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Posts posted by anaxanamoon

  1. Since your latest update, I have multiple mod conflict warnings (all which have been sorted in the past) now after going through them multiple times THEY WILL NOT SAVE!

    If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT! Roll back the update untill you've tested the new one! Can't even load the game via Vortex, BLOODY SHAMBLES!

  2. Just a question realy, CBBE was one of the first body mods out there yet it seems to be the last to get any BBP armour and clothing ( at least on the Nexus ) Why???


    I ended up googling it and found a nice set of about 90 various armours and clothes ( which was a right pain to download ) ( but worth it )


    Just seems strange to me that's all.

    I do use other body mods too and some of them work ok on cbbe, It's like having the choice of a Big Mac or Whopper and no ketchup lol.

  3. For a start you will need CHBHC nude and jiggly mod for the animations etc, install this then overwrite with CBBE body.


    If you don't get jiggly it's probably that you don't have the right body meshes, I personaly use GRRL's body meshes ( larger nipples) download this and open the file and just cut and paste the meshes only now it should work. I havn't had any dealings with the body slide mod but imagine if you run it and select CBBE BBP it will install those meshes for you.


    Hope this helps! if not Google it there are numerous bloggs on how to get it running, have fun!



    PS if you want less bounce try VHH Fem walk.

    And also there is NoMaaM's breathing idles.

  4. Hi colourwheel! nice to see your still around.

    Think we need to take a step back people, there will be as many opinions as there are members of this site.


    I personaly let every thing through and will never tag anything that I wish to filter, I check out all the new mods at least twice a day and use my own judgement as to what I may or maynot enjoy, I do skip past some mods probably just because the way there named (brains work that way lol) then I go and watch one of gopher's mod vids or some such and see them in action and think wow how did I miss that and promptly go get it, this is why I don't filter.


    I get a buzz just seeing what modders do, it absolutely stuns me at times,I've had a dabble with blender etc and know I could never match even the basic mods, I whant to see them all!


    Censorship in any form is a rocky road tho (just ask the press) and I think we have to trust in Dark0ne's judgement to keep things on an even keel, he's done an amazing job thus far and long may he contiue!


    If mods do start getting blocked this site will get maginalised and no one wants that.


    Just one last thing and it's only my opinion, the Victorian's and other groups have alot to answer for as far as sex and the female form are concerned! sex! the most fun you had without laughing!

    The naked female form is the most beautiful thing ever created, it's about time the Human race grew up and start thinking for themselves rather than being indoctrinated by thier elders beliefs.


    I don't see people complaining about getting decapitated, blood and gore all over the place, so why get so hung up on the beautiful side of life, sorry but it's beyond me.


    Now I've just gotta go slay some dragons wearing not much more than a smile and a whooping great sword :)


    Be Happy! Be safe!


    Long Live the Nexus, for all to enjoy.

  5. Realism? Dragons! Spells! Daedric Princes! and who knows what else, v's boobs, Mmm!

    Meanwhile, seem like some good changes and will hopeful do as calys says.

    Wouldn't it be an idea to semi force modders to tag thier mods with just a drop down box or two before they upload them ie armor, fantasy,anime,female or some such? and have this posted on the mods selection lists I know your new filtering will enable this but as you mention alot don't get tagged and ppl of a delicate dissposition do log in to pages they realy don't want to.

  6. I log into the mods download site on a daily basis ( when the site is available ) which is where it all goes pear shaped.

    You need to seriously get the server situation sorted! yesterday for instance can't log in at all, today get the basic fonts and ofcourse the bloody adverts and nothing else, yes I understand the site is busy and has been eversince it started so why isn't there been any improvements to the servers??? and when the CK gets released it will only get busier.


    I've also mentioned this before that there is a problem with virus attacks on the site which has not been addressed and I don't mean from downloading mods but from just browsing the site.

  7. I've installed this numerous time now and never got it to install a mod yet!

    Latest version just errrors every time I start it and stops working ( as if it ever did work lol )


    Seems to me there are three basic things a mod manager needs to do

    1, install a mod ( least important cause you can do this manualy ) it also needs to be able to see the files when directed to the location of youre files, not just the ones downloaded via the manager ( seems to me you have concentrated to much on the downloader and fforgot the basics )when it does finaly see all my mods it won't instal any including ones it has downloaded.


    2,archive invalidate seems to be instaled in it but I have my doubts as a lot of my esp's seem to stop working with this installed, again not realy a problem I can install manualy.


    3, and most important, BOSS should be intergrated into this because as we all know if the load order ain't right nothing works anyway.


    In summary! get the damn thing to see and install the mods.

    Get it to sort the load order.

    Forget all the fripary untill you get the basics sorted

  8. I.ve had many occations lately whilst just browsing Skyrim mods where windows has had to slam the door shut because the site is infected with viruses.


    Also the type of advertizing that has appeared lately, such as you are the 999.999 visitor click here to claim youre wotever are just sites that will hack, download trojans etc.


    likewise you can earn £437 pounds a day! no you can't! you might earn it for the company but never youreself these sort of sites should not ( in my opinion ) be encouraged.


    Oh well got some dragons to trash! later have fun :))

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