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Status Updates posted by 6Alasiel9

  1. Привет.) И тебе кудос от меня :)
  2. Привет.) У тебя тоже ничего ;D

    Настолько ничего, что с меня кудос :D

  3. Yeah.) But I'd like to live in America or England :)
  4. Hi, how are you? :)
  5. Hello, BOB666)

    Your DMC4 Angelo Credo Sword mod is so cool that it is hard to imagine what could be better. ;)

    You are wery professional modders. :thumbsup:

    Can I please translate and put your wonderful mod on the site modgames of course under your conditions.

  6. Heya Trebor! Just want to say hello :)

    P.S. Check your inbox please ;)

  7. Hello, xilver)

    Your Midas Magic mod is so cool that it is hard to imagine what could be better. ;)

    You are wery professional modder. :thumbsup:

    Can I please translate it to Russian language and put on the site modgames of course under your conditions.

  8. Sad, but true.(

    Hope you're well.;)

  9. So beautiful avatar... Of course 5 stars and Kudo from me.:)
  10. Hi, can you give me your permission to upload your amazing mod for Oblivion and any your future mods and updates, to the Russian modmaker's site - modgames.net?

    Of course, I will credit you as the author, keep original screen-shots and description, translate description and mod into Russian. + will make endorsements. And if you want, I will send you links on matherial.

    P.S. Cool ...

  11. Hi, Erico! Hope you're well ;) But why did you banned on Modgames? :(
  12. PartyRock, yeah?

    Hi! ;)

  13. "Why not say hello?"

    Oh, hello man ;D

  14. Oh...You're here? So...Hi, Highlander ;)
  15. Hello, -Ren-)

    Your Rens Beauty Pack Mod is so cool that it is hard to imagine what could be better. ;)

    You are wery professional modder. :thumbsup:

    Can I please put your wonderful mod on the site modgames of course under your conditions.

  16. 1st of September... Grr... I hate it!
  17. Cool avanar and mods! ;)
  18. Hi! I like Kate Backinsale too ;)
  19. Exams...OMG...
    1. MissBasha


      OMG.. Hold on!
    2. 6Alasiel9


      Will try ; ) Thanks ;)
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