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About shlomo

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  1. I guess ill have to wait for someone to make the thing using NVedit.
  2. I would love to see a MMM stile mod that increases spawns for NV.
  3. And by spawns i mean MORE ENEMIES. Roving HORDS of enemies, ready for the mowing like long overdew lawn.
  4. What game? Its New vegas im talking about. I want to know how to increase spawns, im not asking anyone here to do it for me. Again, how do i increase spawns using the geck? I checked the official geck website and they didnt tell me anything about altering the actual population of creatures. Thank you for your opinions, very helpful.
  5. Yah, Los Vegas constists of 2 hookers and some robots, wtf.
  6. Hey could anyone help explain to me how to increase spawns throughout the waste? Similer to MMM minus the new creatures. It would be bloody sweet to mow down hords of raiders with a minnigun instead of just two or three losers.
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