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Posts posted by Brehanin

  1. I've had issues trying to upload a new version of my mod for several days now ....

    Around 250MB took over 5 hours ...


    Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=55
    Reply from bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=55
    Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=55
    Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=55

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 33ms, Maximum = 47ms, Average = 40ms


    Seems ok I guess, but the uploads are horrible.

  2. I am having a very frustrating issue; I cannot upload my latest version of Better Vampires to the Nexus.


    I have tried multiple browsers, put in bug reports and help requests, checked all router options here, and nothing ><


    I am able to upload smaller files (around 1.5 MB) but I cannot get my main file (around 25 MB) to upload. I have even used Google Chrome to check uploading progress and it never gets past 0%.


    Has anyone else had this issue before?


    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  3. I have successfully used the Input.Tapkey() command to create customizable hotkeys for the shouts in my mod, Better Vampires, but I cannot for the life of me get the script to tap or hold a mouse button down ...


    Here is a sample of my script. This snippet is intended to cast Mortal's Mask by equipping it in the left hand, then simulating a RMouse button press to cast it.

            If BVKeyPressed == BVMortalsMaskHotkey
                If Game.GetPlayer().HasSpell(VampireRemoveHateSpell)
                    Int MappedLeftKey = Input.GetMappedKey("Left Attack/Block")

    Will Input.Tapkey() and Input.Holdkey() not work for simulating mouse buttons? They work perfectly fine for keyboard keys.

    I am using all the correct DXScancodes too - I've confirmed that the MappedKey is 257 (the RMouse button).


    Any help woudl be greatly appreciated! Can I do this differently?


    P.S. Ive already tried using the Cast spell procedure, but it casts automatically and doesn't use any Magicka. Also, with the cast procedure, once-a-day powers can be spammed indefinitely, so I wanted to make the use and casting as normal as possible.

  4. I have successfully used the Input.Tapkey() command to create customizable hotkeys for the shouts in my mod, Better Vampires, but I cannot for the life of me get the script to tap or hold a mouse button down ...


    Here is a sample of my script. This snippet is intended to cast Mortal's Mask by equipping it in the left hand, then simulating a RMouse button press to cast it.

    		If BVKeyPressed == BVMortalsMaskHotkey
    			If Game.GetPlayer().HasSpell(VampireRemoveHateSpell)
    				Int MappedLeftKey = Input.GetMappedKey("Left Attack/Block")

    Will Input.Tapkey() and Input.Holdkey() not work for simulating mouse buttons? They work perfectly fine for keyboard keys.

    I am using all the correct DXScancodes too - I've confirmed that the MappedKey is 257 (the RMouse button).


    Any help woudl be greatly appreciated! Can I do this differently?


    P.S. Ive already tried using the Cast spell procedure, but it casts automatically and doesn't use any Magicka. Also, with the cast procedure, once-a-day powers can be spammed indefinitely, so I wanted to make the use and casting as normal as possible.

  5. Well, I started up a new character and went to become a vampire lord and it works fine with my mod here ... so I'm very confident in saying that it isn't Better Vampires causing issues.


    Thanks for posting your extensive load order. My best guess would be to disable and/or remove the Vampire Lord Flys mod; I think it may be the source of your crashing. It looks like your mod order is sorted ... you do use BOSS right?

  6. I am reposting this because I think I originally had it in the wrong forum.

    I've tried to look around a lot, but I've reached a bit of a snag ...

    I want to place vampire progression charts on the last 3 pages of my MCM for easy reference. They were orginally PNG files and I have converted them to DDS files using dxt1, dxt3, and dxt5 formats using Photoshop and the Nvidia plugin. I'm fairly good at using Photoshop, but I feel I am missing something.

    No matter what image size or format I choose the images all seem to be resized (expanded) when viewed in the MCM and they are fuzzy and the text is very difficult to make out. Is this a common problem or am I just screwing something up?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can make my charts easier to read for those using my mod.


  7. I've tried to look around a lot, but I've reached a bit of a snag ...


    I want to place vampire progression charts on the last 3 pages of my MCM for easy reference. They were orginally PNG files and I have converted them to DDS files using dxt1, dxt3, and dxt5 formats using Photoshop and the Nvidia plugin. I'm fairly good at using Photoshop, but I feel I am missing something.


    No matter what image size or format I choose the images all seem to be resized (expanded) when viewed in the MCM and they are fuzzy and the text is very difficult to make out. Is this a common problem or am I just screwing something up?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can make my charts easier to read for those using my mod.



  8. I'd suggest you go with the second vampire mod ... it's my favourite ;)


    If your game crashes at startup, then you are missing a required master file. My mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717), if you are using the Dawnguard version, requires the latest update and Dawnguard to load. I suggest you update Skyrim to the newest version and then my mod, or theirs I assume, should work fine for you.

  9. I have added a special something to the optional files section of my mod that I would like you to check out!

    Better Vampires 5.4



    This file will slightly reduce the height of your Vampire Lord's collision box so you can more easily pass through doorways etc.

    It will be included in my next update as part of the package, but I wanted people to try it now. It may be easier or look more natural if you are not levitating at the time.



    P.S. I cannot make your VL first person, sorry ><

  10. Hi everyone, any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!


    I am working on making my vampire mod more immersive, and I would like to have NPCs which I make into vampires turn into ash piles upon death.

    I already have it working so that when I (the player) die I run into ash, I can make it so when I kill my own vampire "converts" they turn into ash, HOWEVER . . . if another NPC kills one of the NPCs I turned into a vampire they will not turn to ash ><


    Is there something I can change in the script I apply to my NPC turned vampires to make this happen?

    Here is the script I use for myself and the NPCs I change:



    scriptName magicAttachAshPileOnVampireDeath extends ActiveMagicEffect

    {Scripted effect for on death ash pile}


    import debug

    import FormList






    float property fDelay = 1.00 auto

    {time to wait before Spawning Ash Pile}

    ; float property fDelayAlpha = 1.65 auto

    ; {time to wait before Setting alpha to zero.}

    float property fDelayEnd = 1.65 auto

    {time to wait before Removing Base Actor}

    float property ShaderDuration = 0.00 auto

    {Duration of Effect Shader.}

    Activator property AshPileObject auto

    {The object we use as a pile.}

    EffectShader property MagicEffectShader auto

    {The Effect Shader we want.}

    Bool property bSetAlphaZero = True auto

    {The Effect Shader we want.}

    FormList Property ImmunityList auto

    {If the target is in this list, they will not be disintegrated.}

    Bool property bSetAlphaToZeroEarly = False Auto

    {Use this if we want to set the acro to invisible somewhere before the effect shader is done.}







    actor Victim

    race VictimRace

    bool TargetIsImmune = True

    ; bool DeadAlready = FALSE



    ; EVENTS /



    Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)


    victim = Target

    ; DeadAlready = Victim.IsDead()

    trace("victim == " + victim + ", is this right?")





    Event OnDying(Actor Killer)



    ;victim.SetAlpha (0.99,False)


    if bSetAlphaToZeroEarly

    victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True)




    ; AshPileRef = AshPileObject

    ; AshPileRef.SetAngle(0.0,0.0,(Victim.GetAngleZ()))



    if bSetAlphaZero == True

    victim.SetAlpha (0.0,True)







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