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  1. "maybe the GECK is quirky or Buggy or whatever." I totally agree! Like JimboUK said and linked, one must read a lot from internet to succeed in creating new world spaces for this game. Some rules can be broken, others can be circumvented. The GECK is an exclusively piece of software that are prone of crash for what ever reason. The height map when running the GECK and trying to edit the world space has a lot of bugs that can totally havoc your work. Just save very often to have something to get back to that works.
  2. Well I run on Ubuntu latest LTS version with Firefox and that combination (with every version changes the last decade) has worked years up until now, last time I visited nexus was well something a week ago and then with no issues. Today I got the same thing as BlackfoxKitsune and just say I'm allergic to this kind of pop ups lacking info of the purpose or the originator, the clear task to be done, or the info why it happens, this turn on all DEFCON lamps at the same time. I could see in the dimmed background I was treated as a newbie with Ads showing, and in that position to then click [i ACCEPT], well in these case on internet this is a totally no no, there was even not anything telling this message was from nexus at all, who is Quantcast? The message is full of the sales talk bla bla bla bla most people with a brain try to stay clear of.... an not click [i ACCEPT] Time to make the popup plate a lit bit more informative? :tongue:
  3. In response to post #67937096. #67941336, #67941861, #67942656, #67944211, #67955146, #67968296, #68010096 are all replies on the same post. I feel like Madcat221 about “Mod Packs” Mod Packs is not a good choice of naming since it is part of “The Ultimate” Mod Pack™ © group known for hastily slamming together stuff without care for copyright or moral or sense how things work under the hood of modding and release this in one big file as a must have to get focus on how great they are themselves. Seldom or mostly never knowing how stuff works for the game they so boldly pretend they mastered. A much more cleaner and descriptive terminology would be one of three (could be more) suggestions : 1. Mod Recipe, like in cooking. A workflow and details of ingredients to success to create a great dish. 2. Mod Formula, like in describe proportions in chemical mixtures creating a successful drink, paint, concrete or paint remover fluid. 3. Mod Prescription, like the ones you get after consulting a doctor. Distinct detailed instructions what you should do and how many pills of this and that and when you should take them to success to feel good. “Mod Packs” is a term mostly connected with bad things and trying to reclaim the term for something else more appropriate I have a hard time to see how it would succeed.
  4. Hi, Since you had it to work before, but not now.. Have you tried to rename an old .wav file (that worked) add a new topic and tried to re-run .lip creation with that file? It's just to nail down where the process fails. If I recall (years since I did it) there are a lot of settings for the .wav file that is mandatory for .lip files to be created, maybe an update for your audio tools changed how they save .wav files? Another thing could be, like Dubious mention regarding updates, that the Windows OS not allow access to needed resources anymore (there have been a lot of changes lately) and you need to run this as Administrator? And I'm also interested if you get this sorted out what the solution was.
  5. @BusinessVulture What Blah says, to make it easy, try use the RegionEditor for big landmasses as a starter, but be aware, it is very "chess" in placing stuff, since it (not randomly) try to place stuff in the new world space but coordinate based. You can make around that by adding sublevels of placing in the setup. That's to not make it look to much machinery placed! There are some very interesting details and tutorials if you Google CK Region Editor pointing to sites discussing Skyrim world creation, and frankly there is not that much difference between the two. Until you play with the navmesh and LOD creation path for FO4. If you got this far and still think it look to much machinery placed by still using Region Editor it is not all lost, you can i CK just grab a lot of annoying lined up stuff, rotate it a bit and hit F to make it more random, repeat until you are satisfied!
  6. Easy peachy dude! Let me play with your marvelous mod shown in the YouTube clip you put up as proof! You see I have a lot of PC at home some of them not so top of the art. It would be interesting to see if your personal thing works as flawless as you preach it would. I locally for FO4 have Steam's FPS thingy turned on, it would be interesting to see how it works on my different PC setups if YOU dare! Because what you let us see on YouTube don't impress me at all, it lags terrible! (I give you this, YouTube can mess up things, but if you had turned on Steam's FPS tool it at least had proved the FPS in real play, and not messed up with YouTube compression) What You are up to in the mod you show I can't say, it looks very intriguing, is there a URL for it?
  7. Oh a Cargo Cultist, Well if you play with a full fledge PC top model with i7 or better and a GTX1080 or two, you can push limits long, long away locally, unless you want others to be able to play your stuff that is not so graced to play with top grade computers! What zilav says is not about personal truth or what you personally "found" out by tampering with CK, it's about facts. And in that case I stay with zilav and a lot of other long time more trustworthy sources of reliable facts proven by test examples re-playable.
  8. Drop navmeshing! That is totally another thing that needs a separate thread when one needs to create that, because the usage of it has changed after Skyrim CK ( I might have been more aware of things regarding CK if I ever started mod Skyrim with new world spaces, but I never found the time or need to do that). So I'm a bit out of flow how to use the current FO4 CK regarding bugs/anomalies when creating stuff! What I try achieve playing around with CK for the moment is adding props (for a starter trees) with Region Editor. Of old it's told saving the mod will permanent the generation using Region Editor, but for FO4 CK it seems not that simple, it seems there is a distinct work flow with FO4 CK to proceed with when creating a new world space and if you not follow that way, you end up with a messed up mod. I want to know the correct work flow when playing with Region Editor for a new world space regarding props with FO4 CK, and after that we can move on to the new way of generating navmeshing for a new world space with FO4 CK.
  9. Playing around with Region Editor I notice when opening the .esp in FO4Edit the (in this case trees) are put in a "Temporary" structure, seen the same when playing with NavMesh Generation. Anyone figured out how to finalize things like this? I played around with Region Editor just some month ago and at that time rendered and visible things in CK was not visible in Game play, that was the first time I noted this "Temporary" thing with FO4Edit. For now it seems something has been updated sine my old tries playing with Region Editor started to show up in game, without me not done anything?! Still I don't like the "Temporary" structure, If I like what is created by Region Editor generation, I would like to finalize it to be permanent! Do we yet again have to create an .esm to get things saved and working properly? Any thoughts?
  10. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506375, #46506475, #46591830, #46593475 are all replies on the same post. @Ethreon Neither do you pal. My best friend in school was a Finnish guy and his family was the nicest I ever meet. Note that they was not routsin. So if we start mark people after their country they was born in, what is your opinion of Polish, French or Russians? Or even more interesting what country was you born in? Just to know what label I need to wrap you with since it seems you like to generalize and I don't want to be lesser than you lovely.
  11. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506375, #46506475 are all replies on the same post. (@OrcLivesMatter Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture. Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant. I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.) Sorry, American girl you have no clue of facts what so ever! It's nice to stay at your flat and Google things up, but where is your sense of RL or even more like critically examine some "truths" put in your face???! You Dear is all wrong! You are a true racist, and ignorant of facts because you don't care to check up if it's true or NOT! Please tell me I'm wrong, but if so tell me direct and not in some stupid verbal blabb rubbish that all stupid insecure males try to fill this thread with.
  12. They don't since they have the full version of the tool, we got a stripped one and/but without manual how do do things proper without breaking the limits this in house tool has. This has been discussed over the years in lot of topics. And the most major benefit if something breaks the creator at Bethesda can just walk over to the programming section and ask what the heck happened and get a full novel with why and what is the cause, we can not. What scale do you try use? for GECK a power of 2 was in "general" working for the grid like 8,16,32,64,128 but I noticed some assets already then did not fit into that scheme at all. Maybe they for FO4 have switched to a metric system? So you should use 5,10,20 as a grid scale instead? Just thinking out of the blue. I have not dived into that part yet, still struggle with world spaces in general.
  13. LOL, but you are helpful! If anyone have to deal with unreliable software save often, save always! At least some saved version will still be useful! A bit of topic, I had a new world space imported and compiled that without any what soever error regarding LOD. Yippee! The only change for the second run was to add landscape style in this case grass texture for the isles. However this time CK decided I have errors in my new world space hightmap? And actually I did find the spot in game but NOT in CK, so I have no freaking clue what I need to adjust! So @Eidius the best advice ever when working with GECK/CK for a mod you make save often save always! The tools we have to work with has always all back to MW had issues, over the time the community of Bethesda game lovers created workarounds, for FO4 it's still in the late alfa state. A general low level advice when working in CK set your smart phone, egg clock timer to Beep every 10,20 minutes, make a save, Alt +Tab and have an open File Explorer into DATA of the game and make a Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V of your mod file and accept. This way you at least have a copy to get back to that worked before CK decided anything else.
  14. To be exactly bc1_unorm but I think general DXT1 will do since it kind of an alias, make it very dark since Pip-Boy light it up a lot. I tested quickly with my FO4 new world space with a map over Morrowind in the bc1_unorm format just for fun and tested in game with no issue at all. I noted they name maps with ending _d.DDS not sure it matters. For your new worldspace the setting "Parent Worldspace" shall be set to NONE and nothing else otherwise as already told the WorldMap_d.DDS will be shown instead.
  15. Hi! What tutorials or general forum threads have you followed to get this far to start with, when start asking about creating new worldmaps? What Blah asks you about is some more details how you went along to get to this point. I have made a world map for a FONV mod, and as Blah says and I agree it was not easy, because of scale issues (I recall an explanation for why it even existed scale options in GECK/CK for world map it was that Bethesda had problems to get this perfect matching themselves). If your worldmap is of correct .DDS type and put in the right folder, and your definition like you say point to it correctly, then that map even if it was a picture of Mickey Mouse should show up as your map in PipBoy. If it does not, there is something else that went wrong. It's fun to have some new one dive into creating new world spaces but know that over the years very few still do it and extremely few mastered it. Welcome!
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