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  1. I tried about a dozen settings for the hunting rifle AM, and none of it seems to be reducing it. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
  2. Supposedly it is governed by an animation file and can't be eliminated or nearly reduced to 0 with using FOEdit? Is this true?
  3. I am talking about when you fire your gun. What tells them where you are with precise accuracy?
  4. Not to necro this thread, but I third this request. Or tell me what settings to tweak...
  5. Trying to tweak the detection range of NPCs when weapons use suppressors. Is there an adjustment for that?
  6. That quarry has always been glitchy regardless of mod usage.
  7. I adjusted the base damage for a pipe gun, however it does not show up in the game. Other guns have had their base damaged changed and it reflects in game. I tried for the life of me to find out why, and I cannot. The difference between the true base damage and the wanted damage is 20 +, so there is a big difference between the two. Any tips to figure this out?
  8. Not that thrilled with the stock Fallout 4, lost interest quick in the Spring time. Any good mods out there? Specifically ones that add or modify the game's weapons (stock weapons sucked), and tweaking the gameplay to be more realistic. Any overhauls of the graphics to make it 4k?
  9. As my poster above stated it, it is a hardcoded issue, not a weapon nor attachment based issue. I added quite few neat perk additions regarding range, removed range penalties on muzzles, quess what, 600+ range, yet not being able to hit an enemy on the "Libertalia" from one end of the other side. You can increase the distance of the projectiles. Haven't edited anything before the summer but it was possible.
  10. Fun Fact, most of the quests in Skyrim was arbitrary chores like finding a book or killing something an NPC will give you. Fun Fact, most of New Vegas was small fetch quests that rarely had any content in them. Fun Fact, large amounts of data =/= "should have more quests" it just means it has more meat in other areas. Like environment, level design, texture work and mechanics. Fun Fact, just having more quests =/= better or more content when most of the quests are bare-boned. "Fun Fact, most of New Vegas was small fetch quests that rarely had any content in them." Well, that sounds like FO4 with Preston's b*tch quests.
  11. I agree 100% with this. As it lacks with weapon diversity, it also lacks depth when it comes to leveling up. I find that once I hit level 20ish I hit a wall, it is no longer fun and you're more going through the motions just to complete quests and level up.
  12. I think the worse thing that Bethesda did was change the way the gun's attributes are. Damage is now based on the receiver rather than projectiles. Very annoying.
  13. Your second line is dead on. I disagree, the creation kit is reasonably user-friendly in Fallout 4. It is a crash o holic.
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