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About weed33

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  1. I'm not even sure if you can participate in the tavern brawls in the game, for all we know they might be ambient.Similar to how the Fighters Guild members would spar with each other in Oblivion, but if you tried to spar with them it counted as an assault, and here come the psychic guards. That would imply that the brawlers would ignore the player, which would be utterly ridiculous. I doubt Bethesda would create a situation like that, they might as well have dragons wear clown hats then. Why do you doubt Bethesda would do it?Like I said, the Fighters Guild members in Oblivion sparred without ever taking notice of the player, and so did the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple, so why is it inconceivable that tavern brawlers would do the same?Don't get me wrong, I would love to get in tavern brawls as much as the next guy, I'm just saying it's not impossible for tavern brawls to be an ambient addition only. Well a lot of things have changed and this is most definitely not oblivion, that's why
  2. It's definitely possible to add scripted movements to ragdolls. Most people know about GTAIV ragdolls flailing and tumbling but also in skate 2 there is a mechanic which allows you to manoeuvre your body as it crashes into the ground/obstacles. Weather this is possible with Havok ragdolls is a completely different question, I think it is but if it's not directly supported with Havok itself it would make it rather difficult to programme.
  3. that's actually one of the things i'm looking forward to the most, getting into a near impossible fight against a dragon that's much higher level than me... i like a challenge =D not saying i want it happening too much though
  4. well i think it should be more complicated than nearby enemies simply going on alert. say if one guys walking right behind another guy and you fire a stealthy arrow into the guy behind, there is a chance (dependant on your sneak skill) the guy in front won't notice but if you hit the guy in front then the other guy would see where the arrow came from and would know where you are. they would still go on alert at the sight of dead bodies though
  5. gamestop employees get paid simply for working, not how much they sell they're not car salesmen, they don't come up to you and give a sales pitch.
  6. my character was roundhouse kicked across the skyrim border by chuck norris
  7. i would like it if was turned down a huge amount, i don't want to be meeting too many creatures that are too strong for me but i also don't want to be killing scores of low level enemies with one swipe, tbh i would find that a bit boring, level scaling keeps the game interesting for longer so long as it's done correctly
  8. ive only played NV and oblivion so i can't speak for any of the other games. i never really noticed the level scaling in NV but i did only get to leve 20 or something. Oblivion however was simply awful for it, on my first playthrough i breezed through the main quest line at around level 10. on my second i found myself (at level 18) on the last bit in empire city struggling against a half dozen storm atronachs plus a few deadroths. 8 levels ramped up the difficulty an insane amount. i'm actually a fan of level scaling but in Oblivion it was OTT
  9. actually i just finished it for the second time like an hour ago and i can't remember exactly but i think in the final cutscene martin says "the gates of oblivion are sealed forever" but i suppose that doesn't rule out the ability to summon them through spells
  10. i don't think there will be any kind of deadra due to it being a direct sequel to oblivion and it would totally contradict it's ending
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