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About areeyanne

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    Skyrim, Tera

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  1. Hi, Maybe someone on the forums can help as I've Asked two different Staff members and gotten no reply. I updated NMM from the 0.50.2 Alpha build last Friday. I had been using it for months, stopped playing Skyrim and decided to play a new play through last Friday. Started NMM and was told through a popup that my version had been disabled from connecting to Nexus. So thus i couldnt update any mods through a direct connect. Here in lies the problem, the alpha build had the profile thing in it, which worked fine for me. Downloaded and updated NMM and now I cannot disable nor remove any mods. Both Staff members say thats because the file system was different in the alpha build. So at the moment without total uninstall reinstall, updating any mods is not an option I have. So the question is does anyone know how I can correct this situation without totally uninstalling and reinstalling the game and all my mods?
  2. The guy who did Dragon Combat overhaul, has something about that on the intro page of his mod, sorry don't remember exatly what. Might want to check his front page of that mod for the answer
  3. http://images.mmorpg.com//images/galleries/formatted/072012/ef1bf112-a99d-4b2c-b837-bb7e2e0aff2a.jpg Has anyone ever seen this mod or know where it could be found?
  4. Just wanted to ask if there was a way to take a light armor esp and , not change it to heavy I can do that now, but add the entire heavy entry's to the esp. such as an armor which has the three pieces in light and I copy the entry in the CK and change it to heavy thus having six entries instead of the original three will that work?
  5. LOL I havent even gotten that far as I had a few of the installer mods not use the installers? So im afraid to play skyrim with my current save as i have no idea what loaded what didnt posted in the bug thread but i guess they are kind of busy with other stuff ATM than .050.1a bugs LMAO
  6. seeing as how the front page ate my post i'll try this here Installed 50 alpha, didn't get installers pop up for better vampires nor convenient horses Also did not get overwrite notification for previous mods having same files noticeably the skeleton files for placing weapons on the back nor notifications of Sacrament armor replacing the default Dark brotherhood armors Now if 50 work's like Mod Organizer and not installing everything to the data folder I can understand that. That being said the data folder is still full of mods? Also BOSS has notified me that all the mods I previously had cleaned with TESV Edit or run through CK to remove out of order sub records need to be cleaned again. TESV Edit when launched doesnt say anything about the mods in question having out of order sub records? This leaves me very confused as one program says now the mods are dirty and one program doesnt conflicting information is confusing.
  7. Likewise ion the Ningheim, cept I usually play dark or High Elf when not look race menu finally can make a desently looking elf instead of one from a Freddie Kruger Nightmare on Elm Strett movie
  8. Was watching a video yesterday and the author stated Nexus Mod Manager had a cap of 255 mods, after getting that many mod NMM would no longer install mods. I am well aware of Skyrims limit of 255, wasnt aware that NMM wouldn't allow u to install more than that number.
  9. I had to reenter my user id and password to get logged in And still cant update mods or get new ones as nothing will download either with NNM nor direct sad face
  10. So hate to be a pest but any ETA when I'll be able to log on the mod site or NMM?
  11. I'm going to go out on a limb and open myself to internet brutality here, but I guess this is why I cant log into NMM or the mod site?
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