I think the issue with Ghost Recon Breakpoint is it's online policy and the anticheat, battleye, which is a bit tougher as far as I know.
Wildlands used EAC (Easy Anti Cheat), which is pretty much trash in comparison, but apparently, the Ghost Recon community has found ways to bypass either EAC in Wildlands and BattlEye in Breakpoint.
Though with the bypassed BattlEye, you will only be able to play Solo or Co-op, no real online stuff.
I don't have Breakpoint installed at the moment, but when I have enough space again, I might download it and take a look if I can get something to work like you imagine it, if it's still wanted and nobody does it before me..
Just don't expect it to be done soon, I have other games on my list before that.. (unless there's somebody who really, really wants such a tool quickly..)
Sounds pretty straight forward though, search for the values in the game's memory which are responsible for the time in-game, create a little UI with a few settings for it.. not impossible to do, I'd say.