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About Negativz

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  1. As the title states I'm trying to import my own attachments for a weapon mod I'm working, but I don't know how to reference them similar to that of the Conventional Assault Rifle. I've put the skeletal mesh and textures of the attachments inside the package, but that's about it. Hopefully someone here knows how to.
  2. Hello. I'm currently working on a weapon mod that so far has been going pretty good, but there's an issue with the firing animation. Whenever the soldiers are in-game and shoot at an enemy the magazine and charging handle slide to a different place. After the soldier has finished firing his shots the magazine and charging handle go back to their previous position. I'm assuming there's another animation that takes place right after the soldier lines his rifle up with an enemy which may be causing the issue, but I'm not entirely sure. Would anyone happen to know what might be causing this, where to look, etc? It's this one part that's prohibiting me from releasing the mod. Here's a few screenshots of what happens: Before http://i.imgur.com/sqyRISA.jpg After http://i.imgur.com/AJU1Z2g.jpg As you can see the magazine and charging handle slide out of place during the firing animation.
  3. If you based your model off of something like the Assault Rifle, but modified the skeleton for your own weapon, then this is likely the culprit. We experienced this same issue with the SMGs. The problem is likely the re-use of the AssaultRifle (or what you based on) animation set, as defined via the weapon archetype. When you actually play the animation, it will snap the skeleton back to the original Assault Rifle positions. So if you modify the skeleton, you properly should create a new animset. Also, weapon attachments shouldn't be previewed via the "Extra Meshes" -- attachment are connected via Sockets, so you should preview attachments by loading the preview mesh in the Socket Manager for the Skeletal Mesh. Note that some of the sockets aren't connected to the root bone, but are connected to other bones instead. Hence if the skeleton deforms during the weapon animation, and the socket is attached to a bone that is moving, the attachment will move. This is often a desired feature :smile: The way we got around this for the SMGs (in particular the conventional one where the Magazine bone is in a completely different place) was to attach the Mag socket to the root bone instead of to the Magazine bone. That way when the animation deformed the skeleton, the socket didn't move. Hope this helps! Hello again! I was able to resolve the issue by adjusting the sockets to different places, so thank you for the help on that. However there's another issue. Whenever the soldiers are in-game and shoot at an enemy the magazine and charging handle slide to a different place. After the soldier has finished firing his shots the magazine and charging handle go back to their previous place. I'm assuming there's another animation that takes place right after the soldier lines his rifle up with an enemy, but I'm not entirely sure. Would you happen to know what might be causing this? Edit: This happens even if I switch the animation sequences, I took from the conventional assault rifle, with animation sequences from the magnetic rifle.
  4. Hello again Amineri. I've encountered an issue where skeletal meshes, such as the magazine and the trigger, connected to my weapon mod are in places they shouldn't be when in-game. When I load the skeletal mesh in the AnimSet Editor and put on Extra Meshs onto the Base of the weapon they are placed in their correct spots. I'm not entirely sure what may be causing this issue and I was wondering if you knew anything that could cause this problem. If you need me to provide pictures of what I'm talking about please let me know. Thanks!
  5. So, the answer depends somewhat on what material you used. If you imported the whole model with a material as defined in your 3D authoring tool, I'm not sure you'd be able to. We used the same materials as Firaxis (included in the SDK). WeaponCustomizable_TC for the conventional/magnetic, and M_Master_PwrdWep_TC for the beam. In both cases, you need to define the tint-able area of the model in one of the textures. The MSK texture, Blue color channel, if I recall correctly. Since it's the full channel, you can use grey values to determine amount of tint/pattern. Also, when configuring the material instance in UnrealEd, be sure to enable tinting. For the WeaponCustomizable_TC material, under Switches, enable UseTint and under Pattern, enable Pattern (and perhaps set the Pattern_UVScale if needed). For the M_Master_PwerdWep_TC, there's no toggle for tinting (it's on by default), but the Pattern/ Pattern toggle and Pattern_UVScale need to be enabled. And if you are curious about the difference between the two, the former allows for "metalness" in the alpha channel, while the latter allows for flickering emissive and has "gloss" designed to better match the powered armors. Ok. And how did you make the MSK? I tried making one and only got the stock of the model able to change colors but it's a very faint change and the patterns are almost transparent.
  6. I was able to get my weapon model to load into the game--thanks for the info. However I now want to make it customizable. How do you make it so a model will accept colors and weapon camos from the in-game palette?
  7. For some reason my weapon mod can be selected, but the model itself does not appear. Any clue as to what could be the cause of this? Just ask if you need screenshots of the script and such. Pic related is what's happening.http://i.imgur.com/ZruILEx.jpg
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