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About MonsterMonkey

  1. Maybe it's too late, but i'll try to help anyway. I think you can do it by attaching a bsvaluenode to the mesh. Open your mash in nifskope, and attach new node > bsvaluenode. Now you'll have to open the GECK, and find addonNodes. Addonnodes are particles meshes that can use light source, you can even create one in the geck and make it use a source light. Addonnodes have an Index number, you 'll need this index number in nifskope. Now go to nifskope, and in the "bsvaluenode" you created, go to the "value" line and write the related index number of the addonnode you want the mesh to spell. I' think it's how you do it.
  2. All is in the title, and the best exemple is that huge light effect called "FXPrydwenLightDim" wich is right Under the cell "Wilderness 16.16" South of Abernaty's place... I mean, why is it here for ? And Why is there a lot of plants, trees, and stuffs that seems lost way Under ground, why are all these things there ? Aren't they using engine ressource ?
  3. It's the last enb binary 0.194 that is the culprit, remove them in a backup folder each time you open the Geck Enb is great, beautifull impressive. But people that says it's 100% stable are just lying it is/was/will be buggy.
  4. Same here it does not crash, but these enb stuffs are way more complicated that these guys are telling, deleting dll files and all enb related files does not work i have suppresed everything from Midhrastic and guess what... It' like the game continues to use it even if it's not here, i had to make a complete backup of the folder and redownload a fresh install. I'will not continue to use this things it's very wired.
  5. I have the same problem here, it's a complete non-sense i'have tries every Wav forms (Window PCM, ADPCM, ACM Waveform) none is working. Ihave extracted sounds from the BSA and converted my files to the exact same sampling rate, not working either... Renamed the same as vanilla files............... not working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF
  6. It s not possible because ....................... the game uses a big open world so to save memory.......... Hm.......... NO ! In fact there ain't no reason, except that for some reason Gamebryo is badly used by Bethesda, other games use it with more efficiency. And other engine are not that better to explain the lack. A vaste open world can be more realistic than Skyrim does, and it already exists. I mean look at what Rockstar games did in Red Dead Redemption, wich IMO is way better visually than Skyrim !!! Red Dead is a vaste Open world nearlyas big as Skyrim, but... You have real time shadowing for , buildings, trees, avtors, plants, animals, any objects around casts shadows i mean even ejected rounds, no kidding... Moving hairs, even horse hairs... Even the rain that falls all over the place (not only on the face of actor) and updating specularity and reflection to simulate wet things. Andi i'm talking about the XBOX version here ! There is got to be a way to correct that... There ain't no excuses, Skyrim is a beautifull game mostly amazing.... it could have been even better
  7. here is what i do for this... Open the GECK to create an "empty" plugin.... Select the Fallout NV master (by default) and any other master you may want to associate with it in the data options... Change nothing and save it as the name you wish... Then open the plugin you want to mod in FOMM right clic "Open in TESNIP"... Do the same with your new empty plugin and copy (Ctrl C) and Paste (Ctrl V) the records and grups you want from one to the other. Save it, and there you go. Edit: Be aware that there isn't any record in the plugin that is related to a cell, or region, or world data, in fact anything that would come from another game, except texture edit, meshes. Exemple: a record in the plugin that would refer to "Megaton" from Fallout 3, will make the plugin obsolete for fallout New vegas. So if it's a FO3 mod dont copy/ CELL, WORLD, SCRPT datas to a New Vegas plugin.
  8. These textures with a lil' "_e" are environment maps better known as *Cube Maps". It uses 6 images, Right, Left, Front, Back, Up, Down, to simulate reflection on meshes. It makes cool effects, and you can find some crazy Cube Maps on the net, even those from other games may work ( i uses Skyrim ones, and have some home made too) But it's not the specular here,, there is 2 ways to had specular maps in Fallout, First yiou use the normal map alpha channel( white=Shiny, black=No Shine, grey levels= shine levels) Or the second way is, to delete the alpha from the normal map and you let the nimaterial property from the mesh making it. You can controle it levels in Nifskope. Note the second way is always overriden if you have a normal map with alpha channel. Last thing... cubemaps go along with another texture that got "EM" Or "em" or "m" at the end (Ex: armor_em.dds) these are environment mask (not map) it works exactly like the alpha from the normal (white=Shine, Black=Flat). To have it working you have to open the Mesh in Nifskope thgen go to "BSSshaderPPLightingProperty" and in the Shader flags enable "Environment Mapping" Then under "BSShaderPPLightingProperty" open "BSShaderTexture Set" and there you'll see "texture" word on the left, and if you stay with the mouse arrow on it, you'll have an help, explainig what lines to put your textures here. Don't forget to allways put "textures\" at the beginning of the path of each lines , as an exemple if you put "armor\helmet.dds" the game will not find your textures and you'll have Blue or black meshes ingame. The right setting is for exemple "textures\armor\helmet.dds" Cubemaps are also affected by the fake 3D effect of the Normal map, (the reflection follow the relief emboss, holes etc...), wich can make great effects.
  9. I 've sterted to do a retexture for femele head meshe, i did it from a photo to have ultra realism and saved it as 2048x2048, then i opened the CK to see the result and WTF. The texture is ultra low resolution and colors are wired; Please i tried many things (change coversion options and resolution) but now i'm lost, i need some help.
  10. I tried to convert it as tangent space with nvidia plugin in PS but when i tried to edit the mesh to let it use normal maps i had wired results in the CK (Grey Face and strange glossy pixelised texture.
  11. Does it allow us modders to add normal maps to game textures ? It surely would be a major improvement.
  12. I have an issue that disallow me to edit faces, when i start the preview option it is splited in 3 parts one upon another, in a way that i can only see the mouth of the character. Does anybody know a way to correct it, please help me.
  13. This pack does enhance textures but mosty of them needs a complete rework from scratch, that's what i do and i will continue because my work and some other retex mods (Flora over... Project Frenzy) are way better than this HD Pack in my opinion, no kidding. We will make this game legendary in realism and Beauty, in a way that no HD upscaling wont never reach. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=4582
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