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About lucienlachance300

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  1. Does anyone find it annoying when you're in the wilderness and there's some random animal like a wolf or something that you can't see and is probably just minding it's own business, but is JUST close enough to prevent you from fast traveling? It's not really that big of a deal, but it's still pretty annoying. Almost every time I get out of a long, tedious dungeon crawl and want to fast travel back to a city, I get that annoying message telling me that there are "enemies nearby" when it's really just a random wolf conveniently within the "nearby" radius.
  2. Has anyone actually failed to complete the Great Gate quest in 15 minutes? I just want to know what happens if you fail the time limit. Like, is there a special cutscene or something? Or do you just have to reload? I couldn't find any sort of cutscene on Youtube that shows a Great Gate time-related fail, so if anyone knows of such a cutscene, can you please give me a link to it?
  3. You get the follower option after you complete the questline, which I did. It's the same sort of thing as the Mage Apprentices and Dark Brotherhood murderers you can get after completing those respective questlines. Also, I just found something interesting. I decided to go back into the cave to see if I could find the dead body, and apparently, the dead Knight clone had respawned inside the cave! I saw him (now more of a caveman than a knight) completely unarmored, with an awesome looking staff, fighting a massive horde of goblins by himself. I killed all the goblins, then talked to him, but he had no dialogue options. Then I used the console to delete the clone. I went back to the Priory of the Nine, expecting the problem to be solved, but I still did not get the "Come with me" option. Also, the last backup save I have is... well... distant, let's leave it at that. :P
  4. So I was raiding Derelict Mine with one of my Knights as a follower, and decided to use the createfullactorcopy cheat when he died. Then the clone died too so I finished raiding the place myself. Now I can't get a Knight to follow me. When I enter converstion with one of them it doesn't give the "Come with me" option. Is there any way to fix this?
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