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About NiteOwl94

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Kane and Lynch 2
  • Favourite Game
    Dead Space

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  1. Here's an example of what I can do on my own: But I wanna do so much more. I've got a ton of ideas rattling around in my head. But I definitely need voice actors.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDzbBmKzX7s Episode one is up!
  3. I should have the first episode up sometime later today, the 21st.
  4. This is a machinima series I've been working on, and I've got stringjade doing a voice for it! Check out the trailer lemme know what you think! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNznvY6XA_E
  5. Is there a modded armor that makes the dawnguard armor sleeveless/collarless? I thought I saw something like it in Immersive Armors, but I wasn't crazy about that mod.
  6. well someone should do it already lol. I'd love to have this.
  7. I need a narrator for a machinima I'm planning. The whole project hinges on me finding the right voice actor though. I need an old male voice, gravelly, sage-like. It'd be even better if there was a moderate Japanese accent. Basically, think Mako. Iroh from ATLA, Aku in Samurai Jack, and Akiro in the Conan flicks.
  8. I like the alternate vampire eyes from Dawnguard, but there's a bug to being a vampire that I can't seem to fix. You can't add warpaint, your eyes revert to the standard set if you reload a save, and you can't modify your skin tone. Not to mention I'm not actually crazy about being a vampire in the first place, but I love the alt set of eyes. So maybe someone could make a mod that makes the vampire eyes a regular choice for any race? A lot of the eye mods out change them, or tweak the texture, or the size, or whatever and I don't want any of that. I like the eyes as is, but I don't like being a vampire.
  9. Wow, thanks! I will certainly give this a shot.
  10. This is fairly straightfoward. I want a "hyborian" music mod that replaces context specific music with 'hyborian' music. A lot of music mods I've seen just throw random tracks over the entire game, like a radio. When I'm wandering, I don't want battle music playing, and when I'm fighting, I don't want town square music playing. I've categorized the hyborian music as I'd like, but... I don't have the time or patience to make this myself. I've got all the files I need in .wav and .mp3 form, if someone would be willing to help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  11. I like your samples, I'm looking for someone with your range. I'm finishing up a video now, but I need a voice actor to do some voice overs for the leading role. We can hash it out over PM's if you're interested.
  12. Was planning to make a whole series of these. What do you think? And should I make more? If so... any ideas? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yb7sE123BI
  13. There is no such thing as a Steamless DVD, all copies use Steam including the DVD. Mine doesn't? I never had to fanangle with Steam to run New Vegas. I never even installed it. I never even knew it existed. I just play new vegas. My screencaps show up in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fallout New Vegas. Ultimate Edition
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