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Everything posted by RoguePony

  1. Click on the version number of the outdated mod and download the new file of the mod. Might be a good idea to deactivate the current version first, unless you're downloading a specific "update" file rather than the main file. Check the outdated mods' descriptions on their upload pages, the methods differ depending on what the mod does.
  2. I've seen the account deletion request thread being used for new members wanting to create accounts for a change in username, but as my account has more than a few posts and years to it, would it still be alright for me to do the same? I'm going to begin modding soon and I would rather not do that with a username I created when I was 12. Also, is there any way to check for availability other than searching through the users? I don't know how banned/deleted accounts are counted in the username availability process and I'd be a right dumbo if I got this account deleted just to find the one I want is taken.
  3. Hello! I am trying to import the mesh of a face I created in the in-game character creation with the CharGen SKSE mod, I have the .NIF and .DDS files and followed this tutorial to a T: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_Chargen_Extension_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim It worked, to some extent. The NPC face retains some elements but the typical racial traits (round, stumpy face for a Breton) are slapped back onto it in the CK. In CharGen I used a slider to make the face have 50% of the High Elf morph but in the CK all of that vanishes. The long face and pointy ears and so on. Is there any way to import the face exactly as I have it in the save game?
  4. Did you use the installer .exe version of SKSE? It's much more foolproof than a manual install.
  5. After using my game for weeks only to create characters, I've just discovered that most of the spells I equip don't show up in my hand and they don't cast. I can hold down the mouse button and hear the casting sounds and see the animation, but it never casts them when I release the button and no matter what, the magicka bar never shows up. The spells I've been able to momentarily cast are flames and healing, but they stop showing up after a second. The spells I definitely can't are Summon Familiar, Magelight and Facelight. I have no mods that effect magic or combat, mostly just visual overhauls. I have never come across this before either, I've confirmed the bug across two different characters. Both newly created. Mod load order is attached. I use LOOT and it gave no warnings other than a few minor dirty edits. I use an ENB so have edited the skyrimprefs ini according to the recommendations. I've heard that the ini file could be the problem but I don't want to generate a new one until I know if it's possible. Anyone heard of this before? Update: I'm an idiot. Apparently toggling the AI off also disables your spells. Oh well, trial and error right?
  6. EXACTLY! xD I just bought The Witcher after hearing loads about it and after going from the Godlike DAI graphics to potato graphics from the last decade...I'm struggling. Even Dorian's moustache has more form and detail than The Witcher's faces on top settings! Buuut I'm derailing. Thanks! Much appreciated :) I'll drop you a PM if I foolishly derp my game through the big stuff...again.
  7. I'm going to be downloading way more than texture mods heh. Eh, well I'm new to this, terminology aside I've managed to fix all my problems with it!
  8. Haha you all have no idea how happy you're making me - I've been managing with crappy low end stuff for all the time I've been gaming and got this beauty as a colossal birthday present. I knew it was spectacular but not this much! :D ...there's an ENB manager? -_- I've already kerfuffled my game up trying to install one, thanks for telling me about this! I agree with every word about DA:I, every screenshot I take is astounding. Even with the derpy eyelids xD Thank you for all the mod recommendations! As soon as I get this ENB stuff working my mod count is going to rocket...
  9. I installed the listed mods in one session, it's a clean install of Skyrim so no prior meddling. I'm creating a new game each time I try and get the game to work, no previous saves whatsoever. I'm using the wrapper version, I didn't know what the difference was so went for what appeared to be the safest option. Did I do the wrong one? Both are on their highest setting, the game defaulted to Ultra when I installed it. Both settings were already set to those options. I would think something was happening with LAL, if it hadn't worked perfectly before I edited the INI files and got the ENB working to some degree. (it's hard to tell in a cave) I'll try another ENB but I don't know if that's the fault. Different ENBs are just different settings for the mod right? Update: I downloaded and made use of SweetFX, followed the instructions of the Seasons of Skyrim ENB and voila! Game working perfectly. I noticed that it had an entire directory of files and settings I had to install that Tamriel HD ENB didn't. Maybe installing it with NMM was a bad idea. It's a bit blurry for my liking but I'll keep it for now, I'll tackle ENBs when I'm in the mood for Skyrim being MIA again. Thanks for your time! :)
  10. Well it didn't take me long to get to this point! I installed Skyrim on a new PC today, installed texture and an EMB mod for the first time, and upon making the required INI edits for the ENB (Tamriel Reloaded ENB) the game crashes when I try to leave the cell that Live Another Life puts you in, whether it's via the bed, door or 'coc' command. I'm using LOOT which has given me no errors, the latest version of SKSE and NMM. I've never used an ENB before so suspect that I might have done something wrong in that area, but I followed the TR ENB's instructions to the letter with no deviation other than installing the ENB version 266 rather than 265 which was no longer listed on the ENB page. My load order is: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Hearthfire.esm Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Climates Of Tamriel.esm Auto Unequip Ammo.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp The Eyes of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp SkyUI.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonbron-Pach.esp DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp Tamriel Reloaded HD.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp SMIM-Merged-All.esp dD-Dragonborn-EBT Patch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp WATER DB.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp WATER Plants.esp TheEyesOfBeauty.esp WATER.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp I noted some graphical issues before I did the correct INI settings, such as the ENB not displaying and the water flickering, but before I corrected that I could at least go out into the world without the game crashing. Any insight?
  11. Ikr? I still haven't recovered from playing low-quality, laggy, shadowless glitch-fest Skyrim on 4:3 laptop screen for years to Dragon Age Inquisition on ultra with a 22" screen. *_* Aha yes I've drooled at Tamriel Reloaded many times, but would you say I could go for the 4K option of it or stick with 2K?
  12. Hi! I recently got my first desktop and as it's the first time I've been able to run Skyrim properly I want to outfit it with the best texture mods and visuals it can handle. But I don't know what they are, I see 2K packs that are better than the downloadable HQ DLC, 4K options which are massive to download, ENBs that look amazing but I'm not sure what texture packs work best with them. My specs are: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K @3.30GHz RAM: 16GB 2 TB hard drive Res: 1920 x 1080 OS: Windows 8.1 I want the absolute best my PC can run but I have no idea where to start. Could anybody give me some pointers? Thanks!
  13. In 3 months I'm going to have £1,000, give or take a few hundred, at my disposal and I want to buy my first gaming pc with it as I've been slowly killing 2 low-end ones on low quality for years. I would get a desktop but as I'm turning 18 it's natural to assume I'm going to be travelling around a lot more - and I don't want to be forced to share it with my siblings and rooted to one place. Especially as I've heard that there's a way to connect desktop graphics cards to your laptop when at home. Building my own gaming rig is out of the question too, seeing how much I love gaming it's inevitable I will one day, but not right now. I've had my eye on Alienware for years but I've heard that other brands are much better, Chillbast for example, despite Alienware being so hypnotisingly good-looking. I'm good with computers but know next to nothing about the hardware, so I need as much advice as I can before then. I do own a cooling pad (link) and I'd want this laptop to be great for at least a few years for my primary gaming, until I can get a desktop. The sort of games I'd want it for and to run smoothly with on HQ are Dragon Age: Inquisition, Skyrim, Portal, Assassin's Creed 5 and so on with similar games - all with around 10 mods. I'm not going to be getting the most insanely demanding FPS games out there but I want it to be a competent and consistent gaming laptop nonetheless, one that lasts. I am in the UK so American retail only brands would be a no-no. Thanks!
  14. Yep I found that thread :wink: The cc_core came with Ser Gilmore, so 'tis evil! But alas I've tried playing and restoring the game without it and the other mods, still didn't work. :sad: I never thanked you for your help in my other thread by the way, I'm awfully forgetful when it comes to forums, but I now have a competent grasping of all the morph files thanks to you! :smile: Update: I just forced the epilogue on a character that never had the cc_core installed and the problem still occurs, no mods are loaded. Update update: Fixed it and put the fix in the first post!
  15. I really doubt it, even if there was a mod made for that I think it would cause lag with the constant overlapping of visual effects. I'm not familiar with that area of modding but creating new visual effects just for that would be a little overkill, in my opinion. At least the damage is applied!
  16. -SOLVED- Oh god I love this game so much but it is SO BUGGY. RAWR. Right so after the coronation and my character's funeral, the epilogue slides do not play. It just flashes to the main menu for half a second then plays the credits. I've been replaying saves before the archdemon's defeat for hours, repairing/restoring my game files via Origin, wiping out all of my mods and trying different scenarios so Alistair died instead in case it was just a bug with the funeral scene. As soon as I told the guard I was ready, nada. Fade to black, flash to main menu, then credits. I've searched for this quite a lot and found the similar thread on here, http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1892475-epilogue-slides-dont-play It's suggested reinstalling the 1.05 patch will fix the epilogue, wiping mods out and so on and so forth. I tried it all and my game is still frighteningly stubborn. I haven't tried reinstalling, as it's Digital Download I'm terrified of the download times and thought "Repair Game Files" would essentially have the same effect. The mods I have were installed via DAUpdater, I realise that may have been a mistake but ah well. Repairing the game files wiped them all out from the Downloaded Content tab so I cleared the Overrides folder too, didn't do a thing except remove the modded effects from my game. Improved Atmosphere AddItemImproved1_1 PineappleTree'sVibrantColours1_31 Advanced Tactics Ser Gilmore NPC cc_core_200 Sleep Until Dawn Alistair's Nightmare Fort Drakon Kiss IRS - Improved Romance Scenes Dahlia's First Night and the mod that lets you have your dog as a summoned companion Oh how I regret installing that Ser Gilmore mod, but it was for another character and I never interacted or saw him once during my bugged character. I also spontaneously created a new character and ran runscript zz_epi_debug on it, the coronation and funeral scenes played perfectly (compared to my first few times where both Alistair and Anora's separate coronations played) but then it flashed to the main menu and rolled the credits. Please can anybody help me? I did an awesome playthrough with all the side quests - I need to be rewarded with those epilogue slides! xD Update: I managed to fix it! The culprit was indeed the Companion Compatibility Core and I was able to totally remove it via these instructions on the mod's page: RemoveTo completely remove the Companion Compatibility Core add-on:1. In [My Documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\ folder delete the cc_core folder 2. In [My Documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\coredata\ and the cc_core.erf file3. In [My Documents]\BioWare\Dragon Age\Settings\ find and open the AddIns.xml file in a text editor, locate the AddInItem node with UID="cc_core" Name="Companion Compatibility Core" and delete the node completely. The third one doesn't seem to be entirely necessary as I couldn't find the entry but my game worked anyway!Thanks theskymoves for pushing me in the right direction :wink:
  17. Ahh I see! So editing the mor is really only useful if you know the exact detail you want changing, thanks for explaining. Is there any way to get/convert the mrh from the mor or the save? Like, how did you get that mrh, or did you make it within the toolset? Beautiful character by the way. :) Sorry, I'm used to just knowing the workings of mods for The Sims 3, Oblivon and Skyrim, Dragon Age files are all new to me xD
  18. How to make myself clearer, well I want to know if it's possible to get the head of my character/Warden/the one I made in the in-game character creator into the toolset? Not remaking it from scratch within the toolset. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by WYSIWYG, but I'm guessing that's a no?
  19. I have been searching over the internet for days, I now know about three different ways of replacing your character's head with one you create in the toolset, but that isn't what I want. I want to know how to import an existing character's head into the toolset so it's available for editing/viewing? I've seen various hints that it's possible and all the companion beautifying mods out there imply it is, but I cannot find anything that says how. I've found how to get the binary of your character's head from a savegame, convert it into a .mrh/.mor and use that to replace the head of your character in a separate savegame, but never about getting it into the toolset. Is it actually possible? If so, could somebody elaborate on how? Thanks!
  20. That's brilliant! Sorry I must have forgotten those last two letters xD
  21. Gah sorry I did use some others but I didn't think they worked as it gave the the "undefined parameter ID" thing after I put it in. Basically I just entered "help" into the console so it displayed every possible command and tried all the ones that seemed likely. However I did try them all when I was indoors, in a house in Winterhold to be specific, so they might not work outdoors if you did them then?
  22. HAHA fixed it myself! I went through every likely console command and it was either "fadesfx", "rimod" or "pcb" that worked, but as soon as I left the console it faded away! :laugh: Officially solved.
  23. Anyone got any ideas or should I ask somewhere else?
  24. Haha no I've never used an ENB, they'd be far too demanding on my fading laptop :L I recently made some changes to the Skyrim ini at an attempt at fixing my buggered shadow problem, but they didn't do anything except make them more blurry. I changed them a few weeks ago now I think and Skyrim's been behaving fine with it, this desaturated brightness thing only happened yesterday. I personally don't think it's a mod-related problem but these are the ones that are remotely related to the weather or overall appearance of Skyrim: Skyrim Project Optimization (though that affects interiors only) Dynavision - Dynamic Depth of Field (I've tried turning that on and off, has no effect) PureWaters GreenWaterFix Frostfall (Not activated) Wet and Cold Aaand that's it. I've been using them all for months now without a problem. Fully updated and I do have SKSE, also updated. So is my game. An interesting note I've just found is that those mini thumbnails for every save game that's created appear sharp and non-desaturated-and-bright, just like they would normally. So it's like this weird desaturated bright effect is only applied in the short milliseconds after that savegame screenshot is taken, like it's a fog/bloom/thing effect that's been queued up but keeps coming back instead of deleting itself? As I said, it doesn't effect previous saves and I haven't changed anything since I last played it normally. It just happened mid-game when I went into the bright and snowstormy mountains. :S
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