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  1. I am trying this now as I am getting tired and hopefully I get some help in the morning when I wake up. My game just jumped up on the screen about an inch. By this I mean there is not a black bar at the bottom of my screen, and some things are getting cut off at the top. I don't know what I was doing when it happened, and I looked online and could find no help. Can any of you help me with this? I don't know how to turn it back to normal. If anyone knows or can provide a link that evaded me in my searches that would be great.
  2. Thanks for the info, I will for sure get the boxed copy then.... I love maps.
  3. I am getting this fantastic looking game soonish, within a week or two, and I was wondering what comes in the box for the PC version? I know the consoles get and instruction manual and a map, but I notice that PC disk versions these days have just about nothing in the box besides the CD and the activation key. Just to clarify I am not talking about the Collectors Edition, just the normal boxed disk version.
  4. I have Fallout Remastered, and had it on prior to this happening, As to my saves, the only other saves I have is from before I started the DLC, I just got really into it as it is my first time playing through the DLC and forgot to save it. But thank you for the console fix, I did not know about that and it worked after I took out the door and the floor just in-front and behind it.
  5. I am playing Mothership Zeta DLC and I am currently in the Experimentation area and there is a door with a force field that can only go down by blowing up another core. I blew it up and the door is still there, and I have no way to load to just before it. Is there any fix for this?
  6. I fixed the issue, and I feel very stupid for not thinking of it much sooner. Thank you all for the help.
  7. I got the NVSE4GB thing and that did nothing. I couldn't find the preload size limit, and I have no idea what the d3d9.dll fix is. But would any of those fixes fix my validation issue?
  8. I made a topic about this already but I thought it best if I start a new one, as my problem is very different now, let's say it evolved. When I start the game it seems to freeze at the loading screen with the logos of Bethesda, Obsidian, usually it will freeze just after Obsidian and it will freeze for about 8 seconds or so; also every time I use my pip-boy the game crashes. But here is the biggest news, I tired to validate the game cache after my re-installation(I re-installed the game because of the same issue and it did nothing) and every single time I do it it says "1 files failed to validate and will be required", and then it downloads something real fast and says download complete. But I can validate it immediately after and the same thing happens. I should add that I have 0 mods, or DLC(besides the Tribal Pack). So can anyone help?
  9. Another double post, and I apologize but I need to bump this because of new info that may help you help me. After my re-installation the game seems to want to work for me, and it doesn't take forever to load anymore but the into loading to get to the title screen does, and the FPS have dropped a lot, and every time I use my pipboy the game crashes. But here is the biggest news that could help, I tired to validate the game cache after my re-installation and every single time I do it it says "1 files failed to validate and will be required", and then it downloads something real fast and says download complete. But I can validate it immediately after and the same thing happens. So can anyone help?
  10. It wont launch without the Data folder. Also when I try to play now it crashes every time I try to play it.
  11. It's used for screenshots and video capture. Oh, well I used it once for looking at my FPS and ignored the other features. But still I don't use it.
  12. I will try the texture pack, what one are you using that worked? Also I am not running FRAPS, no sense in running a program to see your FPS if it actually lowers it.
  13. I did re-install my drivers. I really do not want to install Windows again. There has to be a answer for this issue, could some file have been altered or deleted for a mod that I need to fix?
  14. Well I don't have any mods on, I verified the integrity of the game cache, and installed-reinstalled it and the problem persists.
  15. I still need help, if anyone can that would be much appreciated.
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