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Nexus Mods Profile

About Cstahler92

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    God of War 3
  1. I follow all of the instructions then when I get to the Generate button I put the number of songs in ( 20 ) and it says: Error! Cannot Open "BeginData1.dat" I press ok and get another window telling me to read the read me instructions again because it might be able to help... I read his thing on the mods page and it still didn't help.
  2. I've got all the files ready that I need, I downloaded them from: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35984 Now I just need to know where to put them so they will work... Can anybody help me?
  3. I've read the readme like 30 different times and if I hear Johnny Guitar/Big Iron/ Ain't That a Kick In The Head/ Blue Moon one more time I'm going to f*cking kill myself. I'm glad I got the game on sale for practically free or else I'd be mad. Too late. -myrmaad
  4. So at the start he tells you to drag all of his stuff in to the base folder which I did, second step he tells you to go into a non existent folder in the data area.. so wtf???? How do I install this mod and get it work.
  5. Makes me want to bang my head my on my desk and kill myself.... Bluuuueeeee mmmoooooooonnnn... Here's one of my all time favorites.... Aiinnnn'tttt thattt a kiiicccckkk in the head.... Bluuuuuuuuueeeeee mmmoooooooonnnnnnn.... Play that guitar johnnnnyyyyyy..... Big iron on his hiiipppppp.... Bluuuuueeeeeee mmmmoooooooooonnnnn..... Big iron on hiiisss hiiiipppp....Play that guitar johnnnnnyyyy... Now time for the some news 75% in game: " a courier reproted shot in the head has fully recovered blah blah blah." Bluuueeeeeee mooooooooooonnnn..... Big iron on hiiiisss hiiiippp... :wallbash: I've tried to find a radio mod but the only one I want is the GNR: More where that came from.. and I can't get it to work =/
  6. I know there are a couple of zombie mods out and Zombie Apocalypse is about the closest it gets to that but can someone make a Zombie Mod where the textures of the zombie look traditional, make the zombies stick in a Horde, and make them overpower and infect civilian NPCs easily. You would make my game so much more amazing if you could just make a re-texture for the current mod and make them stronger.
  7. In the data file if I make a Mod file and store all my mods in there will it still work?
  8. I personally don't and the only reason I play FONV over FO3 is because of all the mods I've acquired for FONV and love.
  9. If you get Cheat Terminal you can get I believe 3 other types of Pip Boys.
  10. Is there a way for me to keep my saves but uninstall New Vegas? Like extract it from the file, keep it on my computer, uninstall, reinstall, and just put the save back?
  11. Alright, thanks I'm just tired of my epic dark dark dark dark nights stealthing around zombies and raiders ending after like 5 minutes.
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