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About 62firelight

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
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    Dark Souls 3
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    Dark Souls

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  1. I'm wondering but.. in DAO, would 2 damage dealers (ranged,) a support/defensive caster and a tank be effective?
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    2. 62firelight


      And I also missed quests like the Blackstone Irregulars quest in Lothering and I didn't have many good weapons so most of the game was hard for me. Good thing I'm trying to fix that on my second playthrough. :D
    3. naomis8329


      A great combination to be sure. What is your character??? I love DA series just finished Asunder and loved it. You really should read the books for history and background great fun all of them.


    4. 62firelight


      Basically my two characters are the same person but different build. My first was a melee damage dealer, the game was pretty hard for me. But on my second, I used the party above and it seemed effective. This time she was a ranged damage dealer. And yeah, maybe I should read the DA books sometime.
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