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Everything posted by WHITELION1284

  1. Just started playing TW3 again and, once again, find myself looking for a way to get rid of this BS arbitrary change to the way the player character moves. Seriously this is my single biggest complaint with the game: trying to control my character. combat state / exploration state / swimming state / horseback state / boat piloting state .... and Geralt behaves radically different in all of them. I walk under a roof and can't sprint? All of a sudden in order to jog I've got to occupy one of my hands holding down a button instead of moving the camera... it's just so annoying. And I find it mind boggling that no modder out there was annoyed enough to change it. It's times like these when I wish I knew how to code.
  2. So it seems that with many mods that include custom animations once the player gets into power armor there is a double time effect; ie. lots of short, fast footsteps. Does anyone know of a fix? Cos this issue prevents me from using quite a few mods.
  3. Honestly I, for one, am so tired of Wrye Bashe's BS. It has several uses but it is so finicky, so counterintuitive and expects everybody to jump through it's hoops and use it's flags that, honestly? It's more trouble than it's worth.
  4. In Skyrim, New Vegas, hell in any game that makes even a lick of sense followers will still defend themselves when told to wait. Yet for reasons that make sense to absolutely no one Bethesda decided to make the Stay command = turn off all AI. So any follower you tell to stay put or hold position will literally do nothing while the enemy kills them. Can someone please tell me that there is a fix for this and provide a link? Thanks
  5. Hey folks, so at some point Bethesda decided to "fix" the dialogue so that you can't aim or shoot at someone you're talking to. Now we can discuss the pros and cons of this particular decision but, to me, it feels heavy handed and removes a number of role playing options. Two come to mind right off the top of my head: Wolfgang and Trudy. I'd like to blow Wolfgang away without having to agree to talk to Trudy first. No chatting with Trudy, no aggreeing to help him, just: Die Scumbag. The other is when you first meet father. I want to be pointing Kellogg's revolver at the guy right up until the moment I start to wonder if he's telling the truth. It's a role playing thing. But do to Bethesda's "fix" I can't. So does anyone know of a mod or workaround to give me the ability to aim and shoot at NPC's without having to exit dialogue by backing out of the dialogue radius (which I find very awkward)? Thanks ahead of time. Cheers
  6. Hey all, I too have this bug. It's shown up periodically over the years and I never know whether I'm going to get it on a given play-through or not. For me it's the Supermutant ambush spot at the northwest corner of Diamond City, I guess that's the one behind Hangman's Alley that others have mentioned? That's the marker for me. If that spot is bugged then everything else is bugged: Concord, Thicket Excavations, etc. But if I restart the game (ugh) it isn't always the case. In any case, if anyone has a fix I, for one, am very interested. Cheers.
  7. Apologies for creating a thread to ask this question. My google-fu is weak today and I can't find the wiki I was looking for. I used to deny steam's auto-updates by modifying my windows hosts file but I can't remember how to do it nor can I find the wiki page that explains how. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
  8. Right. Because that wouldn't break my immersion at all. No, seriously, Hishutup's Clean-up script worked beautifully. Not only did it get rid of all those absurd protected flags but it restored all of the USSEP changes (like removing the Karthspire redoubt prison key from Addvar the Solitude fish-guy and instead giving him the key to his own house. If you haven't used it I cannot recommend it highly enough.
  9. Thank you for your well-meaning reply. I actually managed to get Hishutup's WICO clean up script to work, which removes all those protected flags and restores many of the USSEP fixes (like taking the Karthspire Redoubt jail key away from Addvar and giving him the key to his house in Solitude for instance) that WICO un-did and that the compatibility patch did not address. But thank you. Cheers
  10. Greetings, so I've been using WICO for some time and really enjoy the cosmetic changes the author made. It is just beautiful. Unfortunately the author felt the need to apply protected flags to a very large number of NPCs, many of whom are supposed to be killed by something other than the player. Right off the top of my head: - Medresi Dran doesn't die to the spike trap at the bottom of Angarvunde - Nurelion doesn't die after Quintus shows him the repaired phial. - Betrid Silver-Blood doesn't die during the attack in the Treasury House There were others but those kind of stood out. In short, it's a deal breaker. Now I know I could go through the mod line by line and get rid of that flag but I want to put together a load order for a YouTube playthrough devoted to highlighting all the beautiful work put out by the modding community and, well, I'm not going to endorse or recommend a mod that, lets face it, messes things up. Unfortunately Vanilla NPCs are so fugly that I don't even want to look at them. So can anyone give me some tips for making Skyrim NPCs beautiful? Thanks and cheers
  11. Greetings SkyrimSE modding community, For many of you out there this may seem like a noob question (at least I hope so) but I honestly don't know how to do this and remain sane. >Subscribing< to a mod through Bethesda.net that could then be force updated by an external third party program that has no regard for how such an update might affect the rest of my load order or the saves that depend on it sounds a lot like volunteering to be driven absolutely crazy. (I'm looking at you Steam Workshop >.< ). So can anyone tell me what the steps are for those of us who primarily mod from the nexus (and use an entirely separate tool for managing our mods) but want a mod that is only offered on Bethesda.net? I'm assuming that I have to: - start the game - log in to Bethesda.net through the in-game menu - subrscribe to whatever mod I want to use AND THEN - locate the local files on my hard drive, re-archive them, move them to my preferred mod manager and then UN-subscribe from the Bethesda.net source..? Am I missing anything? Does anyone know offhand if Bethesda.net downloads directly to the data folder or does it do something else, like Steam workshop, and place the downloaded mod in a separate directory? If you've stuck with me to this point I offer you my sincerest thanks and, if you can actually teach an old dog like me how to do this you may just have a new best friend. Cheers
  12. :) I suppose I should have read it. Cheers, and thanks for humoring me.
  13. Understood. Considering how many other plugins I have installed that use that particular quest I suspect it wouldn't be viable anyway. I know Vilja has similar functionality. Did Emma use your code? (This is pure curiosity and nosiness. Feel free to ignore me.)
  14. PS - After looking over Followers as Companions I had to come back here to offer some gentle encouragement to port it to SE. That actually looks wonderful. I do wonder about this, though: "Not compatible with any mod that modifies the stock DialogueFollower quest." That pretty much includes every follower management system out there, doesn't it? AFT, EFO, EFF, etc? Convenient Horses?
  15. Greetings IsharaMeradin, and thank you for your insightful and well meaning reply. I am aware of the braking issue followers have. It's irritating but I managed to adapt to that some time ago. When I've sprinted ahead I do my best to slow to a walk a few paces before getting to my destination or, if I've gotten a long way ahead, I keep an eye on them so I can dodge as they come running up. Annoying but what can you do? The behavior I'm referring to, however, often seems to happen after the party has stopped and is often most pronounced when sneaking. They tend to try climbing into my lap or do that teleporty thing when they're trying to move through something they can't and the next thing I know I'm being pushed... occasionally into something upleasant... like a trap or fall. Sigh. It's just an engine issue, isn't it? There really is nothing that can be done about it other than practicing my deep breathing, is there? Oh well. It was worth a shot. Cheers, and thanks again.
  16. Greetings Skyrim SE community, This one issue has been around for a long time and I was wondering if anyone had come up with a fix / workaround / or just a means to stay sane. My followers keep running right into me. Not all the time. It's not constant or a glitched NPC. Every few minutes whoever is with me just runs or walks or sneaks right into me... sometimes in slow motion. It really is maddening. Temporary followers are actually even worse than regular followers this way. Karliah (because she follows in first position), the guy who wants to go to Eldergleam sanctuary, Serana (before being managed by AFT), and others have actually run into me from behind and pushed me off cliffs or into traps. Dogs (like Barbas >.< ) are so frustrating that they're not even worth keeping around. And it all seems to stem from one specific behavior: the NPC's AI package directs them toward the PC without a hard-coded offset and instead rely on the scripting engine to keep them out of the PC's lap. And, as we are all no-doubt aware, the scripting engine frequently gets a leeetle bit sluggish. Hence they run into the player before the script catches up. So... does anyone know a way to make this work right? Thanks for the attention. Cheers
  17. I know. I know. I've just got a 70th level mage with multiple crafting inventories and hundreds upon hundreds of different crafting ingredients, etc. The effort required to select only stolen items (1 at a time) is just tedious at this point and I'm really hoping there is an easy toggle or variable change that could do the trick. Thanks for the feedback, though. Cheers
  18. Hello Skyrim SE modding community. I'm guessing the purpose of this request is already fairly apparent. I can have two iron ingots in my inventory; one stolen, the other not. If I temper a sword or w/e the stolen item is never used unless it is all I've got in my inventory. To me, at least, this doesn't make any sense. Stolen items are risky. I want to get rid of them at the earliest opportunity, ideally in either a profitable or useful way. So, can anyone tell me if there there is a way to make crafting prioritize stolen goods and, if so, what kind of problems could that cause? Thanks for reading. Cheers.
  19. Thanks for the tip! That shader looked awful.
  20. PS - Know any way to make Esc actually open the system tab? :D
  21. Right on! :thumbsup: (Yes, Skyrim SE. - whoops - ) Yeah, man. I just tested that mod and it seems to work perfectly. My only concern is reports of ctd with the mod but so far I've been unable to reproduce them. In any case, thank you, Traken. Very much appreciated. Cheers
  22. If you un-check all of your plugins within whatever mod manager you use... does the current save still crash?
  23. Does it still crash without any mods? (This is problem solving not baiting.)
  24. I understand. Just keep it in mind. NMM has problems that will never be fixed and Nexus doesn't support it. They're busy working on Vortex. I can tell you that > I < started having lots of trouble with NMM. (It would fail to completely remove mods from my install, leaving files in both the data and virtual install folders. This caused LOTS of problems with that particular play-through (as well as the mod build and game stability) and that particular saved-game/ play through essentially just disintegrated. Which is when I switched to MO2. I would, however, not recommend MO2 to a new user. I think you should look at Vortex instead. It is the Mod Manager that Nexus will be transitioning to and, from what I understand, is fairly easy to use. (I've never used it.)) Right now, though, you should just go ahead and continue using NMM. It's fine for a play-through or two, especially if you're not a modaholic like myself. Just know that at some point you will probably have to completely delete the game's data folder and reinstall. Oh, and as far as running FNIS through MO2 that's actually fairly straightforward. You just have to point Mod Organizer toward the FNIS executable and run it through Mod Organizer. But don't worry about that if you're not going to use it.
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