Hello everyone, I've been modding for awhile now, since the launch of oblivion. However i've done a new Skyrim install since I got a new ssd but im having some ctd issues. Im hoping that someone here may have an answer for me as to why I am constantly crashing when I fast travel, take a carriage or walk to windhelm. The crash happens as soon as i enter the area around windhelm/windhelm stables. Generally when coming from the west along the river to where the wolves in my case attack just before the bridge. As stated I get a ctd if I try to fast travel or take a carriage to windhelm as well. In addition I occasionally get random ctds, sometimes immediately when i start skyrim before i even get the bethesda logo, though these are rare. I've cleaned all files that Loot said to clean, as well as sorted my load order and made a bashed patch. I've attached my load order, skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini. Also this skyrim install was done around a week ago, so fairly fresh. Not shown on my load order is obviously texture mods im using, which include tamriel reloaded hd, skyrim 2k, vivd landscapes and amidianborn texturepacks, they're may be others, if someone knows how to get a list of all texture mods installed and could tell me I can upload that if required. I am also using skse, and have done the memory patch. I currently have block1 set to 768, but have tried 1024 as well, didn't make any difference however. I am using an enb as well, and will include my enblocal file in case its needed. If any other information is needed just ask. Thanks everyone.