I'm not even sure if you can participate in the tavern brawls in the game, for all we know they might be ambient.Similar to how the Fighters Guild members would spar with each other in Oblivion, but if you tried to spar with them it counted as an assault, and here come the psychic guards. That would imply that the brawlers would ignore the player, which would be utterly ridiculous. I doubt Bethesda would create a situation like that, they might as well have dragons wear clown hats then. Why do you doubt Bethesda would do it?Like I said, the Fighters Guild members in Oblivion sparred without ever taking notice of the player, and so did the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple, so why is it inconceivable that tavern brawlers would do the same?Don't get me wrong, I would love to get in tavern brawls as much as the next guy, I'm just saying it's not impossible for tavern brawls to be an ambient addition only. Well a lot of things have changed and this is most definitely not oblivion, that's why