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Everything posted by Xoriendruid

  1. Necromancer spotted! In all seriousness I cannot believe I though two different texture mods would interfere with each other, I understand much better now. And thank you.
  2. Ok so for example an armor mod and creature mod can overwrite each other as it wont matter correct? But now lets say I have I have 2 texture mods how does one decide on something like that?
  3. Well it was not my rule of thumb but many others have put it in posts, now I do believe you but since the left is resources wouldnt it kind of matter in a sense that it helps the game load smoother and run better? And your comment is kind of confusing because im pretty sure there are many that have the light bolt with the green plus is suppose to be overwriting many mods, are you saying im not suppose to have those at all?
  4. Hmmm well in that case wouldnt it just be easier to make it where mo does not manage the resources and if thats true how does one do that? And why is it so hard for anyone to give a clean answer on how to manage the left side? That is a very vague answer on that my friend.
  5. If most of your files are packaged properly (with resource files packed into BSA files) then you should be able to disable the resource management feature in Mod Organizer and not have to worry as much about the left pane. The entire point of Mod Organizer's left pane is to have full control over how resources are loaded, but with very few exceptions if the resources aren't loaded in the same order as the plugins you have problems. Best modding practice if you aren't using Mod Organizer (and even if you are really) would be to make sure the resource files for every mod are packed into a BSA archive for that mod. (That means manually creating a BSA for the mods that distribute the resources as loose files.) Then in the rare cases of conflicts or problems you extract the resources from a particular mod that are getting overwritten incorrectly. (And the only loose files you would have in your Data folder are the ones resolving conflicts.) That's how the game developers expected things to work. Unfortunately packing resources into BSA files in previous games didn't work well so when experienced modders starting making mods for Skyrim they assumed they should still continue distributing loose files and that mod managers like Wrye Bash and Mod Organizer would need powerful tools to manage the various versions. Well I install them manually, I dont do the extracting into bsas like some do as it seems very complicated and scary to me with my near 250 mods. So what your saying is by default I dont need to worry about it the left side, so how do I know which ones I do need to concern myself with, and if I sorted on the left cant that make the game load faster for me and have better performance?
  6. For my mods to work together I have to sort the left panel but thanks for answering my question.
  7. Ok this makes sense, match the left with the very first plug in that has the first name of that mod on the left side thank you.
  8. Ok from my understanding its a good rule of thumb to match the right pane with the left pane after you sorted with loot, however im running into an issue for example expanded towns and cities has multiple plug ins as well as the patches, and the order is all over the place what should I do to match the left panel for this? I have some other mods like this as well. Thank you.
  9. Ok from my understanding its a good rule of thumb to match the right pane with the left pane after you sorted with loot, however im running into an issue for example expanded towns and cities has multiple plug ins as well as the patches, and the order is all over the place what should I do to match the left panel for this? I have some other mods like this as well. Thank you.
  10. Question about the nexus mod manager, do you have to worry about sorting the mods to match loot like with mo? I hate how time consuming mo has become for me and how much misinformation there is, I would of just embraced nexus simplicity if it wasnt for the fact mo has a safe area for mods and wont break my game.
  11. Another point is you can simply click in the box and uninstall, if you really want more then 250 mods there are mod combiner mods but I have not looked into it myself.
  12. I find this odd myself maybe it would cause a legal issue or something? Its really the only thing I can think of, and thanks for the comment on my name man!
  13. There are plenty of awesome huge quest mods if you do not want to play the main story just look yourself you will find plenty.
  14. Check these out, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18465/? for the blades. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39471/? And for helgen http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35841/? More inc just a min. Here is a nice add on for dragon born http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25704/? For the companians guild, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22650/?
  15. Are there any that are not to unrealistic but can still use mods like disparity, esp races, or imparious races? I do not care for the way vanilla races stats and abilities are. Any help is appreciated thank you.
  16. I think one with nature is the best one, also you may want to look into path of the druid there are 2 chapters and they give spells and more and druid essentials.
  17. I do not think mod packs exist in fact I think they are illegal or something, you can download overhauls like skyrim redone and download recommended mods.
  18. Just use one of the perk overhauls like ordinator for simplicity. Telling people that they should use some other mod instead of mine ON MY MOD THREAD.....yeah, really classy. Thanks, I appreciate it. I think that was for someone else and your mod isnt done yet so it shouldnt be an issue for now.
  19. Just use one of the perk overhauls like ordinator for simplicity.
  20. According to the mod author of true storms you do not need climatesof tamriel weather patch with the original when you install true storm it only patches one of those options same goes for enahcned lights and fx weather mod so just reinstall the original not the weather aspects. Deadly spell impacts is horrible and causes many issues, real shelter is a pain and you need to do allot to get it working and nearly every weather mods like climates and thunder need special patches and other tweeks for it to work right. Dance of death is very oudated and causes many issues get violence camera mod instead. Get immersive npcs instead of run for your lives as it increases the npcs ai do much more with it if I am thinking of the right mod. Deadly creatures may not work with immersive creatures and deadly dragons, google it and look for patches. Just get ultimate combat and combat evolved if you want a challenge. There are 2 compatability patches for enchanced lights and fx with lanterns of skyrim google them one is just that the other is called interiors or something. Immersive sounds isnt really compatable with many things like climates or true storms check out audio overhaul 2 its allot better and is compatable with those. I would pick only one of those bird mods I hear birds of skyrim causes many issues personally I picked skybirds, they dont work well together as they should. I hope this helps goodluck!
  21. Also is there an overhaul thats compatable with mods that change race stats and abilities?
  22. Just get the real vision enb stuff, make sure you get the texture mods, smim, ruffled feather, skyrim hd. Actually check out noble skyrim if you want, in a way it can be considered realistic for vanilla. Check out better shaped weapons, get the windsong for a better looking but vanilla npc and self look overhaul. Wouldnt hurt to get magic mods that are immersive to like magicka awakened, and magic forgotten redone. Your just going to have to look around. Also weapon and armor fixes remade.
  23. I dont think sleeping inn keepers conflicts with interesting npcs, but keep in mind open cities causes huge fps losses, so does jk cities so if your having issues get expanded towns and cities and get the dawn series for cities. Skyrim 2k does not touch things like smoke, dust but maybe embers but if you use mo loot will sort it for you and make sure you look into making a patch with wyre basch. I am fairly sure immersive animations conflict with enchanced as some of them do the same things, you do not need any water mod with the ruffled feather as it comes with one. Steamwork shop can be buggy but since its one mod it might be ok. Also im fairly sure climates has an expanded snow system for frostfall or something however I think realistic lighting overhaul has a conflict with climates so you may want to check that.
  24. From my understanding all the big perk mods make them balanced or op in the end, are you sure your not overdoing it? Also did you check out magicak awakened? The one you mentioned is outdated if I remember correctly.
  25. I was having this issue recently myself and basically I had to uninstall all fnis related mods and reinstall them, I was using mo so it was a simple click for me, I am still not sure what is going on but I basically just redid my body, face, hair and etc with new mods because I was having issues. Maybe something is going on with fnis.
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