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About NotCras

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    Skyrim is really all that matters atm
  1. I totally agree i found it hard to believe that glass armor is light armor seeing it as it is right now
  2. i totally agree, i mean like the psijic order has awesome spells like that, why cant be learn them? Yeah the psijic order is way over everyones heads, but it could be a master level spell... itd be totally badass.
  3. I dont think there is, but i would absolutely love anyone who made a mod that did this...
  4. I also wish there was a way to dual wield a sword and a staff as he does as well....
  5. Or maybe it could be thalmor captives as opposed to dremora? I think dremora are pushing it a little, but captives would make more sense in a servant role (at least to me) I also like the idea of summoning ghosts of the Blades that were before, maybe a certain item of there's or a bone or something will be required in order to summon them, and then they could serve as trainers for recruits in whatever respective position they are. So in addition to questing for recruits, you need to quest for these summoning items to recall the ghosts to train the recruits. That way, we could have as generic people as possible for certain parts, or even allow the player to choose their own recruits as they see fit. As for making the mod, i have no mod experience (would love to learn) but i will certainly voice act and playtest, maybe write script. That is, if you'll have me!
  6. I would love that, and especially with the immersion, itd be the journal, but only how you keep it. finally my bookshelves could have something worthwhile in them! (im not saying the books in skyrim arent worthwhile, but once you read them, you read them and thats it.)
  7. agreed, also i think that the Fus Ro Dah comment about redirecting arrows and fire is an awesome idea. Theres so many things with the shouts i think should be implemented
  8. That would be awesome, im sure we can also find some way to use the Forsworn camp nearby as well! Maybe each Blade will get a "cell" similar to how monks are. And caves could serve as the locations for cells... just a thought
  9. oooooh ok i see yes then i totally agree, we could even use some generic dialogue with the voices of the actors i think... itll depend i guess.but yeah i see now thats perfect i think!
  10. I dont think you should be the only Vampire, but yeah there seems to be too many of them for sure... maybe theres some castle with a daedric artifact that can control other vampires to do your bidding, so whoever has that is like the king of the vampires, so then you would take that from the master. or something like that, the only thing i have with your mod is that i think it would be a little lonely being the only vampire xD haha
  11. for sure, thats why i think we need to make specific characters for recruitment so we can have more say in what they say. Why cant we make our own npcs? or we just dont use the stories and it just goes from the stock npc characters. This would be SOOOO much work, but maybe someone could assign every follower skills. From there, when you want to recruit your follower, Delphine will also prompt you to choose a specific task that your follower would do, and with the assigned skills it now matters who you choose. And a thought on Jibstaman's first post, i like the idea of building it in the beginning, and earning it in the end, but maybe Delphine will use it first, and then once she's gone (either dead, or you just outrank her now) you take it. Chainsgore thats an awesome idea for dragon ally's btw. I totally agree, but its got to be hard to get the dragons to follow you in the first place, plus i think there should always be at least some hostile dragons, A) to keep the challenge up (we dont want it to get too easy for us lol) and B) i think it would be pretty awesome at least just once to see two dragons fighting it out without anyone meddling.
  12. I personally hate it when i tell my companions to part ways with me and they go back to the spot that i originally got them. Sometimes it makes sense why they go back, but i feel that they should either go to one of my houses or go to some easy to fetch area. It just makes more sense to me. For Oblivion the Vilja mod was great because i could send her to any of my houses, to a fighters guild in any city, or 3 favorite locations of mine. It would be awesome if we could get this feature to other followers. Now theres no fighters guild anywhere, but there are inns in every town and city, to send a follower there to wait for you is awesome. Plus, maybe they accrue a debt at the inn, and you have to pay it off in order to get your follower back (or do a quest if you have no money). I have no idea how this would be done as i am not a modder by any means. What does everyone think about this?
  13. I was always thinking about how like you can settle down with your wife after youve done the main story and just live life sort of... that would be awesome, maybe answer calls to action occasionally but usually stay home kind of thing. This mixed with a wife/family mod of some sort would be amazing
  14. i dont know about anyone else, but i do miss being able to see yourself in the inventory screen in Oblivion....
  15. Does anyone know the Oblivion mod Malevolent? There should be something like that with this sword, i think it would be awesome!
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