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Everything posted by gernash

  1. Hmm, https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1635343-scripting-help/ is this a thing in FO4? Can I make a script for NPC to go to the workbench(or say a WARCHEST) and equip items auto-magically? OR a force script command to make settlers in the area to go through their inventory and equip best in slot? I might have to find someone who knows scripts and get a tutorial or if somebody can show me a "hello world" to advanced guide for scripting? mmm Banging rocks to make fire.
  2. OOPS this is for Fallout 4 been so focused on nutting out some issues that I forgot to mention it.
  3. If I assign them to a settlement they function normally i.e. you can equip gear Does equipment need a special keyword or tag to be usable by settlers?
  4. Hi' I was wondering if anyone knows a bit about settlers. If you re-spawn a settler (using recycleactor) it has a bunch of inventory items but only seems to equip 0-1 pieces once it's assigned to a settlement (They start off naked). Is there a default behavior/AI or tag that needs to be adjusted for them to equip any Armor and/or clothes they have? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, I'm starting to play with this as well. Mod list is here > http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Gernash/MODWiki To add to all this info I've found if you edit mods that include the Pre-Vis tag you need to disable it 1st in all World space before starting the edit otherwise the CK copied over the tag without recalculating anything for that cell in regards to the precombined nif. Also you need to run the Navmensh check and navmesh finalize or you CTD in transitional zones.(I've found this to be most successful if done to include the entire ZONE to the Stitch Boundary(Yellow dotted thingy). Zone size I edit is this
  6. @ SparrowPrince Yea, like FlaconOil's Greebs and the Lattices as an example. Performance hit well I'm doing it more as a "learning" experience and the people that would use this sort of texture are in the upper end of the GPU spectrum. DPI drives me mad int the head, I'm hoping the secret is in the mesh or these "NiTriShapes" Unicorns. Like Brown, you paint something a cretin type of brown it Becomes a Water placement thing I'm assuming at this point it's the "directional material" as per snow in skyrim thingy (on the list to work out) @TrickyVein The terminology you have used I'm unaware of but gimme a week to "talk the talk" Are there any process overview guides for nifscope, meshes, NiTriShapes or anything else in that world so it's not so chilly when you dip your toe in? (I have found a blender object to FO4, creation to placement guide) I've looked at the CK as well but It's quite alien to me as well so watching many different how to type guides to get more of a feel for it.
  7. Ahhh, at the 3rd paragraph.... Well as a example the Mountain or boulders are made up of separate meshes joined together to make an object I should be able to extract a mesh and generate a New single warped texture with connecting edges and use it as a replacer to the in game mesh? That is my hope with mountains and roads (potholes).
  8. YA, I figured it's a mesh issue and the accompanying object file. I noticed the "Issue" persists with vanilla objects so I plan to invest some time with nifscope and Blender (do not have access to 3D MAX) and see if I can work out meshes and texture wrapping (rather then the slap on process that's currently in game), feels like alot of effort for a 2ndary object that will look cool but it's dirt..... Oh well something new to play with. Most of the normal maps (with landscape) are not generated from the Diff map in game they seem to be made from a hand drawn pic that emphasizes certain parts then the "color" map is applied. Red is reflection and green is roughness (or gloss if you like) the alpha I'm talking about is in the Diff map and with landscape textures it appears to be OCC on some textures and others it's a layer mask for transparency or water collision (I assume that call is in the material list in the mesh(Um jonson file? I have not played with it yet so unsure of terminology)) The Black I saw on Fallenleafs01_d was the bottom of the texture on an intersecting plane (the scrap stuff in sanctuary) the black on the shadow side was gloss related as there seems to be a OCC aspect to a texture generated from the combined spec map when the alpha is used as a transparency layer.......ARRRRRGGGG I'm hoping it's all becomes a Light BULB moment when I dig into meshes.
  9. Heya, I have an issue with my saved game that I can move settlement objects and create new ones but not delete/scrap them. I believe it's due to old mods I have used to build with and have left a location or position id but there isn't anything attached to it. Is it possible to clean/remove the build items in a settlement or get a list via console as I'd like to purge the erroneous entries. Thanks.
  10. Playing further with textures I've come across a couple of issues that drive me batty (well just how the game seems to handle textures or implement them) 1: Some texture in FO4 are just "hanging" in mid air i.e leaf on tree/ground Debris in the default texture they seem to have the texture on a transparent layer so it's not so apparent (but still visible if you know what your looking for) that there is no light reflection to the underside. Reading 3d modeling forums they talk about double sided diffusion and normal maps or "flipping" them. Is that something that can me done to texture maps? I've not been able to see any information anywhere if it's a thing. (issue I have is If I generate i decent bump map it becomes very apparent the underside has no reflection i.e. black areas on the texture) 2: Large Static objects like cliff, rock edges, roads (potholes/edging)etc they have a Edge map for where the 2 planes meet with an alpha that when looking at it seems to have a transitional gradient to blend the 2 textures but if the alpha is any less than 100% opacity it immediately shows the overlapping layer. Is there a way to create a seamless texture from a mesh or find how the textures are being called to wrap the object and perhaps adjust the blended zones. If anyone knows of a forum that discuss these sorts of things or ballpark tutorial on locating color map layout with FO4 meshes and how to make wrapped maps (I only have a very basic blender skills) would be appreciated.
  11. OK. I have to apoligize to 32cm about his mod: Rust in peace - cars by 32cm Apparently I'm An IDIOT! the issue I've been having is to do with the Nvidia control panel #6 http://forum.step-project.com/public/style_images/step/icon_share.png Gernash Here is alink to ingame pic ARRRG at least I know how to get bump maps and roughness maps for complex pics now........ So yea now I can "see" textures the Rust in peace mod looks great!!!! did I say ARRRGGGG already?
  12. I found https://github.com/kmkolasinski/AwesomeBump/releases free version of crazybump Now I feel like I know less there are wayyyyy to many setting in there...(Soooo many slidy bars sooo many)
  13. the intel tools just Automagically make "BC5 8bpp (linear, 2 Channel tangent map)" as the compression type. I assume you use BC5/ATI2(3Dc) in Gimp to save them to interlope the alpha But I'm very very far from knowing stuff.....
  14. BTW gimp can do edit the _n and _s https://www.gimp.org/ and the plugin http://registry.gimp.org/node/70 instruction are on the plugin page to install it,it uses a similar interface to the Nvidia tools need to do this when saving n and s files https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Normal_Map_Creation_in_The_GIMP especially this Make sure that you have the appropriate layer selected (there should only be one)Go to the Channels tab and deselect the Blue channel (leave the Red and Green channels selected)Go to the Color Balance Tool. Image menu → Tools → Color Tools → Color BalanceLeave the settings on "Midtones" and adjust the Red and Green values both up to 1, but leave Blue at 0.Click "OK" to complete the adjustment.
  15. I've just been playing with the "jelly bean effect" on the sanctuary roads, The only way I can Make the normals normal is to wash out most of the pic and enhance the blacks where the cracks and divets/holes are then make the normal with the nvida normal map filter (the Gimp version has some more control) or I can fiddle in CrazyBump till all I dream about is sliders...... Are there any other ways to make normal maps (other then "Baking" which i have not looked into)? Also is there a streamlined process that you can batch up? or do you have to go through 20 road textures and manualy do each of them? {repeat of 1st paragraph but inc the process} I've found if you decolorize and sharpen the image (to define the blacks and reduce/remove the "picture") then adjust brightness/contrast to emphasize the black to white. Then make the normal with nvidia normal tool. This gives a grainy look with sharp edges to cracks. (that's the process I want to automate.) To me a mod like this http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16870/? is an example of normal maps gone to far IMO. I download it thinking ZOMG re-texturing of cars how cool!!! But it's basically the bump maps scaled to the extreme (so many jellybeans). I've been downloading mods to enhance the look of the game not knowing 72dpi was it so 2k textures are where it's at unless the texture spans a whole house in game and your staring at the wall in 1 corner. After playing with this madness I went through landscape mods I've downloaded and was surprised how many just did the PS->Normal and called it a day(this doesn't work very well or at all) and the Multitude of stock pics just resized. ARRRRGGG I just read what I wrote ...... Apparently I'm ranting (Jellybeans and slider are going to haunt my dreams)
  16. Playing around I think occlusion is carried as a negative in the alpha in the "whatever"_d.dds file, what's the "d" stand for? And yea the intel texture works thingy removes all alpha data from "Normals" and from what i've seen stuff_n.dds and stuff_s.dds are both to be saved as normal map mode
  17. I'm personally tired of the landscape texture's and the "insane specular and over-the top Normal maps" looking at the ground is like looking as spilled jellybeans and when it rains.... don't get me started. I'm new to all this just wrapping my brain around the 72dpi thing hurt a lot. So Normal and color maps, DO they contain any Channel specific data ie in the Alpha channel? As some modeling software can store displacement maps there with the normal map. The Specular Map is Red - Metal reflection Green - roughness - Specular Blue - nudda what about the Alpha? When I try and search about this the internet just refers me to masking procedures not modeling information in FO4. Does anyone know what each of the channel are for? if so could you tell me as it's driving me nuts.
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