Hello Nexus, while making my mods sometimes i face myself in an bad situation, where i don't know what to do, normally, i try to find by my self and if i cant, i ask someone experienced in modding, but i did not find an answer yet, so here is my problem: i want to make an script that pushes the target away, like the fus ro dah, but i noticed the fus ro dah script always push the target away from the caster, so if i make an hazard with an push spell, the actor will be pushed away from me, instead from the hazard, and then i looked at the script and find that: Scriptname VoicePushEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect
Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)
Caster.PushActorAway(Target, PushForce)
int Property PushForce Auto
So, what i want, is to change the caster to the hazard, i tried Self instead of caster, but does not work, i also tried to make it objectreference instead of activemagiceffect, but didn't worked, if some one knows how to make it use the hazard as reference, please tell me, it would be of great help.