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  1. Hey! I'm currently in a new playthrough, at the point of the mainquest where I have to choose one faction to build the teleporter to the institue (Quest: "Molecular Level"). Since I'm trying hard to play a more "evil" character in this playthrough I had a really tough time deciding - and I went for the Minutemen, as they seem to have the smallest impact and are the best "loner"-style way to finish the quest. The big problem: I already finished Nuka World and took over a few settlements in the Commonwealth. For the "Molecular Level" quest I would now have to talk to Preston Garvey, who would tell me to talk to Sturges about building the teleporter. But if I try to talk to Preston Garvey he only has the dialog option about my affiliation with the raiders and the only option to get out of that problem would be to agree on killing them (which I don't want to do). Is there any way, to set the microstep in that quest to the "talk to Sturges" part? All ways of messing around with quests through console that I found seem to be way to coarse and completely brick the quest.
  2. I returned the SkyrimEditor.ini to default, as u suggested and added the relevant lines, but sadly there are still a few models missing their textures in the editor (in the game they are okay though, as I said). I think I won't get around unpacking the .bsa, even though I don't think that is going to fix the issue - but definitely worth a try.
  3. I guess the relevant lines in the "SkyrimEditor.ini" are the following: bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 SArchiveList=Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa SInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txt iRetainFilenameOffsetTable=1 iRetainFilenameStringTable=1 iRetainDirectoryStringTable=1 bCheckRuntimeCollisions=0 bUseArchives=1 SResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa, HearthFires.bsa, Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.bsa, Vivid Landscapes.bsa The problematic statics are definitely from the base game (some of the rocks, some of the stairs, etc.), and the "Skyrim - Textures.bsa" seems to be loaded, or am I wrong? Edit: I think some of the meshes may be edited by "Vivid Landscapes". I will take that .bsa out of the list and see if it works...
  4. Hey guys, for some reason a handful of statics in the creation kit are invisible for me. Invisible meaning, that their textures are not rendered, while the shadow e.g. is (have a look at the attached screenshot, it shows a couple of stairs, but as I said, only the shadow is visible). Also, if I attempt to modifiy the item, and choose "Edit" next to the model path - giving me the "Model Data" window - the model is correctly rendered in the preview window. And if I start Skyrim, with the just created plugin activated, the model is also completely visible in the game itself. At first I thought this would simply be a texture issue, but the fact that the creation kit's model preview and the game itself can correctly resolve the texture I have really no idea, why the render window of the creation kit refuses to do so. I tried googling the issue, but I didn't really find anything, because of the overwhelming amount of texture issues of other nature in the search. Does anyone have an idea that could help? Regards, Malz
  5. Hi guys, Long story: After setting up Skyrim and all it's mods from bottom up a few days ago - for a new playthrough - I actually got to the point were everything was working perfectly and I was looking for house mods. I settled for a housing mod from Elianora (Halamshiral). For some weird reason the interior walls of that mod were not really reacting to light that well. I soon figured out, that it was not caused by too many light sources and even though Elianora is accusing ELFX (which I use) for the problems without any reason, I actually found out something different. The walls are using a Texture from the original Skyrim.bsa (path: \textures\architecture\whiterun\wrcitywall01.dds). The texture on the model in Elianoras mod is reacting to lights in a wrong way: If the light is coming from behind the wall, the texture is lit, but if it is actually coming from the front (the side we see), it does not affect the texture. I already tested this with Bethesdas models using that texture (the city walls in Whiterun), and they are working just fine. So the error can't be the texture (the normal map also looks fine and all). Short story: Actually it seems like the normals of the model Elianoras mod (Halamshiral) is using are facing the wrong way (model in the mod is named "EliTowerWall"). I did not yet check if any other models have the same problem. Since the comments on her mod are disabled I thought, maybe it is worth a shot here on the forums, so that she can fix that bug if she is still maintaining Skyrim mods anyhow. Regards, Malz Edit: Yes, there is a fault in the title, cut the "map"
  6. Wait, do you say that mods are intentionally disabled when playing survival mode? I thougth that would have come to an end after the beta?
  7. Hey there, as already mentioned, the custom .ini has both new lines added, and at least I am not using the Bethesda ingame mod stuff, I don't even know where to activate it. Pre-1.5 everything was just fine... What the hell did Bethesda mess around with?!
  8. I'm having exactly the same problem. I checked the .ini entries, they were correct. I checked the plugins file, it was correct, too. After not having any goddamn clue I just figured that my Fallout 4 installation could just be completely messed up, so I completely removed the game, wiped the folders and did a reinstall through steam. Installed the latest NMM, made sure my .ini's were okay and went on downloading and activating mods through NMM... But I still don't have any goddamn working mods. No matter if I play survival or normal. I'm just absolutely tired of this game. What could we be missing? - .ini entries? checked! - plugins file with "*" in front of the mods? checked! - mods properly activated in NMM? checked!
  9. Yeah thats right, but after the reinstall, with unchanged datas I started a new game, and all Raider Race characters have those pink hands, not only the player who was not Raider Race himself... Could someone maybe load up the uncorrupt Raider Hand .dds files, so I can insert by ArchiveInv?
  10. Yeah, the problem is, that even if there are no Mods active or even installed (cleared the Data folder completly, Steam doesn't do that itself -.-) the Raider Race has Pink Hands, even after multiple reinstalls from Disk and/or from Steam...
  11. Yeah, would like to know that too, because my problems are getting close to yours...
  12. Hey Guys from Mojave, Two days ago I decided to play New Vegas again after the new DLC was released. Playing it over Steam of course, and bought everything exept the Main Game there. I decided to play on with an older save, using the All Races enabler and playing with Raider Textures. Only Problem: My Raider had Pink Hands?! The Texture itself was missing, but the Bump Map (the shading of the Hand) still was there. I always start NV with FOMM, so i started it, turned of the FOMM Archive Invalidation, deactivated all DLCs and Mods, and started the game again. Still the same pink Hands. So I deinstalled, deleted all the directory content of FO: NV in Steam, and the My Games Content of Windows and reinstalled over DVD and Steam, but even without any mods or DLCs, in the very raw installed version, I always have Pink Raider Hands, even after multiple Reinstalls... I really got no more ideas, where the bug is hiding, so I would be really happy, if anyone still had an idea to solve that annoying problem... Edit: Steam Cache validation didn't help :/ Thank you! MalzM
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