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About Myrajia

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    Skyrim, Pokemon HeartGold, Skyrim
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  1. I'll make it unambiguously clear, that screenshot is of debug text not final in-game visuals ;)
  2. Tskales, there aren't currently any plans for that directly, however we are adding a new mechanic that allows vampires to extract Blood Potions from sleeping targets, essentially letting them carry around a short-term way to stave off the effects of thirst for blood, in exchange for some difficult-to-acquire components.
  3. Hey all, status update -- we're continuing work on scripting, and due to some issues with the vampire script already in Skyrim, have started writing our own version from scratch. Right now, this is mostly bugfixing and replicating existing functionality, but we should be able to get back to adding new things soon. Modeling work is currently on hold until compile scripts for Blender are released.
  4. Hey all, with Sepherose's help, we've started work on texturing the Vérdéran Weapons high-level vampires can make use of. (Basically these are manifestations of the inner cold and hunger of Volkihar, given the form of a weapon based on the player's chosen combat style, with unique abilities that function similarly to summoned weapons). This is in early development right now, once we have a bit more refined, we'll update this thread with some screenshots of awesome frost weapons.
  5. Hey all, we're working on adding custom powers for vampires, and are running into an issue where custom Magic Effects defined in the Creation Kit aren't selectable when adding effects to spells and powers. Either we're doing something wrong, or there's a bug in the creation kit, does anyone have any insights? Thanks!
  6. Hey all, we're early into development, and are looking for a scripter to help debug a couple of things with the existing vampire code in Skyrim. Essentially, the issue is that we're getting unpredictable errors in a few places. I have a piece of simple code to add an ability to the player when they feed, placed in the VampireFeed() function of PlayerVampireQuestScript. (The code is Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(VolkiharBloodEuphoria01)). What's strange is, I've tested this same code snippet as a script which gets called when the player pushes a button, and it works perfectly fine. However, when it's placed into the existing VampireFeed() function, it fails to activate. I've added a bit of debug code to display a message box in the same function, which DOES go through, leading to much confusion as to what exactly Skyrim's existing scripts are doing. So, help a modding team out? None of us have very much experience in the scripting interface in Bethesda games, just general programming knowledge. Why is a simple function call failing from one place in the code but not in another?
  7. Anyone interested in any of the three team roles we're recruiting for should feel free to contact me (myra.jia.guerrier (at) gmail.com) via MSN to discuss, as I'm handling recruitment and a lot of the technical aspects of development. (Remainder of this post reserved for later details)
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