respawn for my war game
  4. hmm what ive seen in using the kill command is it causes them to land and the very next strike kills em
  5. How to i make it so that an NPC will respawn right after death (this is for a war mod im making)
  6. im looking for a mad that lets you turn dead npcs into zombies and have them serve you
  7. hi im trying to learn hot to make costom meshes with blender but i cant find any good totorials can anyone direc me to one
  8. im editing a mod of somones but every time i save to the active file it disapears i dont know y plz help
  9. ok so maby a little less like 10 units
  10. I would like someone to make a mod that includes the following once you compleate the main story and become champion: a spell that summons 10 imperial legion solders, 5 battlemages, and 5 blades to protect you all units summoned stay till death(this can be done by using "placeatme <creatureID> <number>"
  11. im sry im not tht good at quest otherwise i'd do this i've been lookin for a mod like this to
  12. i would love a mod like the singing sword from fable tlc tht would be epic
  13. im not a very good modder but i do need idias for practice i dont know how to make new meshes or textures but if you have an idia i might try it NOTE: if i dont think i did well on your mod i will not upload it
  14. well its mostly intearior, ai, and location if you really think about it thou it seems very big its not as big as it semms i think the mod "battle between to forts" might be a good reference for the npcs
  15. i know its a lot but i was thinkin it would be soooo epic i would be greatful if only one location of this war occoured
  16. would someone please make a mod that includes the following: many areas were orcs fight all other races fortresses for both teams at each location the abilaty to work for the orcs, all other races, or neither and kill 'em all an armory, mess-hall, barraks, and command room for all fortresses constant war so thell allways be invading the others fort or defending thier own a battlefield inbetween the fortresses i do not much care for a questline but if you want to include one thts fine
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