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Posts posted by Nimboss

  1. Well I run on Ubuntu latest LTS version with Firefox and that combination (with every version changes the last decade) has worked years up until now, last time I visited nexus was well something a week ago and then with no issues.


    Today I got the same thing as BlackfoxKitsune and just say I'm allergic to this kind of pop ups lacking info of the purpose or the originator, the clear task to be done, or the info why it happens, this turn on all DEFCON lamps at the same time.


    I could see in the dimmed background I was treated as a newbie with Ads showing, and in that position to then click [i ACCEPT], well in these case on internet this is a totally no no, there was even not anything telling this message was from nexus at all, who is Quantcast? The message is full of the sales talk bla bla bla bla most people with a brain try to stay clear of.... an not click [i ACCEPT]


    Time to make the popup plate a lit bit more informative? :tongue:

  2. In response to post #67937096. #67941336, #67941861, #67942656, #67944211, #67955146, #67968296, #68010096 are all replies on the same post.

    Madcat221 wrote: I am really hoping that "Mod Pack" is a poorly chosen term for this, because "Mod Pack" means, to me as a modder, "Loose collection of mods accumulated often without concern for permissions, credit, compatibility, or upkeep".
    Arthmoor wrote: This ^

    I can't tell for sure if it's just bad terminology being used or if you mean actual real mod packs. That needs to be one of the first things that gets clarified.
    Zaldiir wrote: This is partially covered in the third paragraph of that section:
    "It has caused some controversy in the past due to various reasons, including it taking downloads away from mod authors, the worry it would increase false support issues for mod authors caused by bad mod packs and because others who have attempted to do this have basically created a "mod piracy" platform that completely ignores (and breaks) copyright laws because they did not have permission to distribute the mods contained in the mod packs. Whatever we come up with will ensure none of these are a realistic issue."
    Sacremas wrote: Not entirely sure if it's even possible, but instead of an actual collection of mods to download like these usually are, how about a profile of mods to download into Vortex, you activate the profile and Vortex automagically downloads/updates the mods in the profile, with notifications and instructions if anything needs to be done manually, and a pre-set load order included? That way individual author pages still gets the individual download counts, and users not quite ready to start picking things on their own (the main thing I hear from my friends and in youtube comments alike on why they don't use mods) will still get a done install out of it.
    jaydawg55 wrote: If what Dark0ne means by "Mod Pack" is offering a single archive for download and installation that includes the primary mod and all its mod dependencies or options in a single plugin, with an installation menu like some FOMODs have, that (1) would be more convenient than multiple downloads/installs and (2) would greatly help users like me stay within the 255 plugin limit. By the time I obtain all the mods that fix game problems for my favorite Bethesda products, I don't have a lot of plugin slots available for quests, new locations, or new characters. Since we can't directly fix game engine design, maybe this is a way to optimize mod design.

    This could and should be done in a collaborative way. It seems that as some games "mature" more modders get together to combine their work into larger compilations. Fallout New Vegas seems to have a lot of these partly because the game has been around a long time and partly because it has a lower plugin count (135ish?). Done right, this could work out well for everyone.

    Assuming the collaboration/permissions issue gets fixed, then the next question (to me) is who does the work of compiling the package? And related to that question, how would conflicts be resolved? I keep thinking of other questions, so I will stop now.

    I admire Dark0ne's ambition. It looks to me like a way he is looking for a way to compete with Creation Club with a free (as in no charge), better quality alternative. I wish Bethesda well, but I also like the idea. Also, you guys have enough standing in this community to influence the direction of this idea.
    Tannin42 wrote: Hmm, I don't feel like it's unclear:

    > Mod packs are, quite simply, a system whereby a user's mod profile is turned into a "mod pack" in such a way that they, or another user, can download that mod pack and all the mods contained (or referenced) in the pack will be installed in the exact same way, in the exact same order, as the original profile.


    > It has caused some controversy ... taking downloads away from mod authors, ... increase false support issues for mod authors ... created a "mod piracy" platform ... ignores (and breaks) copyright laws .... !!! Whatever we come up with will ensure none of these are a realistic issue. !!!

    So it says, pretty clearly: No, it's not going to take away downloads, not "pirate" mods that haven't been given permission to redistribute, not ignore copyrights.

    Don't focus just on the label and what it means to you/how it's been used by others in the past but on how Dark0ne described the system.
    RoyBatterian wrote: As long as it's opt-in I don't particularly care.
    Arthmoor wrote: The thing is, it's quite unclear because you have people who came away with the impression that it means "Mod Pack" in every familiar definition of the term. Meaning a single package of a ton of mods.

    If "Mod List" was the intended outcome, then the article should have made that clear.

    One makes the site no better than ModDrop, the other makes it no different from the Steam Workshop. The difference is huge.

    I feel like Madcat221 about “Mod Packs”

    Mod Packs is not a good choice of naming since it is part of “The Ultimate” Mod Pack™ © group known for hastily slamming together stuff without care for copyright or moral or sense how things work under the hood of modding and release this in one big file as a must have to get focus on how great they are themselves. Seldom or mostly never knowing how stuff works for the game they so boldly pretend they mastered.

    A much more cleaner and descriptive terminology would be one of three (could be more) suggestions :

    1. Mod Recipe, like in cooking. A workflow and details of ingredients to success to create a great dish.

    2. Mod Formula, like in describe proportions in chemical mixtures creating a successful drink, paint, concrete or paint remover fluid.

    3. Mod Prescription, like the ones you get after consulting a doctor. Distinct detailed instructions what you should do and how many pills of this and that and when you should take them to success to feel good.

    “Mod Packs” is a term mostly connected with bad things and trying to reclaim the term for something else more appropriate I have a hard time to see how it would succeed.
  3. Hi,


    Since you had it to work before, but not now.. Have you tried to rename an old .wav file (that worked) add a new topic and tried to re-run .lip creation with that file?

    It's just to nail down where the process fails. If I recall (years since I did it) there are a lot of settings for the .wav file that is mandatory for .lip files to be created, maybe an update for your audio tools changed how they save .wav files?


    Another thing could be, like Dubious mention regarding updates, that the Windows OS not allow access to needed resources anymore (there have been a lot of changes lately) and you need to run this as Administrator?


    And I'm also interested if you get this sorted out what the solution was.

  4. @BusinessVulture

    What Blah says, to make it easy, try use the RegionEditor for big landmasses as a starter, but be aware, it is very "chess" in placing stuff, since it (not randomly) try to place stuff in the new world space but coordinate based. You can make around that by adding sublevels of placing in the setup. That's to not make it look to much machinery placed!


    There are some very interesting details and tutorials if you Google CK Region Editor pointing to sites discussing Skyrim world creation, and frankly there is not that much difference between the two. Until you play with the navmesh and LOD creation path for FO4.


    If you got this far and still think it look to much machinery placed by still using Region Editor it is not all lost, you can i CK just grab a lot of annoying lined up stuff, rotate it a bit and hit F to make it more random, repeat until you are satisfied!

  5. Easy peachy dude!


    Let me play with your marvelous mod shown in the YouTube clip you put up as proof! You see I have a lot of PC at home some of them not so top of the art. It would be interesting to see if your personal thing works as flawless as you preach it would. I locally for FO4 have Steam's FPS thingy turned on, it would be interesting to see how it works on my different PC setups if YOU dare!

    Because what you let us see on YouTube don't impress me at all, it lags terrible! (I give you this, YouTube can mess up things, but if you had turned on Steam's FPS tool it at least had proved the FPS in real play, and not messed up with YouTube compression)


    What You are up to in the mod you show I can't say, it looks very intriguing, is there a URL for it?

  6. Oh a Cargo Cultist,


    Well if you play with a full fledge PC top model with i7 or better and a GTX1080 or two, you can push limits long, long away locally, unless you want others to be able to play your stuff that is not so graced to play with top grade computers!


    What zilav says is not about personal truth or what you personally "found" out by tampering with CK, it's about facts. And in that case I stay with zilav and a lot of other long time more trustworthy sources of reliable facts proven by test examples re-playable.

  7. Drop navmeshing! That is totally another thing that needs a separate thread when one needs to create that, because the usage of it has changed after Skyrim CK ( I might have been more aware of things regarding CK if I ever started mod Skyrim with new world spaces, but I never found the time or need to do that). So I'm a bit out of flow how to use the current FO4 CK regarding bugs/anomalies when creating stuff!


    What I try achieve playing around with CK for the moment is adding props (for a starter trees) with Region Editor. Of old it's told saving the mod will permanent the generation using Region Editor, but for FO4 CK it seems not that simple, it seems there is a distinct work flow with FO4 CK to proceed with when creating a new world space and if you not follow that way, you end up with a messed up mod.


    I want to know the correct work flow when playing with Region Editor for a new world space regarding props with FO4 CK, and after that we can move on to the new way of generating navmeshing for a new world space with FO4 CK.

  8. Playing around with Region Editor I notice when opening the .esp in FO4Edit the (in this case trees) are put in a "Temporary" structure, seen the same when playing with NavMesh Generation.


    Anyone figured out how to finalize things like this?

    I played around with Region Editor just some month ago and at that time rendered and visible things in CK was not visible in Game play, that was the first time I noted this "Temporary" thing with FO4Edit.


    For now it seems something has been updated sine my old tries playing with Region Editor started to show up in game, without me not done anything?!



    Still I don't like the "Temporary" structure, If I like what is created by Region Editor generation, I would like to finalize it to be permanent!

    Do we yet again have to create an .esm to get things saved and working properly?


    Any thoughts?

  9. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506375, #46506475, #46591830, #46593475 are all replies on the same post.

    EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
    sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
    Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

    Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

    Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
    jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
    greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
    its not harsh...

    Its called FED UP...
    mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
    ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
    StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
    Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

    Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
    LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

    Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
    Ethreon wrote: Except Lena would be correct.
    Mistle24 wrote: Yeah, I have not had many if any "Friendly or "Nice" run ins with her. I actually don't download her mods just to avoid having to ask a question because I don't want to deal with the attitude.
    wolfrevan5555 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter

    >Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.

    Finland is a country. Being born in Finland does not make you a "Finnish" race person. That's called "Nationality", not race. Good try tossing out the race card because you have no valid arguement, though. You tried. Pat yourself on the back.

    And yeah, it probably is cultural, though I don't know much about Finnish culture, so I could be totally wrong. Still, the Nexus is meant to be culturally neutral, and thus that kind of attitude isn't justifiable. :/
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Well let me simplify it to you. That is the most stupid and nationally hating thing I ever saw in Nexus. There. Happy?
    Jinxxed0 wrote: I've only uploaded a small handful of mods and have only had to deal with a few annoying users demanding stuff from me. Imagine having every single mod you upload be super popular. I'm surprised she's still modding at all.

    Before I uploaded anything for Fo4, I used to think she could be nicer. Now, I think she's way too nice.
    stuff444 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Now you've devolved into the "hate" bait... Gender is up next I assume?
    gandalftw wrote: @jim_uk
    Very sensible you are Sir,another kudos for your collection. ;)

    Though my contributions to Nexus may be small i am not a stranger to comments made by those that misunderstand the true definition of criticism and free speech.Criticism requires an included explanation and fix for that which one finds problematic in a mod.If one cannot help a mod author one should just report a problem and otherwise remain quiet.Free speech should be FREE of abuse,seems to me the word free is often misunderstood as,i can treat you anyway i want and you deserve no recourse, for, your objections violates my right to FREE SPEECH.Hehe,i don't bloody think so.

    If one desires respect,my Zeus,be respectful.

    Rigmor wrote: Leave the poor girl alone you bullies, this isn't steam forums right? it's a sad day when a mod author has to disable their personal messages due to personal attacks, we all get them and you have to be hard skinned. She owes you all nothing, so stop with the abuse.
    jim_uk wrote: @gandalftw If I am going to say anything then I'll try and keep it to technical things, I think once you start criticising artistic choices then you're on dodgy ground because the author would have had their own vision.
    gandalftw wrote: @ jim_uk
    I generally keep my opinion to myself for i'm not a skilled modder so i don't feel i'm qualified to critique.How some, with no modding experience, can pop up and say some of the things they do is beyond me,don't get it.

    I remove most negative comments as soon as i see them for leaving them just emboldens others to do likewise.

    LenaMarie wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: Perhaps being under the moral scrutiny of opinionated morons makes her tetchy... it sure as hell does me. I'm sure you're not one of those arrogant, self absorbed @ssholes though, right?
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: 'cause Google's clearly the intelligent way to form an opinion about an entire culture isn't it!? No wonder humanity's utterly f@cked!
    Nimboss wrote: (@OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.)

    Sorry, American girl you have no clue of facts what so ever! It's nice to stay at your flat and Google things up, but where is your sense of RL or even more like critically examine some "truths" put in your face???!
    You Dear is all wrong! You are a true racist, and ignorant of facts because you don't care to check up if it's true or NOT! Please tell me I'm wrong, but if so tell me direct and not in some stupid verbal blabb rubbish that all stupid insecure males try to fill this thread with.

    Ethreon wrote: "Sorry, American girl you have no clue of facts what so ever!"

    Neither do you. I can tell you from first hand sources (discussing with a variety of Finnish locals) they are less interested in human interaction up to and including straight out hostile. Not all are like this, but it's a generic feel you get and they will be the first ones to admit it.

    Neither do you pal.
    My best friend in school was a Finnish guy and his family was the nicest I ever meet. Note that they was not routsin. So if we start mark people after their country they was born in, what is your opinion of Polish, French or Russians? Or even more interesting what country was you born in? Just to know what label I need to wrap you with since it seems you like to generalize and I don't want to be lesser than you lovely.
  10. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506375, #46506475 are all replies on the same post.

    EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
    sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
    Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

    Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

    Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
    jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
    greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
    its not harsh...

    Its called FED UP...
    mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
    ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
    StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
    Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

    Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
    LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

    Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
    Ethreon wrote: Except Lena would be correct.
    Mistle24 wrote: Yeah, I have not had many if any "Friendly or "Nice" run ins with her. I actually don't download her mods just to avoid having to ask a question because I don't want to deal with the attitude.
    wolfrevan5555 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter

    >Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.

    Finland is a country. Being born in Finland does not make you a "Finnish" race person. That's called "Nationality", not race. Good try tossing out the race card because you have no valid arguement, though. You tried. Pat yourself on the back.

    And yeah, it probably is cultural, though I don't know much about Finnish culture, so I could be totally wrong. Still, the Nexus is meant to be culturally neutral, and thus that kind of attitude isn't justifiable. :/
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Well let me simplify it to you. That is the most stupid and nationally hating thing I ever saw in Nexus. There. Happy?
    Jinxxed0 wrote: I've only uploaded a small handful of mods and have only had to deal with a few annoying users demanding stuff from me. Imagine having every single mod you upload be super popular. I'm surprised she's still modding at all.

    Before I uploaded anything for Fo4, I used to think she could be nicer. Now, I think she's way too nice.
    stuff444 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Now you've devolved into the "hate" bait... Gender is up next I assume?
    gandalftw wrote: @jim_uk
    Very sensible you are Sir,another kudos for your collection. ;)

    Though my contributions to Nexus may be small i am not a stranger to comments made by those that misunderstand the true definition of criticism and free speech.Criticism requires an included explanation and fix for that which one finds problematic in a mod.If one cannot help a mod author one should just report a problem and otherwise remain quiet.Free speech should be FREE of abuse,seems to me the word free is often misunderstood as,i can treat you anyway i want and you deserve no recourse, for, your objections violates my right to FREE SPEECH.Hehe,i don't bloody think so.

    If one desires respect,my Zeus,be respectful.

    Rigmor wrote: Leave the poor girl alone you bullies, this isn't steam forums right? it's a sad day when a mod author has to disable their personal messages due to personal attacks, we all get them and you have to be hard skinned. She owes you all nothing, so stop with the abuse.
    jim_uk wrote: @gandalftw If I am going to say anything then I'll try and keep it to technical things, I think once you start criticising artistic choices then you're on dodgy ground because the author would have had their own vision.
    gandalftw wrote: @ jim_uk
    I generally keep my opinion to myself for i'm not a skilled modder so i don't feel i'm qualified to critique.How some, with no modding experience, can pop up and say some of the things they do is beyond me,don't get it.

    I remove most negative comments as soon as i see them for leaving them just emboldens others to do likewise.

    LenaMarie wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: Perhaps being under the moral scrutiny of opinionated morons makes her tetchy... it sure as hell does me. I'm sure you're not one of those arrogant, self absorbed @ssholes though, right?
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: 'cause Google's clearly the intelligent way to form an opinion about an entire culture isn't it!? No wonder humanity's utterly f@cked!

    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.)

    Sorry, American girl you have no clue of facts what so ever! It's nice to stay at your flat and Google things up, but where is your sense of RL or even more like critically examine some "truths" put in your face???!
    You Dear is all wrong! You are a true racist, and ignorant of facts because you don't care to check up if it's true or NOT! Please tell me I'm wrong, but if so tell me direct and not in some stupid verbal blabb rubbish that all stupid insecure males try to fill this thread with.

  11. They don't since they have the full version of the tool, we got a stripped one and/but without manual how do do things proper without breaking the limits this in house tool has. This has been discussed over the years in lot of topics. And the most major benefit if something breaks the creator at Bethesda can just walk over to the programming section and ask what the heck happened and get a full novel with why and what is the cause, we can not.


    What scale do you try use? for GECK a power of 2 was in "general" working for the grid like 8,16,32,64,128 but I noticed some assets already then did not fit into that scheme at all. Maybe they for FO4 have switched to a metric system? So you should use 5,10,20 as a grid scale instead? Just thinking out of the blue. I have not dived into that part yet, still struggle with world spaces in general.

  12. I do love it when the CK randomly decides to change everything to a .01111 (or 89.8889, or whatever) z axis, so that when you come back an hour or so later and do few more edits, then play test...holes and seems everywhere.


    ...I'm not being helpful.

    LOL, but you are helpful! If anyone have to deal with unreliable software save often, save always! At least some saved version will still be useful!


    A bit of topic, I had a new world space imported and compiled that without any what soever error regarding LOD. Yippee! The only change for the second run was to add landscape style in this case grass texture for the isles. However this time CK decided I have errors in my new world space hightmap? And actually I did find the spot in game but NOT in CK, so I have no freaking clue what I need to adjust!


    So @Eidius the best advice ever when working with GECK/CK for a mod you make save often save always! The tools we have to work with has always all back to MW had issues, over the time the community of Bethesda game lovers created workarounds, for FO4 it's still in the late alfa state.


    A general low level advice when working in CK set your smart phone, egg clock timer to Beep every 10,20 minutes, make a save, Alt +Tab and have an open File Explorer into DATA of the game and make a Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V of your mod file and accept. This way you at least have a copy to get back to that worked before CK decided anything else.

  13. To be exactly bc1_unorm but I think general DXT1 will do since it kind of an alias, make it very dark since Pip-Boy light it up a lot.


    I tested quickly with my FO4 new world space with a map over Morrowind in the bc1_unorm format just for fun and tested in game with no issue at all. I noted they name maps with ending _d.DDS not sure it matters.


    For your new worldspace the setting "Parent Worldspace" shall be set to NONE and nothing else otherwise as already told the WorldMap_d.DDS will be shown instead.

  14. Hi!


    What tutorials or general forum threads have you followed to get this far to start with, when start asking about creating new worldmaps?


    What Blah asks you about is some more details how you went along to get to this point. I have made a world map for a FONV mod, and as Blah says and I agree it was not easy, because of scale issues (I recall an explanation for why it even existed scale options in GECK/CK for world map it was that Bethesda had problems to get this perfect matching themselves).


    If your worldmap is of correct .DDS type and put in the right folder, and your definition like you say point to it correctly, then that map even if it was a picture of Mickey Mouse should show up as your map in PipBoy. If it does not, there is something else that went wrong.


    It's fun to have some new one dive into creating new world spaces but know that over the years very few still do it and extremely few mastered it.



  15. In response to post #45435460. #45436655 is also a reply to the same post.

    FreedomsFlame wrote: And here I was thinking that I was the only one who found Witcher 1 unplayable because of it's half-assed combat system. So glad I made the decision to just skip it and move on to 2 then 3, I almost missed out on one of the greatest RPGs of all time.
    Ethreon wrote: It's not unplayable, or nobody would've played W1. It isn't the best around, but you can get past it if you enjoy the rest of the game.

    Funny, when I was into this some years ago (Witcher 1), this was a RPG game first and forth most for more and all ones into the RPG stuff and you start to sound to proclaim it was a FPS game... ? Well I succeeded click the right time in the right clicks in time most of the time to succeed when something was right "fps" you sound all to have missed or was mislead was this game was all about to begin with. I do did enjoy the rest of the game since it was a RPG. Sorry you focused to look at this as a disguised FPS game.
  16. Well I try to use Auto Navmesh for landscapes, so we talk of square miles of terrain to use it on.

    For inside buildings when we talk the scale of square feet I presume it is overkill to use things like Auto Navmesh. And mark my words I have successfully made usable Auto Navmeshed terrains for FONV with GECK. So I want to know if someone successfully used Auto Navmesh with CK for FO4 game for big terrains.

  17. At least in GECK for FONV you can use region Auto Navmesh, that was what I used for two new world space resources I put up on nexus. The trick is that the region selection/create tool in GECK is graphically broken, so I created the correct line out coordinates manually with FNVEdit for the region. I heard one can be real fast with manually created navmeshes but these two mods I made the Auto Generation took just some minutes, I think that is hard to beat and the result was still usable (since Auto do makes some stupid conclusions).

    I think I do read that Skyrim CK was supposed to get a fix for Auto Generate Navmesh also, but it could have been wishful thinking since I searched for details about FO4 CK about it.


    So the question is what is broken in FO4 CK? I mean I can spend days testing this Auto Generation for Navmesh, but if someone knows for real this is broken. I can drop even trying since it is a dead end.

  18. Hi All,


    I once read a post about what was broken in the beta phase of CK, also seen "some" have been fixed with later releases.

    Is there a detailed list/forum/post somewhere that line up what functions in the CK does not work/ are broken?



    For instance I tried a bit at creating new world spaces for FO4, and back in GECK for New Vegas I could use Auto Generate functions for regions with usable results.

    It has changed with new functions since then (never got into modding for Skyrim) and currently (with CK seems not working properly, the results is amusing if you like to look at diamond shaped things around cell corners with hundreds of triangles surrounding creating the effect after an Auto Generation. But useless result to use in game.


    Might be I missed something in the new work flow needed, but I recall a note there was broken things related to nav meshing but can not Google up anything related anymore.



    So again is there somewhere out there on Internet a document telling what works or are broken with CK for Fallout 4?

  19. Technically the Steam controller on paper is a little marvelous diamond, I have one collecting dust on my desk.

    First you need to play games in Big Picture mode with Steam to get it work fully (and the game must support it) and that I have not yet found a workaround for since most people run the Bethesda games from a mod organizer tool with SKSE or upcoming F4SE. So thats the first major culprit.


    Second I have tried to play games without Big Picture, and well Windows OS do detect and install all drivers needed but in game you have only 50% of the controller working so that makes it a dead end. Game creators do only reflect to support Xbox and Logitech controllers but Steam controller adds some drivers that standard games don't detect.


    To get back to your major interest I presume and sincerely hope Steam controller do has better precision than other standard controllers (that's the reason I bought one) but I have not been able to play a game I 100% like using to compare it against keyboard and mouse setup. :confused:


    So if not someone great person on Internet makes a wrapper application to make Steam controller work in legacy games I would say this is a dead end, sorry. It IS a superior controller but without application support to use it like you want it does not matter how superior the thing you have in your hands is.


    I do hope things have changed since I got my device a year ago, but I have not stumbled on any updates that tells otherwise. If someone have good news to tell, please let us know!

  20. I agree to all the others, seeing this artifacts in a game your GPU is close of the cliff edge to completely fall and die. Like the others said try to under clock it. It might help but I seen this my self on GPU's I tried to get spin up on different PC setups and, well none ended up well! Sorry! Prepare to invest in a new GPU card if you can't play out the warranty card.

  21. In response to post #42031025.

    Dogflesh wrote:


    In response to post #42029330.

    Dogflesh wrote:

    Much like everyone else on earth I don't read the ENTIRE TOS.

    In response to post #42025090.

    Dogflesh wrote:

    Hey there Dark0ne,
    Recently I was blacklisted from your website, because i had a second account. I made my second account because my first was banned for "trollish behavior" (which I am very sorry for my behavior) I had to make the second account because every time i tried to use the forums/modpage i would get locked out of everything.I didn't see ANYWHERE that i couldn't have a second account and when i tried to ban appeal i was blacklisted. I dont know if you are gonna read this or if you are just gonna ban me again because that seems to be the recurring theme for this website but I only made my second account so i can appeal the first one. I hope that some way i can get my first account back to i can continue working on the mods i spent so much time making. It saddens me that i have to use a proxy just to use a website that hosts my hobbies.

    Second accounts not being allowed is listed clearly in the ToS, something which you agree to when you sign up.

    Not reading the TOS for this site? Well why should I feel sorry, and already created a second account because you got banned on the first. Do you understand the pattern smartass?


    so you're trying to tell me that you read the entire TOS? I find it hard to believe, I haven't met a single human being that actually reads the goddamn thing. Most people just scroll to the bottom so they dont have to read s#*!. Sorry that this site has admins/moderators that "get off" on banning people for sharing their perspectives. I just want to be able to post my mods for others to play not go through drama because I corrected someones grammar.

    Actually I have read the TOS many times over the years because nexus have a habit of updating it, and it is always a good reminder what and whatnot is allowed on nexus.
    You should try it also, that way you might last longer on this site so you actually will be able to upload a mod to this site.
  22. In response to post #42029330.

    Dogflesh wrote:


    In response to post #42025090.

    Dogflesh wrote:

    Hey there Dark0ne,
    Recently I was blacklisted from your website, because i had a second account. I made my second account because my first was banned for "trollish behavior" (which I am very sorry for my behavior) I had to make the second account because every time i tried to use the forums/modpage i would get locked out of everything.I didn't see ANYWHERE that i couldn't have a second account and when i tried to ban appeal i was blacklisted. I dont know if you are gonna read this or if you are just gonna ban me again because that seems to be the recurring theme for this website but I only made my second account so i can appeal the first one. I hope that some way i can get my first account back to i can continue working on the mods i spent so much time making. It saddens me that i have to use a proxy just to use a website that hosts my hobbies.

    Second accounts not being allowed is listed clearly in the ToS, something which you agree to when you sign up.

    Much like everyone else on earth I don't read the ENTIRE TOS.

    Not reading the TOS for this site? Well why should I feel sorry, and already created a second account because you got banned on the first. Do you understand the pattern smartass?
  23. Uh! Well of the latest, hum to call up some biased aggressive (HATE?) responses, still I would like to try out this latest version of NMM if it's not to late?

    I have some spare days of vacation and anyway I need to reinstall a lot of Bethesda games from scratch so saves is not an issue!

    So what have I need to do?

  24. In response to post #40008940. #40009045, #40010730, #40013950 are all replies on the same post.

    djtalks wrote: Wow, just wow... What gives someone who's community is all pc based the right to start bashing them and telling them to leave for thinking its better??
    djtalks wrote: sorry I just stoped reading after that rant...
    Ethreon wrote: You understood nothing of that, or you just feel targeted because you act exactly in the spirit of that rant.
    Ethreon wrote: Little boy got called out and starting throwing a hissy fit. Guess there's nothing to do here anymore.

    It was just a conclusion of what actually happened recently! Don't play victim! And might I say sober up dude?

    This is not a WAR between PC and Console users whatever you insinuate (That was just a stupid lame excuse from you). It's about mod theft!!! NEVER try to push stuff for your personal political (retarded) benefit, it will backfire!

    Creators of PC aimed mods that find their stuff on BethXXX.net for Consoles that was never optimized or tested to work on console platform EVER, now have to deal with upset Console users, and they have not a clue how that happened because they aimed for PC and now suddenly are responsible for a platform they not even play with?!

    So my question to you is: Are you just acting! Or do you have some, you know diagnose? In that case you are forgiven. (I can't tell, with all your posts making you superior to me, master ,enlighten me with your grand knowledge, please!)
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